I'm not sure if I agree with all those points
1. The DS2 is not crapily built, it is just thicker than normal. In terms of durability it is pretty good. Arguably you can say the AceKard is worse off since the DOA rate is significantly higher (though lower now).
2. AKAIO sort of made the AceKard as it had the quickest updates. But as it stands right now, AKAIO hasn't been updating quite so fast, whereas the Supercard's anti-anti-piracy is actually quite impressive as it supported all of the problematic roms without any updates whatsoever. Supercard DS TWO has supported Pokemon Black and White, Professor Layton, Last Window, Etrian Odyssey 3 and so on without any updates, whereas other carts are still scrambling to fix them.
3. DSi support is available on both carts, the Supercard DS TWO does it a bit better, and the update came like a day faster than the AK2i's solution. But that really shouldn't be much of a deciding factor.