SirNapkin1334 May 5, 2018 Help me. My brother watches the Pokèmon Anime (he’s 6), and whenever I see or hear Giodude, I only ever think of you. Probably because you were one of the first people to help me. <3 Reactions: Dionicio3 and Giodude
Help me. My brother watches the Pokèmon Anime (he’s 6), and whenever I see or hear Giodude, I only ever think of you. Probably because you were one of the first people to help me. <3
VinsCool Sep 12, 2017 I just realised you're holding the Master Sword and the Monado Buster. Reactions: Giodude
Giodude Jul 11, 2017 If you have an 11.4 of 11.5 console, you cannot hack it without a hardmod or second 3ds running a custom firmware. Read this if you're new.
If you have an 11.4 of 11.5 console, you cannot hack it without a hardmod or second 3ds running a custom firmware. Read this if you're new.
Giodude Apr 21, 2017 If you don't get a letter from me, i don't know why. It might be server maintenance, but it's happening to everyone. Reactions: elSEBBAs, SuperSayianWarrior and TheRandomDude2761
If you don't get a letter from me, i don't know why. It might be server maintenance, but it's happening to everyone.
Giodude Apr 20, 2017 If you want a USA doodlebomb, my fc is 3239-7200-9781. Just pm me your fc. Reactions: TheRandomDude2761
EpioZyto Sep 6, 2016 Oi mate, i made this:!aM1XkagR!ZAI0EpfvoRptN_TQYNoDv0OarP-BJqdGUhm6QeTct6w Original the Giodude, do not steal.
Oi mate, i made this:!aM1XkagR!ZAI0EpfvoRptN_TQYNoDv0OarP-BJqdGUhm6QeTct6w Original the Giodude, do not steal.