I need some help.
I want to convert most of my games from nsp to xci. I also want a custom xci that includes the nsp update so I don't have to install the update.
I tried to process Ape Out. It wouldn't repack as an xci at all.
I tried Atomik. It changed the base game to xci but left the update as a separate nsp.
Can anyone give me step by step directions?
Ok, I figured several things out with some trial and error.
This is my simplified explanation (nothing new, just perhaps simpler delivery).
First of all, you need keys.txt to get this working. Run the lockpick payload and it will generate all of them for you as prod.keys. Rename that to keys.txt and put it in the ztools directory of NSC Builder.
Note, you want to get these from the latest firmware possible or you will have trouble converting newer files.
If you simply want to convert files between nsp/xci, select "1" to process each file individually.
If you want to combine games with their updates and dlc (or combine games?) select "2" to multi-pack. If you are doing a mix, still select "2".
If you want to remove the linked account requirement from a game select 6 then 5.
If you want to compress/decompress your nsz (install currently supported by tinfoil, not by goldleaf) or xcz (not playable on sxos, for storage only) select 8.
I haven't used the other options.
Assuming you picked 1 or 2, you will then be asked to drop a file or folder onto the GUI or press 2 or 3 to select them from an explorer window.
Then you have the opportunity to decide to process the file or folder you initially selected or add more.
You are then asked if you want to patch the key generation/required firmware.
If you are on the latest firmware you probably don't need to worry about this. If you maintain a lower firmware, select accordingly.
Finally, if you are multi-packing, you are asked to decide if you are going merge all the files into one (like 1-8 games) or to separate each merge based on the game ID (like combining games with updates and DLC).
If you get errors, first make sure you have keys dumped from the latest firmware.
Next make sure you have good dumps. For example, if you have SXOS and dumped a game with hbg shop and it told you it couldn't read the ticket and is just downloading ncas, your dump is incomplete and --as far as I know-- worthless. So you need another dump. Make your own with another app or download someone else's are your options.
To make your own, I have found that Goldleaf version .8 provides an alternative for dumping these games (plus unlike hbg shop, goldleaf's dumping feature isn't limited to SXOS). There may be others...
That's all I've figured out up to this point...
Now if you have already used this tool, my dumbed down instructions probably seem redundant to the selections in the interface. I get it. Now that I know what they mean they seem unneeded to me too. However, I was VERY confused when I tried to get started and couldn't find any dumbed down explanation on what each option meant. I share this with the hope that someone else who is equally confused finds this thread and that my attempt to dumb down things makes the interface easier to understand for the first time through