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Am I the only person with consistent views? (COVID19/abortion)

Are you consistent with regards to abortion and mask-wearing?

  • Yes, their bodies, their choices!

    Votes: 18 16.2%
  • No, I am pro-choice [abortion], but for enforced mask-wearing in public.

    Votes: 72 64.9%
  • Yes, let us not be careless about human life!

    Votes: 13 11.7%
  • No, I am pro-life [abortion] but against mandatory mask-wearing in public.

    Votes: 8 7.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2019
United States
I'm just gonna take one part of this.
Hydroxychloroquine saves lives, and it does help. It's not bullcrap. It does work.
Lets say thats true. Unless you think it has a 100% success rate and theres never any permanent damage, wouldnt it be beneficial to ALSO wear masks? Or are masks a liberal conspiracy to brainwash you.
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[title removed by staff]
May 4, 2018
United States
Lets say thats true. Unless you think it has a 100% success rate and theres never any permanent damage, wouldnt it be beneficial to ALSO wear masks? Or are masks a liberal conspiracy to brainwash you.

I'm not denying that masks help. I'm saying that they shouldn't be mandatory. Everybody is going to get the Coronavirus, anyway.

As for the conspiracy part, did you see the thing that Biden said about how he wants a country-wide mask mandate that lasts until the election? Quite interesting, isn't it? Clearly, he wants us to continue living in this dystopia until then so that everyone will blame Trump for it and vote for the guy that wasn't the president during China's subtle reign of terror.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2019
United States

I'm not denying that masks help. I'm saying that they shouldn't be mandatory. Everybody is going to get the Coronavirus, anyway.

As for the conspiracy part, did you see the thing that Biden said about how he wants a country-wide mask mandate that lasts until the election? Quite interesting, isn't it? Clearly, he wants us to continue living in this dystopia until then so that everyone will blame Trump for it and vote for the guy that wasn't the president during China's subtle reign of terror.
How is everyone wearing masks a dystopia? In Japan everyone is wearing a mask and they have a tiny fraction of the amount of deaths we have per capita despite being a much denser population. If everyone in the US was wearing them it would probably help Trump, because part of the reason his support is tanking is that the US is failing in its response to the virus. Masks would prevent that.
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Deleted User

I'm just gonna take one part of this.
Hydroxychloroquine saves lives, and it does help. It's not bullcrap. It does work.
evidence /reality says it doesn't. Multiple studies have come inconclusive (aka does nothing) and or, actually makes it worse for the person in some instances. Science is fact, if it can't be replicated (aka hydroxcy's supposed effect that it helps with corona virus), then it's not a fact. Masks are scientifically proven to work. it's possible to replicate and have the same outcome, depending on the mask type, it either prevents spread getting into the air (surgical masks, aka what most people use) or filters the air. hydroxy in so many tests doesn't meet that bar, it's completely inconsistent, most of the time doing nothing, and that's what most studies say it does, it does nothing or makes it worse. So we can say it's a fact that it doesn't work. No discussion on this. either your a moron for throwing out the mass volume of it from sources most people trust and have a strong history of accurate studies, effectively ignoring reality. Or your a sane person, realizing what actually is fact. (which is hydroxy is bullshit)
the fact I have to argue this is beyond retarded
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
Yes, but we are not Sweden. As of now, there are three options I see in the United States:
  1. Masks
  2. Shutdown
  3. Allow people to get sick and die
I'm not sure what reasonable person would look at this list and say, "Hey, let's pick any option other than masks."

  1. That's not what I said.
  2. Person A has a right to bodily autonomy, even if Person B would die without access to Person A's body.
  3. With regard to abortion, we're not even talking about people. We are talking about fetuses and embryos.

With all due respect, this and you're last post aren't very coherent, and I'm having trouble deciphering your point. As a result, I can only respond to the statements I think I can make sense of. For example, you should not "take my word for it that it's not science," because I said it was science.

There is no correlation between mask usage and an increase in positive cases. The opposite is true.
well i don't see any correlation to it helping the numbers either, at best it's doing excactly nothing so far.
that's what i tried telling you.
it's a hoax that it's helping, it might though being able to help if people start understanding how it really works.
i see you've missed the point there aswell: it's not designed to protect the wearer, it's designed to protect everyone else.
since the only proof ever came from a study in a fake setting to show there were less dropples passing the mask it only ever showed that only not while wearing but by using a setup to simulate it.
there is not ever been any real proof of it actually stopping spreading of the virus, not by any research based on science.
it's like a religion: you either on the believers side and stick to that, or you don't.
that being said i say it shouldn't be pushed on enforced, just like i don't like any other religion being forced on me.
no proof means no reason to enforce get your proof first!
it's about half a year in and there is still not done any real research in what helped and what not.
we are all screaming in fear of this deadly virus telling each other empty storier about how we could do more to stop the virus.
it's about time we start looking deeper in the statistics on what helped and what not, there is enough shit used around the world now to be able to see what helped, and masks were no answer that showed any positive numbers so far.

Deleted User

well i don't see any correlation to it helping the numbers either, at best it's doing excactly nothing so far.
that's what i tried telling you.
it's a hoax that it's helping, it might though being able to help if people start understanding how it really works.
i see you've missed the point there aswell: it's not designed to protect the wearer, it's designed to protect everyone else.
since the only proof ever came from a study in a fake setting to show there were less dropples passing the mask it only ever showed that only not while wearing but by using a setup to simulate it.
there is not ever been any real proof of it actually stopping spreading of the virus, not by any research based on science.
it's like a religion: you either on the believers side and stick to that, or you don't.
that being said i say it shouldn't be pushed on enforced, just like i don't like any other religion being forced on me.

no proof means no reason to enforce get your proof first!
it's about half a year in and there is still not done any real research in what helped and what not.
we are all screaming in fear of this deadly virus telling each other empty storier about how we could do more to stop the virus.
it's about time we start looking deeper in the statistics on what helped and what not, there is enough shit used around the world now to be able to see what helped, and masks were no answer that showed any positive numbers so far.
religion. Are really going to call it religion. I guess gravity is a religion, I guess entropy is also a religion, just like how that same "religion" proved that dna exists. Hell I guess the earth is definitely not round if your going to call this a "religion" vs religion. Oh wait, no, it's not a religion, it's called fucking science.
ALSO did I forget to mention that the corona-virus alone has killed more than 50,000 thousand people?!
to put that into perspective that's about 50 9/11s
but suuuure, keep ignoring it, just let the death toll and case count go up
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
religion. Are really going to call it religion. I guess gravity is a religion, I guess entropy is also a religion, just like how that same "religion" proved that dna exists. Hell I guess the earth is definitely not round if your going to call this a "religion" vs religion. Oh wait, no, it's not a religion, it's called fucking science.
ALSO did I forget to mention that the corona-virus alone has killed more than 50,000 thousand people?!
to put that into perspective that's about 50 9/11s
but suuuure, keep ignoring it, just let the death toll and case count go up
Studies show masks may help in some cases, doesn't sound really like a peptalk.
yes i see there's science proofing a mask may help. there is also science it might not.
the science you see as science here is no more than marketing science.
it's no more science then those nightcreme's that help you get less rimples, feel youthfull.
proof is supposed to mean numbers, and the numbers say maybe, maybe not.
you say opinion is science but it ain't it's no more the speculations no mather who's telling.
i see the fucking deathrate, screaming that over and over again in my face doesn't change a thing.
i want proof of the fucking mask changing the numbers of deathrates by the virus , no proof in the numbers that it changes things is like ernie talking about the banana in ear helps against crocodiles.
i hear doctors and virus experts contradict each other over and over again, come with proof, you should fucking have it by now.

Deleted User

Studies show masks may help in some cases, doesn't sound really like a peptalk.
yes i see there's science proofing a mask may help. there is also science it might not..
Going to cut through your bullshit since clearly you want a dishonest discussion. Let me ask you a fundamental question, how many of those studies say that mask help, and how many of them say they don't? Second, what is the sources of those studies that say masks don't work. Is it from someone who has a interest and control over that study? Or does that source have a history of accurate reporting
Until you answer those questions, I'm not going to discuss this any further. As I am already beginning to believe you must of skipped science class in high school.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
Going to cut through your bullshit since clearly you want a dishonest discussion. Let me ask you a fundamental question, how many of those studies say that mask help, and how many of them say they don't? Second, what is the sources of those studies that say masks don't work. Is it from someone who has a interest and control over that study? Or does that source have a history of accurate reporting
Until you answer those questions, I'm not going to discuss this any further. As I am already beginning to believe you must of skipped science class in high school.
i did ask for your numbers first, as far as i see it now the so called "doctor might get money back for his stock in masks. i want proof, and proof will not ever be in context with "i believe that in same (extreme rare) cases this could ectually help"
if your mechanic in the village sells this cheap renault for $3000,- saying: i believe that in some cases this car might actually run, would you still buy that car?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2012
Cote d'Ivoire
I think you are trying to force answers by calling 'consistent' people that thinks like you, and giving consistency a good meaning. A person can be very consistent about bad stuff too. In my case, I'm with the pro choice line of thoughts, and also think you should wear a mask to prevent the projection of what you cough and sneeze and also protect you.
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Deleted User

There is a logical consistency to most things people do, if you can find the level on which they are consistent.

Most of the hysteria around the virus, masks, and comparing these two things to other things is an attempt to harm one's enemies, or aid one's friends. Attributions of hypocrisy (which is synonymous with evil these days), holiness, correctness, cleanliness, or what have you is an attempt to create a doctrine or system of logic where one's side can only win, and the enemy's side can only lose.

Consistency in the realm of the purely physical, objective reality (provided you don't doubt the existence of it, or one's ability to accurately and precisely perceive it) is not a factor in most people's behaviors regarding the subject. However they aren't irrational; they're rational - or rather, optimized - on the political and social levels, rather than the physical one.
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[title removed by staff]
May 4, 2018
United States
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Corona gets spread if you are in close proximity to someone who has it, for about 15 minutes (at that mark transmission chance becomes high), more so if you arent outside (wind).

Most corona infections (again to have it go exponential its enough if one person infects three others) are transmitted within families.

While this is the first time I'm hearing that large protests with people not wearing masks statistically are not shown to spread the virus ( https://www.latimes.com/science/sto...tle-evidence-that-protests-spread-coronavirus ) you making this a 'conspiracy' is unresponsible.

In church the entire experience is centered around you singing, embracing the person next to you, staying at the same place for an hour, indoors, eating something the priest touched with his bare hands, ... and people reacting very emotional, when you try to change any of that.

The other story is a tentative 'it is strange, but we didn't see spikes in new infections after mass protests, we have to look into it'.
In what’s considered the first systematic look at the question, a team of economists determined that only one of 13 cities involved in the earliest wave of protests after Memorial Day had an increase that would fit the pattern.

Complain to god, that this is the way it is - dont blame a conspiracy.
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Jun 4, 2010
The WHO said that a working vaccine won't be enough and we can never go back to normal. Thoughts?

WHO (OMS here in Chile) is known to be a terrorist organization over here. They declared a day earlier along HRW, a Human Rights violation in Beirut, Lebanon, then a day after the bombing took place. If you check the dates (October 17th), a year before, 2019 they tried to declare the same thing on said city. Chile, October 18th of 2019 was the target of the same WHO / HRW accusations when we militia went onto fight back the, back then Antifa- Sao Paulo Forum people in disguise people taking over (through hate speech and death treats anybody opposing them) the entire chilean country.

A year later, Chile is moving towards a new constitution (new country, Venezuela-like tactic) and these terrorists have taken an entire region (Región de la Araucanía), the government is working over for them and we will have to take over Chile once again.

The problem? HRW soldiers, most of them Chinese, are hidden in Argentinian bases. Not to mention the economy here and an absurd amount of foreigners have over-saturated Chile's economy and means to recover from it. Also it's known the entire foreigner's population (HRW enabled human trafficking laws) to vote in favor of said new constitution.

So yeah, a civil war is on it's way here, and we've got the Latin America communist party (something like the entire latin american terrorists) and the HRW soldiers taking over Chile. But you will never hear anything about that.

Oh also our terrorist president made Chile to go against USA in the latest IDB meeting:


So yeah at this point I would rather kick some asses and then ask USA for cooperation. Because our president is hot garbage and a traitor to us.

Apologies if it's a bit off-topic.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
I'll still never forget how when that black guy got killed, the media all but dropped the COV-19 pandemic from the news. It's like it was completely forgotten about. I was laughing about it with my friends how they just stopped talking about it. Then a few weeks later, after the riots died down, and the second wave hit, BAM suddenly everyone in the media spoke about COV-19.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
United States
+1 for safe behaviors or environments
-1 for the opposite

0 means average risk lower numbers = higher risk, larger numbers = lower risk

Protests outside:
Large gatherings -1
Wind and large airflow/air volume +1
people wearing masks some times -.5
marches moving people miles +1
it's a march/protest so no shared surfaces +1
total: 1.5

worship inside:
large gatherings -1
singing in enclosed spaces -1
lack of large airflow or air volume moving -1
people who go out of there way to worship during a ban probably only wear masks sometimes -.5
recycled air from AC without medical grade filters -1
spending potentially HOURS in the same enclosed area -1
shared touched surfaces such as door knobs, tithing plates, benches/pews -1

total: -6.5

like how is this even a comparison?


[title removed by staff]
May 4, 2018
United States
+1 for safe behaviors or environments
-1 for the opposite

0 means average risk lower numbers = higher risk, larger numbers = lower risk

Protests outside:
Large gatherings -1
Wind and large airflow/air volume +1
people wearing masks some times -.5
marches moving people miles +1
it's a march/protest so no shared surfaces +1
total: 1.5

worship inside:
large gatherings -1
singing in enclosed spaces -1
lack of large airflow or air volume moving -1
people who go out of there way to worship during a ban probably only wear masks sometimes -.5
recycled air from AC without medical grade filters -1
spending potentially HOURS in the same enclosed area -1
shared touched surfaces such as door knobs, tithing plates, benches/pews -1

total: -6.5

like how is this even a comparison?
The first amendment gives us the right to freedom of religious expression.

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    and you convince your owner to help you break out of the virtual world to real world
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    Eyes - "yawn"
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    you bleack in to goverment computer systems to get cyborg schematics so you can get a robot body constructed
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    btw @BigOnYa the health bar doesnt decrease when i take damage (and yes i put the "at the beggining of the scene change value of greenflatbar: set to Protagonistcopmode.Health::Health())
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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, why does the health behavior exist if you can just use a variable?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and nope the number still doesnt change
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    ok im gonna make my own asset
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    nvm i think i fixed it
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, I fixed it
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    how are you\
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, we just talked like 2 hours ago
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: