Zelda Dungeons of Infinity released as a roguelike take on A Link to the Past for PC


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a standout game in the Zelda franchise, and one that many hold dear. With a remarkably open design for its time, paired with a simple and intuitive control scheme, as well as fun and engaging dungeons, it's one of many SNES games that remain great to revisit even today.

Games like A Link to the Past have a colossal amount of replayability, furthered yet by the emergence of randomizers and ROM hacks to create unique experiences more than 30 years after the game's original release. Today we're not looking at a ROM hack though. Instead, we have an entirely unique fan game that captures the look and feel of A Link to the Past, and throws it into a new roguelike setting.

The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity is the result of four years of development in Gamemaker Studio from its creator Justin Bohemier. The game makes use of a number of A Link to the Past's original assets to really capture the same aesthetic, with new features and assets added to support the new procedurally-generated dungeon crawling.

Your goal when playing is to work your way through an ever-changing dungeon, picking up and swapping out items as you go to best equip yourself against the enemies and bosses you find along the way. If you fall on your journey, it's right back to the start for you.

In the game's announcement post on Reddit, Justin states that the project might attract the ire of Nintendo and encourages users to grab the game while it's still available, making the download available via both the game's Discord server and torrent. Since launching earlier this month, Dungeons of Infinity has already seen a few updates, with more to hopefully come in the future. The game is entirely free to download and play.

portable infinity.jpg

Though only officially available on Windows, I can personally confirm that it runs fantastically on Android via Winlator. Paired with ES-DE's latest update, you can launch it directly from the frontend like any other emulated title.

If you're interested in following the project, you can find a link to the official Discord server below:

:arrow: Official Discord Server
:arrow: Source


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
United States

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a standout game in the Zelda franchise, and one that many hold dear. With a remarkably open design for its time, paired with a simple and intuitive control scheme, as well as fun and engaging dungeons, it's one of many SNES games that remain great to revisit even today.

Games like A Link to the Past have a colossal amount of replayability, furthered yet by the emergence of randomizers and ROM hacks to create unique experiences more than 30 years after the game's original release. Today we're not looking at a ROM hack though. Instead, we have an entirely unique fan game that captures the look and feel of A Link to the Past, and throws it into a new roguelike setting.

The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity is the result of four years of development in Gamemaker Studio from its creator Justin Bohemier. The game makes use of a number of A Link to the Past's original assets to really capture the same aesthetic, with new features and assets added to support the new procedurally-generated dungeon crawling.

Your goal when playing is to work your way through an ever-changing dungeon, picking up and swapping out items as you go to best equip yourself against the enemies and bosses you find along the way. If you fall on your journey, it's right back to the start for you.

In the game's announcement post on Reddit, Justin states that the project might attract the ire of Nintendo and encourages users to grab the game while it's still available, making the download available via both the game's Discord server and torrent. Since launching earlier this month, Dungeons of Infinity has already seen a few updates, with more to hopefully come in the future. The game is entirely free to download and play.

Though only officially available on Windows, I can personally confirm that it runs fantastically on Android via Winlator. Paired with ES-DE's latest update, you can launch it directly from the frontend like any other emulated title.

If you're interested in following the project, you can find a link to the official Discord server below:

:arrow: Official Discord Server
:arrow: Source

More link to the past? Jeez use a different rom stop sucking this game off and do something different.
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Nov 5, 2023
United States
Holy crap no because when I first saw someone play this the other day I instantly wanted to try it myself. This is me coming from literally playing link to the the past again two days ago. Funny enough I'm on a ALBW 3 heart Hero run (ofc 100%ing both) Streaming to a friend with snickerstream and resuming whenever. Made a cool overlay and kept track of the items with their images and a nice interface to boot! Can you tell I'm hyped?


Elvira fans ❤ :-) I'm rocking Windows 7 for 11 yrs
Mar 1, 2013
In heart of Windows XP, 7. I ❤ 👠! 🥰
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Editorial Aspirant
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GBAtemp Patron
Jan 7, 2015
Middleish South-Left
United Kingdom
The Link is muerto, ese...
Wasn't this something Discord did a while back to stop people using the download links externally? Fairly sure hotlinked images from Discord will similarly die after a day or so. The link is still on the server and hasn't changed for what it's worth, though mirrors have probably been made at this point regardless.
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Has an itch needing to be scratched.
Feb 17, 2006
Wasn't this something Discord did a while back to stop people using the download links externally? Fairly sure hotlinked images from Discord will similarly die after a day or so. The link is still on the server and hasn't changed for what it's worth, though mirrors have probably been made at this point regardless.
I am unwise about Discord. What you posit does make sense, though.


New Member
Sep 27, 2024
United States
i hate discord servers. hopefully i can find a link without having to join a discord or im not trying this game. looks cool but discord can suck it.
i respect your opinion lol but why do you hate discord just wondering.
Post automatically merged:

i hate discord servers. hopefully i can find a link without having to join a discord or im not trying this game. looks cool but discord can suck it.
Why do you hate discord? lol! I mean I respect the opinion and stance just curious of why.


Gungan Philosopher
Sep 8, 2019
United States
i respect your opinion lol but why do you hate discord just wondering.
Post automatically merged:

Why do you hate discord? lol! I mean I respect the opinion and stance just curious of why.
discord is a snitch server. I joined an AI music group and got emails and notices about getting banned from discord when i was just in a group. UMG sent their minions after thousands of people through discord.

there are many other avenues to chat and id rather post on a forum like this that is public than some private shady application that isnt even private. everythings monitored and there has been hacks and other things that people can do through discord. its just not a trustable application.

discord had its time just like aol chat did. 3-4years ago i would support discord but as it has grown it has lost its footing.


New Member
Sep 27, 2024
United States
discord is a snitch server. I joined an AI music group and got emails and notices about getting banned from discord when i was just in a group. UMG sent their minions after thousands of people through discord.

there are many other avenues to chat and id rather post on a forum like this that is public than some private shady application that isnt even private. everythings monitored and there has been hacks and other things that people can do through discord. its just not a trustable application.

discord had its time just like aol chat did. 3-4years ago i would support discord but as it has grown it has lost its footing.
I get that! Well I got a good one for you its called Kosmi. You can do so much more for example play nes, snes, and ps1 games with your friends as if they were next to you. do Watch parties with any streaming service and much much more. If you ever decided to try just google Kosmi or I can send a invite to it.

If you want also ill invite you to my server in it which is called a "Room" and show you some really cool things its has.
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Elvira fans ❤ :-) I'm rocking Windows 7 for 11 yrs
Mar 1, 2013
In heart of Windows XP, 7. I ❤ 👠! 🥰
United States
I check on discord and catch latest version have many bugs fix over few old versions. B-)


Older legacy versions for historical purposes:

1.0.0 (very old) to 1.1.3 (latest new version)

Google Drive


1.1.3 from Discord server


Version 1.1.3:

Bug fixes:

-Fixed crash with items found in dead guy or treasure not having a valid index, which would cause the game to crash. The new safety check prevents a crash by making the dead guy or treasure have nothing inside, a message would pop up indicating this.
-Fixed game crashing if closing the inventory at the precise frame an info dialogue box was also being closed.
-Fixed bug with Leevers (sand creatures) spawning under link while he's in a doorway.
-Fixed bomb glitch where they sometimes wouldn't blow up.
-Fixed pendant of revival glitch still working even if you have the Pendant Don't Work Curse.
-Fixed new rod of stone bug introduced in 1.1.2 where enemies would come back to life when hit.
-Fixed floor switch and added a 2nd frame to show it was pressed.
-Fixed bug where if you inspected a shop item or opened the inventory/map at the exact frame you were hit by a bomb, it would still trigger the dialogue box/inv/map while you're dead/hit causing glitches.
-Increase buffer around wall enemies like Medusas, cannon, and Beamos to prevent there being spikes close to them possibly making them impassible without taking a hit.
-Fixed master sword beam's corner sprite edge appearing in the top-right corner of the screen for a frame.
-Fixed bonus item not resetting itself if saving then continuing then dying and restarting level. Same thing with the swordless mode, it wasn't saving properly.
-Fixed another bug with pots spawning over monuments. It was a separate bug but related to the first one. That should be the last of them.
-Fixed rare glitchy treasure chest that moved when you open it. It was caused by it's initial position not being an integer value, so the static tiles that replaced it after opening clamped to the nearest tile map grid position.
-Fixed layer issue with certain projectiles like hookshot, arrows, rod beams, etc that were on the wrong layer if you shot them from underneath a walkway.
-Fixed transform rods not working if enemies are frozen
-Usually if you stand on a map or compass if your inventory is full, it'll reveal the map attributes those normally show, but it was also revealing them when you were swinging your sword over them which shouldn't happen. Fixed the sword glitch.
-Fixed glitch when cursed with the 'hearts do damage' curse and you pick up a heart that kills you, it would cause glitches with the death sequence where you could still walk around.
-Fixed spelling mistakes


-Updated the core input library, which includes fixes and more gamepad support.
-Red Armos now can't be hit using arrows. There were complications with him, and after lot's of trial and error to try and improve him, it was easier to just block arrows for the red one. You will need to use bombs if you're doing swordless quest. Also increased his jump speed by a small amount, not much. Felt he was too slow since the last time I slowed him down.
-Replaced the rod sprites, credit: Errors
-Made signs non-breakable, people were accidently grabbing them before reading them.
-Made cape magic drain a tiny bit faster, from 50 frames per drain down to 45 frames. Seemed it was too slow when watching people use it.
-Added a gold kinstone monument to mine town level
-Added light to the Poe ghosts that hold a lantern.
-Replaced Kinstone fusing sounds, credit: castle
-Added a ton more custom character skins
-Added sound to the cannon.
-Updated credits with more special thanks with mention to the Discord server. Also added feature where pressing down speeds up the credit scroll.

Happy gaming! :yay::yay:
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Elvira fans ❤ :-) I'm rocking Windows 7 for 11 yrs
Mar 1, 2013
In heart of Windows XP, 7. I ❤ 👠! 🥰
United States
Zelda Dungeons of Infinity (1.1.4) was out on 10/06/2024 9:23 PM

Google Drive

Direct Download from Discord server:

Version 1.1.4:

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed sprite glitch with Poe enemy, which was introduced after giving him a light. Gave ghost Poe in the catacombs a light also since on his sprite he's carrying a light as well, also improved their lighting a bit to make it look nicer.
-Fixed glitch with loose keys sometimes appearing 1 pixel off from being on the correct floor level, making you have to go up or down to collect it.
-Fixed cape where it would stay on after you defeat a boss. It now decloaks you the second any boss is destroyed.
-Fixed vulnerability with save file corruption where it could get corrupted if something happens during a save process like power outage or unexpected event. It now saves to a temp file first, and if the save was successful, it renames the temp file to the Users files.
-Fixed bug where picking up chicken from inside house's doorway would cause Link to clip into the walls and sometimes crash
-Fixed clipping glitch with outside castle wall door and bombs.
-Fixed glitch when strafing into a wall backwards, it would activate the push animation.
-Fixed glitch with Beamos statues able to hit you while you're falling into a pit causing extra damage.
-Improved warp destinations by giving them a larger safe-space buffer. Sometimes you would warp and enemies would be too close when you arrived.
-Fixed boss crystal falling even when paused.
-Fixed arithmetic bug with treasures and shops, if you got a bunch of rupees from a bought treasure and quickly bought another item while those rupees were still being added, the purchase would interrupt the rupees being added with the purchase amount being deducted causing you to lose rupees.
-Fixed rare bug where Zora would toss you nothing.
-Fixed bugs with Pikit. (See game change log for more details)
-Fixed graphical glitches for the Slarok enemies.
-Fixed glitch with Agahnim during the gravity ball sequence, Link wouldn't get hurt by the spike blocks.


-Added new pendant designs, credits: Errors
-Some Gem combos that give pendants have been shifted around.
-Swapped the gem combos for the lamp and cape. Lamp is now Sapphire(Blue) and Citrine(Yellow), Cape is now Sapphire(Blue) and Ruby(Red). Makes more sense based on the value of these items, and their sprite colors.
-Zora now gives you rupees if you already own the item. (See game change log for more details)
-You can now hit bosses with any rod. They all do 1 damage, they don't transform, just inflict damage. They can really help with swordless quest now.
-Bows are now a bit easier to find if playing swordless.
-Health drain curse now stops when reaching 2 health. Drain delay was changed to 7 secs instead of 10 secs because of this.
-Lamp has only 1 upgrade instead of 2 now. Made the candle shine a bit brighter, and the lamp now shines brighter than before.
-Changed the 2nd secret treasure room in the mining town maze, instead of more gems it's something better now.
-Made it so maps and compasses can't be spawned from treasures if more than 60% of the level has already been explored.
-Cape can only spawn from gold kinstones instead of red kinstones now.
-Made wizzrobes take a bit less time to spawn and a bit less time to stay invisible, making defeating them take less time.
-Filtered the included sprite pack with only those we have permission to use. Also included a credits list for a lot of them.
-New King's key sprite, credits: Void42
-Moon pearl now changes color depending on the state of the colored blocks.
-Cape drains a tiny bit faster now.
-Added a few more community-drawn character sprite sheets in the sprite pack.

Important on Zelda Dungeons of Infinity (1.1.4) save data will not work from old version 1.1.3 and older. Please start new game to start over. B-)

Check your save data in path:
%appdata% local/zelda

C:\Users\<your username>AppData\Local\zelda

DOI 1.1.4 doesn't like old saves. video capture added to attachment, you can read what they put comments about game data.


  • DOI 1.1.4 doesn't like old saves..mp4
    2.3 MB
Last edited by console,

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