Hacking [Homebrew] Error Could not open disc subsystem! (ret = -6)


New Member
Jun 5, 2007
United States
I have installed the Twilight hack with the homebrew channel.

-The homebrew channel is working fine, I can run linux, apps and different emulators.

-When i try to load a backed up game i am getting the following error.
"Could not open disc subsystem! (ret = -6)"

-Homebrew is showing the following information

IOS36 v12.16


-Under my Wii System i still show v3.3u even though i downgraded but i believe i am fine as wads are now installing after i ran "Wii 3.3 firmware Update Fix"

-Is there a certain game loader or burning procedure i am missing? Or another .wad i need to install?

Any help would be Greatly appreciated! And thank you so much in advance!

I downgraded to 3.2U now and am getting Unreconized Disc. I have tried burning the DVD many different ways but am getting the same here. The only problem I can see now is i get "failed 1017" when i try to install IOS or DVDX?

--OK it seems that i can not get any cIOS installed using wiigator or anything. I keep getting error 1017? Also when i run wiigator it says no cIOS installed. So that seems to be where i am. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Everything is working. It looks that my wii did not downgrade properly. I followed this guide "http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=108959" and everything is working!!!

Thanks everyone!

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