here is a bit of info for those looking to use this emu.
revision 1 of the asteroids mame set includes 036433.01
revision 2 of the asteroids mame set includes 036433.02
these files have been some how reversed according to the emu. it thinks that revision 2 is 1 and 1 is 2. first double check the crc values of your zips against the ones listed in the read me. if they match then you will need to rename your zips so the emu can access them correctly. it might take some time but the files are out there, it seems that a lot of sites have this mix up as well.
as mame uses multiple zips to launch one rom this emu does not. each revision version zip requires 036799.01 with CRC 7d511572 inorder to work. just find that file in one of the zips and then put it in the others that require it.
i contacted the author about this and he will make adjustments for the next release.
-another world