However writing or modifying files (especially on the root) doesn't stick.
Any reason for this ?
I've tried numerous file explorers, sdcards, etc. etc. The changes I make just. won't stick.
Its shows success (even when deleting files), then after rebooting the WiiU and checking the system files via FTPiiU:
The changes are. gone.
I've only once managed to change a singular file (meta.xml), but don't even know how I did it
I even placed my friggin router ontop of my WiiU to compensate for eventual wifi problems... no dice.
Why isn't there a sophisticated file explorer for the Wii U eitherhow ? This is the worst (unless I'm missing something).
Seems FTPiiU_Everywhere Dimok Fix94 *somewhat* works.. Used with Haxchi and MochaCFW. *phew*
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