Hardware Touch screen and buttons will not respond and do things on its own


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
United States
Out of nowhere my touch screen and buttons started acting up, not registering me pressing them and tapping will tap something else, etc. if I scroll to the right and leave it, it ends up scrolling left on its own.
If I wipe the screen off with a cloth or press down on it kinda hard, the buttons will work for a short amount of time before going out again.
I tried to thoroughly clean the screen and buttons with alcohol wipes and it was completely fixed for about two minutes. That’s the longest I’ve gotten it to go without messing up again.

I was wondering if anyone else had a similar issue that they’ve been able to fix. I’m planning to open it and try cleaning it further on Wednesday when I’m off work. I really don’t know anything about the inner workings of a 3ds.. but I told my friend I’d try fixing the broken screen on his 3ds before this happened to mine, so I have to learn it anyway I guess. I’ve been watching a lot of tutorials on taking them apart and cleaning them etc I’m just a bit anxious to have to do it to mine as well. I’m not really sure what caused it because I haven’t dropped it and I’ve been playing it normally and never noticed any issues until everything suddenly started at once.

If anyone has any advice on things I should look for that can be causing it please let me know! Before attempting to replace anything I’m going to clean everything as thoroughly as possible and make sure any cables are connected correctly and hopefully the issue will be fixed.. but if anyone has any pointers and advice for someone new to this please tell me <3
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Now that I’m thinking about it further, when it first started it wasn’t as bad. After cleaning the screen off I was able to play animal crossing on it for a few hours with no issues. But now it’s so bad I can’t really do anything at all. It keeps trying to pick up my home screen items and move them when I’m just trying to scroll through the icons.

I was trying to play Yugioh on it and it kept pressing a on its own so I couldn’t do anything correctly. I thought maybe a game that’s just playing cards would be easier to use but that was before realizing just how fucky it was being lol
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Nvm I decided to go on and clean it, there was a spec of dirt in there making the screen freak out… buttons and everything work now. :x
Last edited by rosydolly,

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