Hey need some help with my R4. I have an R4i 3DS ( show picture) and I'm trying to get it to work on a 1.4.5 DSi system. I have downloaded the latest kernel via replacing old files with new kernel files and it still says current support model is DSi 1.44. I have searched a video and it said to get either a DS or a DSi under 1.4.5 and upgrade it from there. I have one right here and there are no upgrade option. I am assuming that is because I had gotten the latest kernel. Even though I do, it still says it only supported DSi 1.44 ( I will show pictures ) . I am just wondering what I can do to fix it or if I will have to buy a new flashcart. If I do have to buy a new one. some recommendations would be nice. I have an extra flash cart called R4itt for Ds ( will show picture) I am not sure i that will work.
Sorry if I am not doing something correctly. I am new to this.
Sorry if I am not doing something correctly. I am new to this.