Original Tutorial and Credits to owner of this video on youtube
Credits to GBAtemp User: NahuelDS who posted this tutorial here http://gbatemp.net/t...crashing-issue/
I just edited the tutorial to fit this game
Yes, I don't how to make shorter links.
I have tried but without luck.
I'm idiot when it comes to forum coding or what you call it.
Italic = Program
Bold = Folder
What programs you need.
* WiiScrubber (I used 1.4)
* Partition Builder 1.1 (Remember to use MakeKeyBin give it value 42)
I did it like this.
You need the EU and JAP version of the game.
Start by making 2 folders. "Extracted EU" and "Extracted JAP"
1- With WiiScrubber, Extract "Partition.1 - DATA" EU into "Extracted EU" and JAP into "Extracted JAP"
2- Extract "partition.bin" "boot.bin" "bi2.bin" "apploader.img" "main.dol" of the EU version
3- Replace the EU movie with the JAP movie
4- Copy/Cut all files from JAP Audio !!!EXCEPT "cri_audio_id.atb" !!! into EU audio !!!Replacing "cri_audio_id.atb" will make a Permanent Loading loop upon boot!!!
5- replace "X3_MTL_ICE.csb" "X3_MTL_MRS.csb" "X3_MTL_RGS.csb" "X3_MTL_ROP.csb" "X3_MTL_SDC.csb" "X3_STRM_BGM.cpk" in Com
6- replace the remaining files into ENG
7- Open Partition Builder 1.1, it will ask you to open the files you extracted at (2) and Extracted EU
8- Open the EU iso with WiiScrubber, delete UPDATE partition and DATA Partition
9- Right click on "WII DISC" > Import > Unencrypted, select the "partition1.img" you just created
10- When it ask you, select "0"
11- This will take about 20 minutes
I can confirm it will work on USBLoader GX.
I don't know if there are any crashers.
I just confirmed that I have replaced voices in cutscenes and movies.