farcry15 said:
get a clapper and plug your wii into it?
A what? *googles*
this thing? Yeah...that'll work too. And less of a "cable soup" than my solution. Oh, and it impresses people who come over in the process.
It sounds like fun. In fact, I can already see how things will turn out...
kbf: *claps hands*
wii: you called, sir?
*powers itself on*
kbf: yes. Boot me this DVD, will ya?
wii: I'm sorry, sir. I can't read this disc on account of it being dirty, pirated and broken in seven pieces.
kbf: hah...just try again!
*claps hands twice*
wii: *powers off, then powers on again*
*skip some more attempts*
wii: I finally got around to actually reading what's on this cheap excuse of a DVD. Want to play it?
kbf: YES!
*skip a couple hours of long, tedious gaming*
wii: Congratulations! You beat the highest score ever for this game! You unlocked the hidden pornography DLC for this game! Men now envy you and women find you attractive!
wii: please wait while I record your awesomeness on my nand as well as everyone on the internet.
wii: *plays applause sound in the background*
wii: *powers off*
kbf: AAAAARGH!!!!
Hmm...on second thought, this idea may not work out as well as it sounds.