In 2011, the PSVita wanted to have the most modern look possible, so they decided to emulate Android and Apple phones in how they display their apps as small icons across multiple screen, and "Folders" containing multiple app icons inside them.
Today however, it feels out of place. Apps are not easy to find, tedious to open, and many prefer buttons over the touch screen on PSVita anyway. It also seems odd to reduce games like Wipeout 2024 and Uncharted: Golden Abyss to tiny app like icons which remind you of Candy Crush.
Luckily, the Bubble Menu on the PSVita can be removed entirely with a handful of homebrew apps.
1. Go to Github and download the latest release of:
3. Launch the newly installed Hexflow bubble on your PSVita and select "Refresh Cache" from the App's menu.
4. Use VitaShell to rename the "applist.dat" file in ux0:data/Hexflow/ to "customsort.dat". Now, if there's any apps you don't wish to display in HexFlow (such as non-game homebrew apps), simply remove their lines of text from the file "customsort.dat". (You can still access them when needed by pressing Square to cycle around to the ALL category) But, for the most part you will want just games.
5. Go to Github and download the latest release of:
7. Go to ux0:data/qlinstaller/ and edit the "whatsnew.xml" file in a text editor to choose the three apps you would like to launch from your PSVita without using Bubbles. Then go to ux0:/data/qlinstaller/zimg and use three .pngs of resolution 280x158 to represent these three apps. For me, my three buttons say "Files" "Games" and "Internet" which launch to Vitashell, Hexflow and the Web Browser. To launch the Web Browser instead of an app, use "wbapp0:" as the app you want to launch in "whatsnew.xml" (You can find all the Title ID's on the Vita Dev Wiki). At any rate, you will need to have Hexflow as one of the three buttons. Then launch the QuickLaunch Installer bubble on your vita and choose to install and reboot.
8. Now, you should have three apps which launch much faster than bubbles, just one click on the Home Button, and then one "X". However, you will still want to be able to launch all of your apps. For this, we will go to Hexflow, and notice how although both retail games and Homebrew apps appear, system apps such as Welcome Park, Videos, Settings, etc. do not. To get these to show up, simply open VitaShell and go to vs0:/app, and go down the list of folders and open the param.sfo file inside them to show the title of the app. Find the essential System apps you would still like to access, for me it's Photos, Music, Videos, and of course quite important is Settings. Now remember the folder name, and make an exact copy of the folder name in ux0:/app. Then, inside that new, empty folder with the same name, create a folder called "sce_sys" and inside that folder, copy and paste the param.sfo file. So you take vso:/app/TITLEIDOFAPP/param.sfo, copy it, and paste it in "ux0:/app/TITLEIDOFAPP/sce_sys/param.sfo". That's the only file you need in that folder. After doing this to keep your system apps you might want to launch, you don't need to rebuild the database, just open Hexflow and Refresh Cache. Now, the system apps show in Hexflow and be sure to add them to customsort.dat if you want them alongside your games. The one downside is, when you launch them from Hexflow, you get a single error message, simply press "X" twice to bypass it and open the app. For me, I don't really use the System apps. I just like to have them in the "ALL" category of Hexflow in case they're really needed, such as Settings.
9. Next, download from their official site:
11. In DB Browser, under the "Edit Pragmas" tab, click the box for "Foreign Keys". Then under the "Browse Data" tab for "Table" select "tbl_appinfo_icon"
12. Then go down the list until you see the names of all the folders you put your bubbles into. For each folder, change the first box on the left (pageID, the page that the folder icon is displayed on) to "0". Then, under the next box to the right from that (the position of the folder icon) increase them incrementally, so your folders are displayed on "0" "1", then "0" "2" etc. just changing the first two boxes on the left. When all folders are on page "0" (ie: non-existent), click "File" then "Write Changes".
13. Copy the app.db you edited on your computer and use VitaShell to replace the one in ur0:/shell/app.db.
14. Reboot your PSVita.
You now have a PS Vita completely free from bubbles.
If you want them back, simply turn off your vita, then hold R, the Power Button and the PS Button. Then select "Rebuild Database". This will restore the bubble menu to your PS Vita.
Today however, it feels out of place. Apps are not easy to find, tedious to open, and many prefer buttons over the touch screen on PSVita anyway. It also seems odd to reduce games like Wipeout 2024 and Uncharted: Golden Abyss to tiny app like icons which remind you of Candy Crush.
Luckily, the Bubble Menu on the PSVita can be removed entirely with a handful of homebrew apps.
1. Go to Github and download the latest release of:
2. Use VitaShell on the PSVita to install the VPK you downloaded.3. Launch the newly installed Hexflow bubble on your PSVita and select "Refresh Cache" from the App's menu.
4. Use VitaShell to rename the "applist.dat" file in ux0:data/Hexflow/ to "customsort.dat". Now, if there's any apps you don't wish to display in HexFlow (such as non-game homebrew apps), simply remove their lines of text from the file "customsort.dat". (You can still access them when needed by pressing Square to cycle around to the ALL category) But, for the most part you will want just games.
5. Go to Github and download the latest release of:
6. Use VitaShell on the PSVita to install the VPK you downloaded. (If you've recently done a database rebuild, you will need to open the PS Store app once, you don't need to log in, to populate the three advertisements that show on the bottom of the screen when you press the PS Button once)7. Go to ux0:data/qlinstaller/ and edit the "whatsnew.xml" file in a text editor to choose the three apps you would like to launch from your PSVita without using Bubbles. Then go to ux0:/data/qlinstaller/zimg and use three .pngs of resolution 280x158 to represent these three apps. For me, my three buttons say "Files" "Games" and "Internet" which launch to Vitashell, Hexflow and the Web Browser. To launch the Web Browser instead of an app, use "wbapp0:" as the app you want to launch in "whatsnew.xml" (You can find all the Title ID's on the Vita Dev Wiki). At any rate, you will need to have Hexflow as one of the three buttons. Then launch the QuickLaunch Installer bubble on your vita and choose to install and reboot.
8. Now, you should have three apps which launch much faster than bubbles, just one click on the Home Button, and then one "X". However, you will still want to be able to launch all of your apps. For this, we will go to Hexflow, and notice how although both retail games and Homebrew apps appear, system apps such as Welcome Park, Videos, Settings, etc. do not. To get these to show up, simply open VitaShell and go to vs0:/app, and go down the list of folders and open the param.sfo file inside them to show the title of the app. Find the essential System apps you would still like to access, for me it's Photos, Music, Videos, and of course quite important is Settings. Now remember the folder name, and make an exact copy of the folder name in ux0:/app. Then, inside that new, empty folder with the same name, create a folder called "sce_sys" and inside that folder, copy and paste the param.sfo file. So you take vso:/app/TITLEIDOFAPP/param.sfo, copy it, and paste it in "ux0:/app/TITLEIDOFAPP/sce_sys/param.sfo". That's the only file you need in that folder. After doing this to keep your system apps you might want to launch, you don't need to rebuild the database, just open Hexflow and Refresh Cache. Now, the system apps show in Hexflow and be sure to add them to customsort.dat if you want them alongside your games. The one downside is, when you launch them from Hexflow, you get a single error message, simply press "X" twice to bypass it and open the app. For me, I don't really use the System apps. I just like to have them in the "ALL" category of Hexflow in case they're really needed, such as Settings.
9. Next, download from their official site:
"DB Browser for SQLite"
10. On the PSVita, put all of your apps into folders, so that no app is not in a folder. Then, use VitaShell to copy ur0:/shell/app.db to the computer with the DB Browser you just downloaded, and open the app.db file with the DB Browser.11. In DB Browser, under the "Edit Pragmas" tab, click the box for "Foreign Keys". Then under the "Browse Data" tab for "Table" select "tbl_appinfo_icon"
12. Then go down the list until you see the names of all the folders you put your bubbles into. For each folder, change the first box on the left (pageID, the page that the folder icon is displayed on) to "0". Then, under the next box to the right from that (the position of the folder icon) increase them incrementally, so your folders are displayed on "0" "1", then "0" "2" etc. just changing the first two boxes on the left. When all folders are on page "0" (ie: non-existent), click "File" then "Write Changes".
13. Copy the app.db you edited on your computer and use VitaShell to replace the one in ur0:/shell/app.db.
14. Reboot your PSVita.
You now have a PS Vita completely free from bubbles.
If you want them back, simply turn off your vita, then hold R, the Power Button and the PS Button. Then select "Rebuild Database". This will restore the bubble menu to your PS Vita.
Last edited by airturtle,