
Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
United States
I'll never understand why so many people compelled to be complete and utter jackoffs to people need help understanding how to use something they are unfamiliar with.

My tutorial is pretty close. Check out my all in one emulators guide on my signature.
Thank you for helping. :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
United States
Yes, I will do hours of research on it instead of coming to a forum where there are people well versed in such matters.

Bloody brilliant. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
United States
Why can't we just offer people the knowledge they seek instead of being stuck up dicks and telling them to go find it their selves? If someone needs help and I am able to help them, I do because it's the nice thing to do. I guess for some people it's just easier to be a prick to those in need. I hope you're proud of yourselves. :)
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GBATemp's "Official" Hank Hill
Aug 22, 2015
The Magic School Bus
Why can't we just offer people the knowledge they seek instead of being stuck up dicks and telling them to go find it their selves? If someone needs help and I am able to help them, I do because it's the nice thing to do. I guess for some people it's just easier to be a prick to those in need. I hope you're proud of yourselves. :)
I agree. You guys dont need to be jerks every time someone asks a noob question. GBATemp is supposed to be about helping people... Not treating them like garbage!
Last edited by The_Meistro,


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Why can't we just offer people the knowledge they seek instead of being stuck up dicks and telling them to go find it their selves? If someone needs help and I am able to help them, I do because it's the nice thing to do. I guess for some people it's just easier to be a prick to those in need. I hope you're proud of yourselves. :)

Stop dragging this out.

People are being short with you because you are being purposefully obtuse.


Theres your guide - as libretro is a shared platform amongst devices, any advice or guides for any version of retroarch applies to the 3DS version too.

Absolutely no one is going to write a guide specific for your personal needs when a wiki already exists. In addition, you have the official libretro forums:

Last edited by arse,


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
United States
I thought these responses were pretty funny, but it is kinda true. Download the entire retroArch files, and install them using





GBATemp's "Official" Hank Hill
Aug 22, 2015
The Magic School Bus
I thought these responses were pretty funny, but it is kinda true. Download the entire retroArch files, and install them using




Thanks man. It took you just a long to embed those vids as it did for @teampleb and @Buttsnake and @arse to be jerks. At least someone has a soul


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
United States
Stop dragging this out.

People are being short with you because you are being purposefully obtuse.


Theres your guide - as libretro is a shared platform amongst devices, any advice or guides for any version of retroarch applies to the 3DS version too.

Absolutely no one is going to write a guide specific for your personal needs when a wiki already exists. In addition, you have the official libretro forums:

Shader Specification


Picture of the game Super Mario Bros 3. with the shader preset CRT-Royale loaded.
Specification info
Year of Inception
Common Repository [1]
The Shader Specification by the Libretro organization uses Cg as a superset so that cross-platform compatibility can be guaranteed across all devices. It is easier to convert Cg shaders to GLSL/HLSL than the other way around.

The Cg shader spec used in RetroArch and other Libretro frontends supports both single-pass Cg shaders as well as multi-pass shaders using a custom Cg preset format (.cgp):

Example Cg preset
shaders = 2
shader0 = 4xBR-v3.9.cg
scale_type0 = source
scale0 = 4.0
filter_linear0 = false
shader1 = dummy.cg
filter_linear1 = true

Detailed Cg Shader Spec
Known implementations of this spec are currently:
- RetroArch (on PC, mobile, PS3, partly XBox 360)
- SNES9x (Win32 port)
- OpenEmu

Entry points:
Vertex: main_vertex
Fragment: main_fragment

Texture unit:
All shaders work on texture unit 0 (the default). 2D textures must be used.
Power-of-two sized textures are recommended for optimal visual quality.
The shaders must deal with the actual picture data not
filling out the entire texture.
Incoming texture coordinates and uniforms provide this information.

The texture coordinate origin is defined to be top-left oriented, i.e.
a texture coordinate of (0, 0) will always refer to the top-left pixel of
the visible frame. This is opposite of what most graphical APIs expect.
The implementation must always ensure that this ordering is held for any
texture that the shader has access to.

Every texture bound for a shader must have black border mode set.
I.e. sampling a texel outside the given texture coordinates must always return a pixel
with RGBA values (0, 0, 0, 0).

Some parameters will need to be passed to all shaders,
both vertex and fragment program.
A generic entry point for fragment shader will look like:

float4 main_fragment (float2 tex : TEXCOORD0,
uniform input IN, uniform sampler2D s_p : TEXUNIT0) : COLOR

The input is a struct looking like:
struct input
float2 video_size;
float2 texture_size;
float2 output_size;
float frame_count;
float frame_direction;

TEXCOORD0: Texture coordinates for the current input frame will be passed in TEXCOORD0.
(TEXCOORD is a valid alias for TEXCOORD0).

COLOR0: Although legal, no data of interest is passed here.
You cannot assume anything about data in this stream.

IN.video_size: The size of the actual video data in the texture,
e.g for a SNES this will be generally
(256, 224) for normal resolution frames.

IN.texture_size: This is the size of the texture itself.
Optimally power-of-two sized.

IN.output_size: The size of the video output.
This is the size of the viewport shown on screen.

IN.frame_count: A counter of the frame number.
This increases with 1 every frame.
This value is really an integer,
but needs to be float for CGs lack of integer uniforms.

IN.frame_direction: A number telling which direction
the frames are flowing. For regular playing, this value should be 1.0.
While the game is rewinding, this value should be -1.0.

modelViewProj: This uniform needs to be set in vertex shader.
It is a uniform for the current MVP transform.

Most of these shaders are intended to be used with a non-filtered input.
Nearest-neighbor filtering on the textures themselves are preferred.
Some shaders, like scanline will most likely
prefer bilinear texture filtering.

-- Cg meta-shader format --

The .cg files themselves contain no metadata necessary to perform advanced
filtering. They also cannot process an effect in multiple passes, which
is necessary for some effects. The CgFX format does exist, but it would
need current shaders to be rewritten to a HLSL-esque format.
It also suffers a problem mentioned below.

Rather than putting everything into one file (XML shader format), this
format is config file based. This greatly helps testing shader combinations
as there is no need to rearrange code in one big file. Another plus with
this approach is that a large library of .cg files can be used to combine
many shaders without needing to redundantly copy code over. It also
helps testing as it is possible to unit-test every pass separately
completely seamless.


The meta-shader format is based around the idea of a config file with the
format: key = value. Values with spaces need to be wrapped in quotes:
key = "value stuff". No .ini sections or similar are allowed. Meta-shaders
may include comments, prefixed by the "#" character, both on their own in
an otherwise empty line or at the end of a key = value pair.

The meta-format has four purposes:
- Combine several standalone .cg shaders into a multipass shader.
- Define scaling parameters for each pass. I.e., a HQ2x shader
might want to output with a scale of exactly 2x.
- Control filtering of textures. Many shaders will want nearest-neighbor
filtering, and some will want linear.
- Define external lookup textures. Shaders can access external textures
found in .tga files.


- shaders (int): This param defines how many .cg shaders will be loaded.
This value must be at least one.
The path to these shaders will be found as a string in parameters
shader0, shader1, ... shaderN, and so on.
The path is relative to the directory the meta-shader
was loaded from.

- filter_linearN (boolean): This parameter defines how the texture of the
result of pass N will be filtered.
N = 0 (pass 0) is the raw input frame,
N = 1 is result of the first pass, etc.
(A boolean value here might be true/false/1/0).
Should this value not be defined, the filtering option is
implementation defined.

- float_framebufferN (boolean): This parameters defines if shader N
should render to a 32-bit floating point buffer.
This only takes effect if shaderN is actually rendered to an FBO.
This is useful for shaders which have to store FBO values outside [0, 1] range.

- frame_count_modN (int): This positive parameter defines
which modulo to apply to IN.frame_count.
IN.frame_count will take the value frame_count % frame_count_modN.

- scale_typeN (string): This can be set to one of these values:
"source": Output size of shader pass N is relative to the input size
as found in IN.video_size. Value is float.
"viewport": Output size of shader pass N is relative to the size of the
window viewport. Value is float.
This value can change over time if the user
resizes his/her window!
"absolute": Output size is statically defined to a certain size.
Useful for hi-res blenders or similiar.

If no scale type is assumed, it is assumed that it is set to "source"
with scaleN set to 1.0.

It is possible to set scale_type_xN and scale_type_yN to specialize
the scaling type in either direction. scale_typeN however
overrides both of these.

If no scale_type is set for the very last shader,
it is assumed to output at the full resolution rather than assuming
a scale of 1.0x, and bypasses any frame-buffer object rendering.
If there is only one shader, it is
also considered to be the very last shader. If any scale option
is defined, it has to go through a frame-buffer object, and
subsequently rendered to screen. The filtering option used when stretching
is implementation defined. It is encouraged to not have any
scaling parameters in last pass if you care about the filtering
option here.

In first pass, should no scaling factor be defined, the implementation
is free to choose a fitting scale. This means, that for a single pass
shader, it is allowed for the implementation to set a scale,
render to FBO, and stretch. (Rule above).

- scaleN, scale_xN, scale_yN (float/int):
These values control the scaling params from scale_typeN.
The values may be either floating or int depending on the type.
scaleN controls both scaling type in horizontal and vertical directions.

If scaleN is defined, scale_xN and scale_yN have no effect.
scale_xN and scale_yN controls scaling properties for the directions
separately. Should only one of these be defined, the other direction
will assume a "source" scale with value 1.0, i.e. no change in resolution.

Should scale_type_xN and scale_type_yN be set to different values,
the use of scaleN is undefined (i.e. if X-type is absolute (takes int),
and Y-type is source (takes float).)

- textures (multiple strings):
The textures param defines one or more lookup textures IDs.
Several IDs are delimited with ';'. I.e. textures = "foo;bar"
These IDs serves as the names for a Cg sampler uniform. I.e.
uniform sampler2D foo;
uniform sampler2D bar;

The path of the textures can be found in the IDs, i.e.
foo = image0.tga
bar = image1.tga
The paths of these textures are relative to the directory
the meta-shader was loaded from.

It is also possible to control the filtering options of the
lookup texture as a boolean option in ID_linear = true/false.
I.e. foo_linear = false, will force nearest neighbor filtering
for texture "foo". If this param is not set, it is assumed to be
linearily filtered.

The textures will be loaded "as-is",
and coordinates (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1) will correspond
to the corners of the texture. Since the texture coordinates
of the texture in TEXUNIT0 might not be as convenient,
the texture coordinates for all lookup textures will be found
in TEXCOORD1. (Note: You cannot assume which texture unit the
lookup textures will be bound to however!)

The implementation only guarantees to be able to
load plain top-left non-RLE .tga files.
It may provide possibilities to load i.e. .png and other popular formats.

Multi-pass uniforms:

During multi-pass rendering, some additional uniforms are available.

With multi-pass rendering, it is possible to utilize the resulting output
for every pass that came before it, including the unfiltered input.
This allows for an additive approach to shading rather than
serial style.

The unfiltered input can be found in the ORIG struct:

uniform sampler2D ORIG.texture: Texture handle.
Must not be set to a predefined texture unit.
uniform float2 ORIG.video_size: The video size of original frame.
uniform float2 ORIG.texture_size: The texture size of original frame.
in float2 ORIG.tex_coord: An attribute input holding the texture
coordinates of original frame.

PASS%u: This struct holds the same data as the ORIG struct,
although the result of passes {1, 2, 3 ...}, i.e.
PASS1.texture holds the result of the first shader pass.
If rendering pass N, passes {1, ..., N-2} are available.
(N-1 being input in the regular IN structure).

This struct holds the same data as the ORIG struct,
and corresponds to the raw input image from the previous frame.
Useful for motion blur.

Similar struct as PREV, but holds the data for passes further back in time.
PREV1 is the frame before PREV, PREV2 the frame before that again, and so on.
This allows up to 8-tap motion blur.

For backend implementers:
-- Rendering the shader chain: --

With all these options, the rendering pipeline can become somewhat complex.
The meta-shader format greatly utilizes the possibility of offscreen
rendering to achieve its effects.
In OpenGL usually this is referred to as frame-buffer objects,
and in HLSL as render targets (?). This feature will be referred to as
FBO from here. FBO texture is assumed to be a texture bound to the FBO.

As long as the visual result is approximately identical,
the implementation does not have
to employ FBO.

With multiple passes our chain looks like this conceptually:

|Source image| ---> |Shader 0| ---> |FBO 0| ---> |Shader 1| --->
|FBO 1| ---> |Shader 2| ---> (Back buffer)

In the case that Shader 2 has set some scaling params, we need to first render
to an FBO before stretching it to the back buffer.

|Source image| ---> ... |Shader 2| ---> |FBO 2| ---> (Back buffer)

Scaling parameters determine the sizes of the FBOs. For visual fidelity it
is recommended that power-of-two sized textures are bound to them. This
is due to floating point inaccuracies that become far more apparent when not
using power-of-two textures. If the absolute maximum size of the source image
is known, then it is possible to preallocate the FBOs.

Do note that the size of FBOn is determined by dimensions of FBOn-1
when "source" scale is used, _not_ the source image size!
Of course, FBO0 would use source image size, as there is no FBO-1 ;)

I.e., with SNES there is a maximum width of 512 and height of 478.
If a source relative scale of 3.0x is desired for first pass, it is thus safe to
allocate a FBO with size of 2048x2048. However, most frames will just use a
tiny fraction of this texture.

With "viewport" scale it might be necessary to reallocate the FBO in run-time
if the user resizes the window.

GLSL shader support exists to be compatible in case Cg shaders cannot be supported, which is the case for OpenGL ES, and EGL contexts (KMS mode in Linux for one).

Like Cg shaders, GLSL shaders represent a single pass, and requires a preset file to describe how multiple shaders are combined. The extension is .glsl. The internal format of the shaders are the same as modern XML shaders.

As GLSL shaders are normally placed in two different files (vertex, fragment), making it very impractical to select in a menu. This is worked around by using compiler defines in order to be equivalent to Cg shaders.

Example GLSL shader
varying vec2 tex_coord;
#if defined(VERTEX)
attribute vec2 TexCoord;
attribute vec2 VertexCoord;
uniform mat4 MVPMatrix;
void main()
gl_Position = MVPMatrix * vec4(VertexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
tex_coord = TexCoord;
#elif defined(FRAGMENT)
uniform sampler2D Texture;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(Texture, tex_coord);

GLSL shaders must be modern style, and using ruby prefix is discouraged.

Converting from Cg shaders
GLSL shaders are mostly considered a compatibility format. It is possible to compile Cg shaders into GLSL shaders automatically using ourcg2glsl script found here. It can convert single shaders as well as batch conversion.

It relies on nVidia’s cgc tool found in nvidia-cg-toolkit package.

GLSL preset
Like Cg shaders, there is a preset format. Instead of .cgp extension, .glslp extension is used. The format is exactly the same, just replace .cg shaders with .glsl. To convert a .cgp preset, rename to .glslp and replace all references to .cg shaders with .glsl.

Common Shaders Repository
The Libretro Organization hosts a repository on Github that contains a compilation of overlays made with the Shader Specification. Users can contribute their own overlays to this repository by doing a Pull Request.

WOW, YOU'RE RIGHT! This is so easy to understand! It's become so clear to me now! I now fully understand every setting in RetroArch and how they work! THANK YOU!

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Reactions: The_Meistro


"Mods please close this thread"
Aug 23, 2015
Inside your SD card
United States
Thanks man. It took you just a long to embed those vids as it did for @teampleb and @Buttsnake and @arse to be jerks. At least someone has a soul
Hey. I wasn't trying to be mean and sorry@Drako
Thanks man. It took you just a long to embed those vids as it did for @teampleb and @Buttsnake and @arse to be jerks. At least someone has a soul
Hey man, I wasn't trying to be mean. Sorry if I did, but I don't want people making an entire thread to something that should be really simple. And sorry @Drak0rex for coming off as mean

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