Review cover Akiba's Trip - Undead & Undressed GBAtemp review
PlayStation 4

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): November 25, 2014
  • Release Date (EU): February 6, 2015
  • Release Date (JP): July 3, 2014
  • Publisher: Acquire (JP); XSEED Games (NA); NIS America (EU)
  • Developer: Acquire
  • Genres: Beat-em-up, adventure
  • Also For: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
You know... some would say that a day without pants is the only kind of good day there is. Not quite so if you happen to be a Synthister in Akibahara, Japan, however.


Turns out there's a reason the title is stylized like that.

Enter the world of Akiba's Trip - Undead & Undressed, in beautiful Akibahara, Tokyo, Japan.  The sun is shining (why do I seem to burn so easily today?), the crowds are bustling (they seem particularly irritable and worn today...), and the clothes, oh the clothes are-a flying... wait... what?!?!!

Akiba's Trip - Undead & Undressed, by developer Acquire and publishers NIS America and XSEED Games, is available now for PS4 and previously released on the PS Vita and PS3.  This game is quite an interesting take on a semi-open world beat-em-up adventure game as it pits you against other opponents with the objective of stripping them clean down to their drawers in order to embarrass them or expose their body to the sun.  But what could be that harmful about the sun to the otaku population of Akibahara except for the unusual exposure on their pasty, pale skin?  Well, you see...

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Nanashi, the game's player-character (or whatever you choose to name him otherwise) winds up, through a job proposition gone awry, strapped to a table at the ugly end of a science experiment.  He's been turned into a "synthister", an undead type of pseudo-vampire that trades sucking blood for sucking the motivation and spark out of anyone they come by.  Usually a synthister would lose much of their free will and in turn be controlled by a more sinister being, but Nanashi was an exception to the rule and would find himself being rescued by one of the main supporting characters, Shizuku Tokikaze.  From there, the story takes many turns uncovering how and why Shizuku rescued you, why you retained your free will, meeting your friends of Akibahara and finding out who is really behind this whole synthister mess, and with any luck, perhaps he would even defeat them in battle.

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Shizuku Tokikaze... NOW she's prime waifu material.

You fight countless synthisters and other regular humans along the way, taking on each one in hand to hand combat with the ultimate goal of stripping off all of their clothes.  Synthisters being similar to vampires are extremely sensitive to light exposure, and a good majority of regular old Joes might find themselves running off in shame as the general populace gets to see their place where the sun don't shine.  Each character's outfit consists of up to three parts - headwear (hat, headphones), a top (shirt, dress), and a bottom (pants, skirt), each with its own defense rating which ends up scaling up to its own health bar.  Each article can be damaged in combat, though you can step aside for a moment to straighten your clothes and regenerate their health.  Combat is very straightforward, with a three button attack system - attacks the legs, O attacks the torso, and △ being directed towards the head.  Damage any article enough and you can hold down the applicable button to attempt to strip it off of the enemy.  Too little damage and they will shove you off, a moderate amount and you enter a button-mash struggle to damage it more, fully damaged and you immediately strip it off (which can also be chained between enemies!), and even further damage results in the article of clothing being completely obliterated.  Once all clothing has been removed, the character is defeated and removed from combat.  After an enemy is defeated they have a chance to drop an item they were using such as a weapon, piece of clothing, or money.  You would run over the item and hit X to pick it up but I found it difficult to reliably position myself on top of the item to grab it.  Luckily, you can pick things up while running around, so if you're quick and see the pick-up prompt appear you can grab it without stopping.  Outside of combat, movement is your typical control scheme that has you move with the left stick and look with the right.

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It's not like I WANTED these clothes or anything, b-b-BAKA!!!

Akibahara is a semi-open world city, allowing you to fully explore the area, however there are loading points between every area, usually signified by a street crossing.  The problem with this, however, is that there are so many load points while the loaded area is so small.  There are times where you enter a level and the game directs you to take the closest level exit to proceed into the next area - you're in an area for less than a second only to be hit with yet another two second load screen.  Another small annoyance concerning the loading zones is that when you go up to one, the camera will zoom out before you cross it.  Sometimes though the game gets confused and will actually turn your character around the other way, making him briefly run away from the loading zone before turning him around yet again to have him go through it.  I couldn't find any reliable way to replicate this issue but it did happen semi-frequently.  Yes, the loading is short lived, but it's too frequent to be ignored.  In addition, there are multiple shops strewn about the city where you can buy various pieces of clothing, weapons, or usable items, but I found it hard to keep track of what shops are where and how to get back to them when I want to.  It became a game of just running around looking at what each shop had when I came across it.  Aside from this though, the level design is very nice with a convincing feel of a busy, bustling city with towering buildings and someone trying to hawk their wares at every turn.  The soundtrack of the game is a bit lacking in variation but despite that it still manages to provide a nice background for the game through all of your exploration and fighting.  I think it could benefit from a bit of a wider track selection, but as it is it manages to get the job done well enough.

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Never imagined meeting a hick with a mullet in Japan... nor did I expect he'd be organizing a cosplay festival... huh.

The amount and quality of the dialogue and voice acting was a real pain point for me.  There is such a huge level of dialogue that I honestly think there is more of it than actual gameplay, and the voice acting within tends to be extremely dry and unfitting of the character that is currently talking.  Non-gameplay sequences tend to play out like a softcore dating simulator, further proved by the fact that there are multiple endings centered around which character you've maintained the best relationship with.

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The text... and the "bro" puns... please... stop...

Other small gripes of mine revolve around certain game elements not being explained that well, the advertised integration with chat, and the superfluous elements of the game that server no purpose but to provide fluff.  You do seem to get stronger as the game progresses, as I've found from battling police in early game and end game with somewhat similar weapons.  You do come across an opportunity in the game where your character becomes stronger, but it feels like even after that he continues to become more powerful without much change in weapon choice.  It's never explained how clothes defense stats or weapon damage stats scale up to your item health or damage dealt, and consumable effects such as items that "make you feel lucky" in the area... again, never explained what being "lucky" means without using the items and actually seeing it for yourself.  The game boasts integration with chat, where your viewers can enter commands into the chat window and interact with the game in various ways, such as calling the police on you, making characters look at something happening behind you, summoning your little sister to fight along side you, and filling your partner's unison gauge.  I did stream the game one night and twitch gave me a few chat commands, but not the entire range and the website doesn't explain if or how you can manually enter commands.  There was no difference in this functionality between Story and Toybox mode.  Then finally, there's things like email and Pitter (the in-game social media network) that seem to serve no purpose but to just add filler to the game.  They are never required to be checked, anything interesting that is going to come up in them will be brought up in dialogue between characters, and as a result feel quite unnecessary and there seems to be no reason to check them.

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Akiba's Trip advertises chat being able to interact with the game, but it seems to only work half way.

In all I actually had a lot of fun with this game.  It's extremely quirky, it's got enough of a challenge, and it's got enough to it to give it decent replay value.  It has optional side missions to partake in, the twitch integration (despite not seeming to work 100%) gives your viewers a way to directly interact with your world if live streaming is your thing, and Toybox mode gives you a way to experience the game at your own pace with all items unlocked, with the downside of not unlocking any trophies.  It also has a New Game+ mode so you can start the story over with all of your previous weapons and items unlocked to get you going in your new adventure.  Finally, being on the PS4, it has to take advantage of the touch pad somehow, right?  Well... at some point in the story, a character modifies your camera app to detect synthisters passing by in the crowd.  If you just so happen to point the camera at your companion, though...

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Then your companion better get jiggly with it.

If you enjoyed my review of the game or would like a second opinion, please check out Bortz' review of the PS Vita version HERE

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Never did I think that even as a male, dressing as a girl would give me such voluptuous breasts.


What We Liked ...
  • Solid replay value
  • Easy to grasp combat system
  • Decent amount of game play
  • Twitch integration is neat
What We Didn't Like ...
  • The dialogue... oh, the dialogue...
  • The voice acting... oh, the voice acting...
  • Movement and picking up items could use some work
  • Elements like email and Pitter have no bearing on the game and feel like completely unnecessary additions
  • Twitch integration doesn't seem to completely work
I got a solid 11 hours out of the game including combat and dialogue sequences. It controls well and is quite easy to pick up and put down at any point. A character customization portion gives you the ability to customize your character and your partner almost endlessly, allowing for some really creative, or really freaky combinations and outfits.
This is the part that hurt the most. I often found myself talking to my TV with an escalated voice telling these characters to stop talking. I seriously feel like the game spends more time in dialogue sequences than it does having you actually stripping people against their will.
Lasting Appeal
Toybox mode lets you play around with all the different items in game, integration lets your audience help or hurt you in your journey, and New Game+ gives you the classic ability to restart your game with all of your previous belongings. There's plenty of replay value in this and I'll absolutely be playing it again. Aside form everything else, it's just fun. Running up to people, shoving them and initiating combat has a feel very similar to GTA.
out of 10


It's got its quirks, it has its strong points and downfalls. It's a fun game definitely geared towards a more mature audience, there are some areas that could use some work but overall it's definitely a strong purchase. You might not get as much enjoyment out of this if you can't stand anime or Japanese culture or if you're the type of person that can't laugh at bizarre, impossible situations. I could see this being a hidden, dirty gem. I like it.
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I get a strong feeling you didnt like the voice acting, dont ask me why :unsure: lol Good review tho! Scored better than i expected for a game of this type!
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Reactions: Sicklyboy
Aww, you didn't like the Bro puns? That was probably my favorite part of the game. Brototype, teehee.

I thought it was an alright game, but I deeply regret paying full price ($40) for it on the Vita. I should've just gone with my gut and kept playing the torrented PS3 version I had to demo it.
Yes, that's why that review is mentioned, and linked to. This is for the PS4 version, and that's for the Vita version. And, there's no reason why there can't be two reviews on the same product.
It seems kinda redundant to me and people usually get confused by such stuff.
Usually what you do is briefly mention the differences between versions and not write a completely different review.
If this was a User review I wouldn't had anything against it but you usually don't have 2 Official reviews for the same product.
It's only redundant when the two reviews are done by the same person. Different reviewers have different tastes, and will score the game accordingly. Just look at Bortz' score. It's two whole points lower than Sicklyboy's.
There could be a game that is considered a piece of crap by 99% of its players, but if the only review for it is by someone from the 1% then it's not going to be representative. More reviews for the same product is never a bad thing for the consumer.
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This was done because we were provided a review copy of the Vita version and just recently the PS4 version. I had originally wanted Bortz to do it since he was already familiar with the PS Vita one but we decided it would be for the best for someone else to do this one. The PS4 one does have some differences than the Vita one which is why it was reviewed.
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Reactions: Bortz and T-hug
It's only redundant when the two reviews are done by the same person.
Yeah not really. This is a "GBATemp review" not "Sicklyboy review". But GBATemp already has a Review for Akibas Trip thus it being redundant. Yes it's not written by the same person but it is representative of the same website. Which is why I say I wouldn't have anything against it if it was a User review because then it would be a "Sicklyboy review" and not a "GBATemp review".
I got the Vita version. It's ok. I do hate the voice acting as well. I went weeaboo and switched the dubbing to Japanese merely not to even bother with the horrible English dubbing. Not really a weeaboo though. I don't really care for any voice acting in this game, really. I'd probably get into the game a little more if I just turned it off altogether.
i really had a lot of fun with the vita version, maybe i´ll get the ps4 too when there is price drop, because my ps4 is lacking of good japanese games.. i´ll definitely play it again sooner or later
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Reactions: Ace_Axel
I got this yesterday, was also irritated by the English voice acting so that I turned it to Japanese as soon as possible. I only know how Shizuku sounds in English, and that was enough.

I started with Gamer difficulty, and I must say that the AI of the enemies can be pretty harsh. In my case sometimes it's hard to even hit the enemy 'cause they always block or evade my hits, and do brutal damage. (What is the point in equipment if they can burst through it within one or two attacks?)
The combat system is easy to grasp, yes, but it's also quite lacking in my opinion. I would have welcomed a lock-on system on the enemies. Crowd control is another feature I miss; if you're surrounded by enemies, get ready for a pounding. It's hard to hit multiple enemies with your attacks.
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Reactions: Ace_Axel
It gets better tho, when using the correct type of weapon. Broadsword-types are pretty good in that regard.
i wish this was cross save. also there's a bonus you can only do gamer difficulty or higher. still if this was cross save i would get it on PS4 and wait for a price drop.
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): November 25, 2014
  • Release Date (EU): February 6, 2015
  • Release Date (JP): July 3, 2014
  • Publisher: Acquire (JP); XSEED Games (NA); NIS America (EU)
  • Developer: Acquire
  • Genres: Beat-em-up, adventure
  • Also For: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Carrying a PC or phone is so old school!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Squeeze your cheeks twice to answer calls!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty you can use a "spawner" function on any object.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or when your player dies, you can say in code, if enemy exists, do nothing, but if enemy does not exist, then create enemy at certain spot. (This would be a pain tho for lots of emeies)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Easiest, simple way would be just restart scene, but player would restart from beginning.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, thx in advance +1