It blows my mind when Americans think those things are evil. Here in Scotland we have totally free health care. We have totally free education and we are paid the living wage. Scotland is also one of the most tolerant countries in the world to the LGBT community. We have very little racism ect ect. Yep having all those things for free has totally made Scotland and the Scottish people evil.
It isn't totally free though: you are paying for it though taxes. There are no free lunches.
A Conservative view would be that taxes are theft, your government is stealing your pounds and your choice of how that money is spent. Should your taxes fund life saving surgeries (probably yes) as well as vanity surgeries like boob jobs (imo no)? If you didn't have to pay taxes for health care and education, you would be able to use that money as you saw fit (maybe you want to send your kids to a catholic school for example). On the other hand, you could get more spending power when socializing services like that so I don't really have an opinion on "free healthcare" other than it isn't free.