Download YATA+ from here
Before starting, let's answer a question:
Can a custom theme brick my 3ds ?
NO !, installing a custom theme means that you are coping the theme files in the extdata of the console, on the sd card, if you install a theme and then your 3ds doesn't turn on anymore, just put your sd card in your pc and delete the contents of the folder D(or your sd letter):\Nintendo 3DS\<ID0>\<ID1>\extdata\00000000\000002cc for JAP 3ds, 000002cd for usa 3ds, 000002ce for eur 3ds
<ID0> and <ID1> are two folders with a long name made of random numbers and letters.
(if you have unlinked emunand, in "Nintendo 3DS" you should see more than one ID, to be sure delete the theme data from both IDs)
Hi,In this guide we are going to make 3 different themes from scratch, one with a static image on the top and the bottom, one like the simple color themes and one like the Mood Matrix one.
First, these are the sizes of the images nedded for making a theme:
-Image sizes:
If the top screen texture is static, the image needs to be 512x256px and the drawable area is 412x240px (From top left).
If the top screen texture scrolls, the image needs to be 1024x256px and the drawable area is 1008x240px.
If you are using the solid color o solid color with texture settings both the top screen image (Foreground, moving) and the the top screen "simple" background , must be 64x64 GREYSCALE, And must be rotated 90° Clockwise
If the bottom screen texture is static, the image needs to be 512x256px and the drawable area is 320x240px.
If the bottom screen texture scrolls, the image needs to be 1024x256px and the drawable area is 1008x240px.
If the bottom screen texture is animated, the image needs to be 1024x256px and is split into three separate 320x240px frames.
CLOSED FOLDER: the image needs to be 128x64px and the drawable area is 74x64px.
OPENED FOLDER: the image needs to be 128x64px and the drawable area is 82x64px.
BIG APPLICATION ICON: the image needs to be 64x128px and the drawable area is 36x72px.
LITTLE APPLICATION ICON: the image needs to be 32x64px and the drawable area is 20x50px.
Make sure to have your images ready before making the theme, so open YATA+ and click on File -> new and select where to save the theme
-Top screen:
This is the most easy: Go to the theme settings and set the Top screen draw type to “texture” and the frame type to “none” for a static image and “Normal scroll” for a panoramic image, alternately you can choice “Slow scroll” for a slower scroll of the panoramic image:
then press Save
So now, in the main window of YATA+ select in the list the first image and press “Edit -> Import image”, select your image and… taaa-daaa
Now, if you want to, you can save the theme from “File -> Save”
For creating this kind of themes you must go in the theme settings and then select “Solid Color” for draw type of the top screen (the frame type doesn’t matter because it will be ignored), then press save, now Re-open the theme settings, and you’ll see that the last group on the bottom of the window is now enabled:
Here you can set the background color, the background gradient and the opacity of the squares, then press save.
When using this setting the top screen image won’t be used, and when saving it will be automatically removed from the theme.
Now save the theme.
So, this theme is similar to the normal color theme, but here you can also set 2 images instead of the squares,"Top screen" will be animated, while the other will be static, the static image is the “Top screen “Simple” background”, you must import an image for both the voices in the list, you can also disable the background by selecting "Remove background".
Remember that this time it must be 64x64 px grayscale (only the Red channel will be loaded).
-Bottom screen:
Same process as the top screen, first go in the theme settings and be sure that you are using “Texture” as draw type and select the type you want for frame type:
The difference between Flipbook Cyclic and Flipbook tile is that in Tile the order of frames will be 1-2-3-1-2-3 etc.. while in Cyclic it will be 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2 etc…. (so the second frame will appear after the third too).
Then click on save, so in the main windows click on the second image in the list (Bottom) and import your image from Edit -> import image
Then you can to save the theme.
To use a solid color as bottom screen go in theme settings and select in the bottom screen draw type “Solid color” and check the “Enable bottom screen solid color” and the “Enable bottom outer screen color” fields, then click on save. Now Re-open the theme setting and the two color selectors for the bottom screen will be enabled:
Now, set the colors you want and press save
When using this setting the bottom screen image won’t be used.
Now save the theme.
To add icons in your teme, go in the theme settings and be sure that the checkbox for the Icons you want to add are checked:
If not, check theme and click save.
In this theme I won’t use custom borders, so I’ll uncheck that checkbox.
So, like you done for the top and bottom screen select the images you want to add in the list and click Edit -> import image
The bgm.bcstm file MUST BE SMALLER THAN 3.3 mb or else you wouldn't be able to install it
In YATA+ v1.3 i added a WAV -> BCSTM converter to add background music in the themes, to do this you'll need audacity:
First, open audacity and import your audio file, here on the bottom bar you should see on the bottom the "Selection bar", here click with the left mouse button on one of the time text boxes and select the unit "samples" ("campioni" in Italian), it should be the seventh from the top
Now, if you only want to reduce the file size, change the project frequency to 32000 or lower (this will lower the sound quality), then export the song in wav format.
If you want to loop the song, search for the loop points (start and end) and remember their position in samples, so if we want to loop the selected part of this song:
We need to remember the where the loop (the part we've selection) starts and ends, so 298623 samples and 2814144 samples
Then if we made some changes to the song we can export the song to a wav file.
(The wav file is uncompressed so it will be bigger than 5 mb, don't worry, in the next step we'll reduce the size)
Now open YATA+,Drag the file in the yata windows and click on "Auto WAV to BCSTM" or click on Edit ->BGM CONVERTERS -> "WAV -> BCSTM" and select the wav file.
Then select where to save the file, and in the window that appears if you want to loop write the samples positions that you found before (You should keep the loop flag checked even if you don't want to loop the song, or else when the song ends the 3DS won't play anything)
Then click on "Okay".
At this point you should have your bgm converted in a bcstm file,if it's too big for the 3ds just lower the frequency in Audacity.
Remember to enable the flag "Enable BGM" in the theme settings !
To create cwavs you neet a tool from the nintendo SDK, place it in the same folder as YATA+ and click
Edit -> "WAV -> CWAV"
There are still some unknown things about SFX in the themes so some of them may not work, the only way to make every CWAV in the theme work is to convert everyone of them to 8000HZ which will make the sound awful so this is a trial and error process, automaticly YATA+ from v1.4 converts them to 11025 , but you can edit this value by opening settings.ini in notepad and changing opt_samples=11025 to opt_samples=<Your Hz value> and restart YATA+
For this you’ll need yours CWAV files already converted.
if you want to convert a WAV in CWAV you need a tool from nintendo SDK, you must find it by yourself
First, make sure that in the theme settings “Enable use of SFX” is checked, or else the CWAV chunk won’t be saved
then in the main window of YATA+ click on Edit -> Create CWAVs chunk and click in the list the sound you want to add and
click on select CWAV.
Repeat this operation for every sound you want to add and WHEN YOU FINISHED click on import
REMEMBER: importing will delete every cwav already inside the theme, so if you want to add one cwav to the existing ones, you must dump the others and then add them again !
Also, if you want to use only one sound for all the bottom screen frames just add that sound only for the first frame.
You can use CHMM to have always every theme you want on the sd,
if you want just install a theme use the install theme function in YATA+ v1.5.1
And those are the 3 themes that I made by doing this guide (those are screenshot from a 3ds not from the emulator) :
Before starting, let's answer a question:
Can a custom theme brick my 3ds ?
NO !, installing a custom theme means that you are coping the theme files in the extdata of the console, on the sd card, if you install a theme and then your 3ds doesn't turn on anymore, just put your sd card in your pc and delete the contents of the folder D(or your sd letter):\Nintendo 3DS\<ID0>\<ID1>\extdata\00000000\000002cc for JAP 3ds, 000002cd for usa 3ds, 000002ce for eur 3ds
<ID0> and <ID1> are two folders with a long name made of random numbers and letters.
(if you have unlinked emunand, in "Nintendo 3DS" you should see more than one ID, to be sure delete the theme data from both IDs)
Hi,In this guide we are going to make 3 different themes from scratch, one with a static image on the top and the bottom, one like the simple color themes and one like the Mood Matrix one.
First, these are the sizes of the images nedded for making a theme:
-Image sizes:
If the top screen texture is static, the image needs to be 512x256px and the drawable area is 412x240px (From top left).
If the top screen texture scrolls, the image needs to be 1024x256px and the drawable area is 1008x240px.
If you are using the solid color o solid color with texture settings both the top screen image (Foreground, moving) and the the top screen "simple" background , must be 64x64 GREYSCALE, And must be rotated 90° Clockwise
If the bottom screen texture is static, the image needs to be 512x256px and the drawable area is 320x240px.
If the bottom screen texture scrolls, the image needs to be 1024x256px and the drawable area is 1008x240px.
If the bottom screen texture is animated, the image needs to be 1024x256px and is split into three separate 320x240px frames.
CLOSED FOLDER: the image needs to be 128x64px and the drawable area is 74x64px.
OPENED FOLDER: the image needs to be 128x64px and the drawable area is 82x64px.
BIG APPLICATION ICON: the image needs to be 64x128px and the drawable area is 36x72px.
LITTLE APPLICATION ICON: the image needs to be 32x64px and the drawable area is 20x50px.
Make sure to have your images ready before making the theme, so open YATA+ and click on File -> new and select where to save the theme
-Top screen:
This is the most easy: Go to the theme settings and set the Top screen draw type to “texture” and the frame type to “none” for a static image and “Normal scroll” for a panoramic image, alternately you can choice “Slow scroll” for a slower scroll of the panoramic image:

then press Save
So now, in the main window of YATA+ select in the list the first image and press “Edit -> Import image”, select your image and… taaa-daaa

Now, if you want to, you can save the theme from “File -> Save”
For creating this kind of themes you must go in the theme settings and then select “Solid Color” for draw type of the top screen (the frame type doesn’t matter because it will be ignored), then press save, now Re-open the theme settings, and you’ll see that the last group on the bottom of the window is now enabled:

Here you can set the background color, the background gradient and the opacity of the squares, then press save.
When using this setting the top screen image won’t be used, and when saving it will be automatically removed from the theme.
Now save the theme.
So, this theme is similar to the normal color theme, but here you can also set 2 images instead of the squares,"Top screen" will be animated, while the other will be static, the static image is the “Top screen “Simple” background”, you must import an image for both the voices in the list, you can also disable the background by selecting "Remove background".
Remember that this time it must be 64x64 px grayscale (only the Red channel will be loaded).

-Bottom screen:
Same process as the top screen, first go in the theme settings and be sure that you are using “Texture” as draw type and select the type you want for frame type:

The difference between Flipbook Cyclic and Flipbook tile is that in Tile the order of frames will be 1-2-3-1-2-3 etc.. while in Cyclic it will be 1-2-3-2-1-2-3-2 etc…. (so the second frame will appear after the third too).
Then click on save, so in the main windows click on the second image in the list (Bottom) and import your image from Edit -> import image

Then you can to save the theme.
To use a solid color as bottom screen go in theme settings and select in the bottom screen draw type “Solid color” and check the “Enable bottom screen solid color” and the “Enable bottom outer screen color” fields, then click on save. Now Re-open the theme setting and the two color selectors for the bottom screen will be enabled:

Now, set the colors you want and press save
When using this setting the bottom screen image won’t be used.
Now save the theme.
To add icons in your teme, go in the theme settings and be sure that the checkbox for the Icons you want to add are checked:

If not, check theme and click save.
In this theme I won’t use custom borders, so I’ll uncheck that checkbox.
So, like you done for the top and bottom screen select the images you want to add in the list and click Edit -> import image

The bgm.bcstm file MUST BE SMALLER THAN 3.3 mb or else you wouldn't be able to install it
In YATA+ v1.3 i added a WAV -> BCSTM converter to add background music in the themes, to do this you'll need audacity:
First, open audacity and import your audio file, here on the bottom bar you should see on the bottom the "Selection bar", here click with the left mouse button on one of the time text boxes and select the unit "samples" ("campioni" in Italian), it should be the seventh from the top

Now, if you only want to reduce the file size, change the project frequency to 32000 or lower (this will lower the sound quality), then export the song in wav format.
If you want to loop the song, search for the loop points (start and end) and remember their position in samples, so if we want to loop the selected part of this song:

We need to remember the where the loop (the part we've selection) starts and ends, so 298623 samples and 2814144 samples
Then if we made some changes to the song we can export the song to a wav file.
(The wav file is uncompressed so it will be bigger than 5 mb, don't worry, in the next step we'll reduce the size)
Now open YATA+,Drag the file in the yata windows and click on "Auto WAV to BCSTM" or click on Edit ->BGM CONVERTERS -> "WAV -> BCSTM" and select the wav file.
Then select where to save the file, and in the window that appears if you want to loop write the samples positions that you found before (You should keep the loop flag checked even if you don't want to loop the song, or else when the song ends the 3DS won't play anything)

Then click on "Okay".
At this point you should have your bgm converted in a bcstm file,if it's too big for the 3ds just lower the frequency in Audacity.
Remember to enable the flag "Enable BGM" in the theme settings !
To create cwavs you neet a tool from the nintendo SDK, place it in the same folder as YATA+ and click
Edit -> "WAV -> CWAV"
There are still some unknown things about SFX in the themes so some of them may not work, the only way to make every CWAV in the theme work is to convert everyone of them to 8000HZ which will make the sound awful so this is a trial and error process, automaticly YATA+ from v1.4 converts them to 11025 , but you can edit this value by opening settings.ini in notepad and changing opt_samples=11025 to opt_samples=<Your Hz value> and restart YATA+
For this you’ll need yours CWAV files already converted.
if you want to convert a WAV in CWAV you need a tool from nintendo SDK, you must find it by yourself
First, make sure that in the theme settings “Enable use of SFX” is checked, or else the CWAV chunk won’t be saved

then in the main window of YATA+ click on Edit -> Create CWAVs chunk and click in the list the sound you want to add and
click on select CWAV.
Repeat this operation for every sound you want to add and WHEN YOU FINISHED click on import

REMEMBER: importing will delete every cwav already inside the theme, so if you want to add one cwav to the existing ones, you must dump the others and then add them again !
Also, if you want to use only one sound for all the bottom screen frames just add that sound only for the first frame.
You can use CHMM to have always every theme you want on the sd,
if you want just install a theme use the install theme function in YATA+ v1.5.1
And those are the 3 themes that I made by doing this guide (those are screenshot from a 3ds not from the emulator) :

Last edited by exelix11,