I ran into an issue. The guide says put the apps into folders then manually "hide" the folders, but once you hide ~500 apps, the vita literally won't let you put them in folders because they won't even generate on the LiveArea - it considers hidden bubbles as valid and thinks you have too many when you go over 500, refusing to generate them. I gave up on folders and just moved all the apps individually to hidden by setting field #1 (pageId) to 0 and field #2 (pos) to a unique number for each app. Once you reach a certain point, it won't even let you do that so you need to do it like this:
Set "pos" to 999 (maybe even a higher number if you have more than 999 apps installed)
Set "pageId" to 0
Set "pos" to a unique number for each app (ex: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, so on...)
While following airturtle's guide, when you get to the part where you are setting stuff to 0 in SQLite, you can instead just highlight an app's "pos" in the "Browse Data" section of SQLite, then press F2, then you can run this autohotkey script to do it automatically with each press of the capslock button:
Send 999{enter}
Sleep, 50
Send {enter}{left}{f2}0{enter}
Sleep, 50
Send {enter}{right}{f2}%derp%{enter}
Sleep, 50
Send {enter}{down}{f2}
If you aren't familiar with setting up an autohotkey script (installing autohotkey, right clicking the desktop and hitting "new autohotkey script", right clicking it and hitting edit and putting in the above script, saving, then double clicking the script so you'll now be able to run it by pressing capslock) then you might be in over your head and might be better just keeping the bubbles around for now so you don't mess anything up. Try it at your own risk, I don't want to be liable for anything. Overall it isn't that hard though I think.
Also, if you hide a lot of apps at once, your very next startup will be very slow, but it will be fast after that.