hi guys , had 360 modded last year (not j-tagged) and all has been fine , 2 little girls so they play wii, and have not downloaded much lately.
want to get kinnect for christmas and downloaded kinnect sports and it just comes up play dvd and goes to logo. i believe i need to update dashboard but will that mess w/ all my other games already burned. 2 , i thought the dash update was on all kinnect games, and 3 its a lite on dvd i have in xbox. could someone pls advise on what to do thanks
want to get kinnect for christmas and downloaded kinnect sports and it just comes up play dvd and goes to logo. i believe i need to update dashboard but will that mess w/ all my other games already burned. 2 , i thought the dash update was on all kinnect games, and 3 its a lite on dvd i have in xbox. could someone pls advise on what to do thanks