yes, all 3ds to my knowledge are exploitable.
9.1 is old so you should use the newest. FYI I don't think it's BootNTR compatible (but I may be wrong), but it can load CTRPF cheat plugins without the need for NTR, and seeing as that is what most people used NTR for, it kind of makes NTR obsolete.Thank you very much for helping me so much and for your message.
What version of Luma Custom should I look for?
In the github web I only find these two versions
v10.2.1 3GX Loader Edition and v9.1 Plugin Edition
Should I find something other than those two somewhere on the web? Thanks again.
9.1 is old so you should use the newest. FYI I don't think it's BootNTR compatible (but I may be wrong), but it can load CTRPF cheat plugins without the need for NTR, and seeing as that is what most people used NTR for, it kind of makes NTR obsolete.
I don't use ntr for cheats. I use it to send the n3ds video to the pc.
Instructions are right there in the download: how can I use cheats or other functions without the need for NTR? What should I use for that? Thanks.
Does this option have input lag problems or does it work correctly? Thanks.
Instructions are right there in the download:
Existing CTRPF plugins that were intended to be loaded with NTR can be renamed to .3gx and they should work I believe.
You can also use GateShark/AR codes directly in Luma, you can find those in various places around the internet, for example or (it says they are for CTRPF and you could use them that way with the blank CTRPF plugin but it should not be needed)
One is a cheat downloader homebrew, but it hasn't been updated in a while so no idea how up to date the database is or if it even still works. The other is literally a big dump of cheats, if you want to download everything, click the Code button and Download ZIP. And it seems to be fairly recently updated too.Where can I get a cheat pack? Either in CTRPF format or in .3gx format
Thank you.
(There are no cheat packages on those websites, right? They are app to use cheats, but they are not cheats themselves, right?)