yes the one from the homebrew browserWiiPower said:harrybuttox said:IDK WHAT TO DO AHH!!!
Are you using a version of mplayer that is said to be able to work with dvds?
is it a dvd-r/+r in video dvd format or dvd with .avi or some other file type on it?harrybuttox said:retail dvd's work fine
That ive been using...I use CloneDVD by SlysoftTichinde925 said:Your burning the discs wrong.
ISO9660 + UDF = Format of DVD
DVD requires 2 folders in the root:
Just burn it with ImgBurn.
and if I have google searched and searched the forums?wolffangalchemist said:triple posting isn't going to make someone help, when no one has had this problem apparently but you so far.
Google or search the forum or try figuring out what you did wrong your self.
if i was a mod i would have warned you for triple posting.
then you ask here and you did and no one knows like i said try to figure out whats wrong reinstall dvd x use different dvd-r media trial and error run some test.harrybuttox said:and if I have google searched and searched the forums?wolffangalchemist said:triple posting isn't going to make someone help, when no one has had this problem apparently but you so far.
Google or search the forum or try figuring out what you did wrong your self.
if i was a mod i would have warned you for triple posting.
no I'm unmodded..djdynamite123 said:MPlayerDVD is pretty dam buggy anyway, make sure you've burnt your video disc correctly, insert and play from DVD, it may take a few moments, also are you modded? you may need to install patchmii and libdi!
Just install "normal" DVDX and try a original DVDQUOTE said:no I'm unmodded..
original DVD's work just fine, just backed up DVD's both in +R and -R formatdjdynamite123 said:Just install "normal" DVDX and try a original DVDQUOTE said:no I'm unmodded..