HinaNaru Cutie
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  • Question for people on here; Haven't you noticed how things for like games exmp is coming in slow then usual? Like it's stuck on loading screen - wonder why? ~
    "for like games exmp is coming in slow then usual"

    Do you mean the pace of game releases has slowed? Like we get less games in any given amount of time now?
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @x65943 forgive me for replying late, but yes :o
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    Tears of kingdom leak, people react like its the end of the world and leave social media - I mean like it's good to take a long break but because of the reason being a game being leaked...it really shows how addicted people are to being on social media x.x.
    I'm playing the game right now so no one can spoil it for me
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Haha. I'm probably gonna play it too so the people will cry about it.
    • Angry
    Reactions: x65943
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    @SylverReZ what's the point of not replying back to a question? :0 all I did was ask it. Your response was immature, its why i asked - okay, that's not replying to my question at all..tho e.e.
    • Angry
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    I am hoping to get a flip phone smartphone, but I sadly need to wait even more for it..money doesn't grow on trees..haa q vq
    I am getting a flip phone, been waiting to get one since I didn't have no dough, until now, it was worth waiting, but not, because I was stuck with a tablet phone that I never wanted or liked to begin with :") yes I used to love the touch screens phones like any other child when they saw something like a touch screen phone appear in stores, but after the release thinking about it. I rather have a flip phone. Lol
    If you end up thinking or do get a flip phone in this year or like year before don't be sad about it or bummed out that you don't got a tablet for a phone that crashes, causes major issues even if it's an android to Apple :") be glad you got a flip phone.
    New mario movie was trash woke fanservice click bait. Peach was not peach, mario was not mario - Luigi idk..he was just there with pizza and bowser behaved like a jazzy top evil villian..sigh what the heck was that movie anyway..why did Luigi not choose his hometown to create a movie that actually respects said franchise at least..why did he go hollywood?? ugh
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    well...im just gonna go and uhh eat cereal, by the way I was going based off the information that was given out for this movie asked off people who already saw it, and posted stuff on it online. 1/2
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    I wouldn't dare to even watch this movie. already seen enough to dip the ship, further more the art of the movie is gorgeous, the backgrounds to just stages are gorgeous, the cute little nintendo stuff was cute I just do not like none of the new modernize personality they slapped onto my babies, and this is just to make this clear lol 2/2
    Cereal? I just had mine like, 2 hours ago. :)
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    curious question; I know, but still, I wanted to ask if story of seasons wonderful life has the English translation files in it? cause if that's the case, maybe someone can just patch it onto the game if its possible.
    Ya know back in my online days(I feel like an old hag stating this but oh well e.e.) when someone would disagree with something like they don't like it, and display their opinions on it whether joke form or not; I remember the replies being extremely hilarious, or just people asking the question why do you not like such and such? Something normal to dislike not a concerning thing..that shouldn't be praised at all..
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    or insult the crap out of a person just for them not liking a game, anime, character - leave that petty behavior and grow up please.. it has gotten real bad from how it was years, years, years ago.. like it got pumped into tons, tons...people - exhausting to read a cry baby comment if I am being honest, let the person dislike a gosh darn fictional character mate or the story if they got a reason okay -
    • Like
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    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    and as it was stated years ago, reply back and have a conversation whether it be a laughable one or just a constructive one fine but not this line here.
    that is all. also this I why being a fan of anything is an awful thing
    • Like
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Sadly we still suffer from people who take opinions negatively, nothing has changed.
    • Sad
    Reactions: HinaNaru Cutie
    So my, and others account on here got freaking hacked into by dang spam bots; very "normal" thing, seriously what the heck is even going on anymore. Tumblr is filled with porn bots out of the butt that it's getting ridiculous over there - now here, - I really hope the security on the site kicks the bots out for they won't attack people's accounts anymore. Anyway, :v I saw Fire Emblem got released early.
    The Catboy
    The Catboy
    You should consider setting up 2FA. Even if they get your password, at least you have that to stop them and alert you.
    I had noticed that. I've seen your account post literal spam. Was thinking "WTF, why suddenly spambot stuff from a real user's account?!"
    2FA would have stopped that attack. Don't forget to print the backup codes for the case you lose access to phone/mail.

    Good luck for the future!
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    - no I only want the clothes/weapons unlocked fully nothing else - dislike the thought of cheating, ew. And no I don't own a physical copy either nor online membership - broke as heck, prices sky rocketing to a point that food is 100% more important, and bills now these days. ...gosh am I giving out too much here? Idk.. 2/2
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    I see you forgot that there is a character limit for posting, and well I disagree with you - since you can just literally scroll down to see the part 1/2.
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    You can't do that once it's off the front page. Usually people reply to their own post with the second half.
    HinaNaru Cutie
    HinaNaru Cutie
    You can, if you check a person's profile out to see the other half of the posts since it has been numbered - It's your choice whether you choose to do it or want to just be ignorant on what the post is about 🤷‍♀️ just because a person has a preference does not mean I or anybody else has to do it their way.
    I am wondering when will someone make a save editor like the one for sp2, but in sp3?? It would be nice to know if it's even possibly at all :c..I really wanna play sp3, with the mod someone made on gamebanana. 1/2
    has anybody ever had an urge to itch out of the blue? seriously random itching feeling is the dang worst I swear
    Mostly right when I am trying to sleep

    If you are getting itchy in the winter it may be dry skin, try applying lotion or a humidifier
    Dear doc @x65943 , I take this opportunity to ask you for a remedy for a certain, embarrassing annoyance of mine: I rely on your discretion and professionalism. Hmmm ... :shy: ...so .. :blush: .. it would be .........
    :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    The Catboy
    The Catboy
    There are a few things that can cause that, the most common is just dry skin. I’ve found putting lotion on the spot that itches to help
    2.5 is the correct score for the obvious scam that was scarlet/violet to further add on; as soon as those review scores from all those journos released, could literally tell they were all paid a fine penny to not tell the truth easily, but what can you expect from shill websites that claim to be gaming reviewers when they're not. If you are finally witnessing the fraudulent that these websites are - hooray :D
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    GF announces gen 9 after LA which took 1 year to create while shart/violet took couples months, trailer was obvious that it was rushed; the people who bothered to look into how long it took this Gen even without looking into it could tell the game was rushed still pre-order it to only get disappointed, complain online - like you get what you deserve lol. Why complain when you asked for this shart mess??
    • Love
    Reactions: phil3254
    Idk if its okay to ask this question on the form subject so I am gonna wing it here; is there a way to bypass or get into your Twitter account without phone verification?? Lol.
    I hope everyone enjoying splatoon 3 q v q....I can't play it.. I really want to but I can't afford it..struggles but I really am interested in the save editor that hopefully someone makes for this game..wanna see how it turns out.
    if i reply late then yeah - ya know, the same thing xD sorry, i just been off doing stuff e u e;;...nothing bad just been busy with two furballs at home, cute little cuties
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    I still wonder how to download pattern design codes from animal crossing NH, without the need of online membership. :c... ugh I cannot rely on potatoes program since I get issues with it. I am gonna wait until someone possibly creates another new program? To make it possible to scan the codes without an issue or something
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