Thoughts about otaku/anime fan stuff

Since I know a lot of people here like anime and manga, I felt I should make this post here.

Ever since I started watching anime, I've gotten a lot of strange responses from people. They range anywhere from "Hountou!? Kakoi desu!" to "You mean those stupid Japanese kid's cartoons?". I find both responses rather polarizing since I don't think anime (Or any animation for that matter) is for kids, but I also don't like the response in Japanese like I have to change my language and only like anime. I consider myself to be nerdy, but I'm a controlled nerd. I'm not the flamboyant anime fan you see going to conventions, dressing up like their favorite characters, learning Japanese with all their might, etc. Not that any of those things don't interest me. I would like to learn Japanese as a second language (Mainly for video games and the stuff you can't find with subs), but I'm not as crazy obsessed as I see some people. In all honesty, I wish I could meet an anime fan (In real life) who is normal about it like I am. I believe that people should express themselves, but I see some people take it to far and make a mockery of their respective passion. As an example, NO ONE can be a Sonic fan anymore, 'cause that makes you a sonicfag. It's a horrible cycle where a large enough group of collective weirdos ruin that certain thing for everyone else by polarizing it.

None the less, I still tell people I like anime when they ask. I'm not ashamed of anything I've ever liked, but it's painful to like something when you know a large group of crazies/weirdos also like it. You almost get the feeling people will look at you as if that is you, and it sucks.


Everyone in my school reads/watches manga or anime.. Its like the norm here.. We even discuss it and have our own anime club
I love anime(haven't read to much manga)but I didn't think alot of people around me liked it,but I found out my best friends brother likes it so it's cool to talk to him about it and I wore a deathnote shirt to my church group and alot of people was like I love the shirt.I was surprised!plus my sister in law likes it so I have no problem people knowing I like it:)
Weeaboos make liking anime openly very difficult.
Not that i'm embarrassed, it's just fucking annoying to explain every time I say it that i'm not a batshit insane fruitcake who watches 15 hours of anime every day.

Instead, I watch pretty small amounts of anime...and only watch genuinely good series. Which, honestly isn't a TON of anime. Anime is kinda like wii games.
There's a ton of them...and most are bad.
But people don't see a difference between myself and a dumb-as-a-brick weeaboo if I tell 'em i'm cool with anime.

As for j-music. I really, really like instrumentals. It's odd, but I count j-music more as instrumental music then anything. I mean, I can't understand what the hell they're it's more like their voice is just another instrument. S'bout the best way I can explain why I listen to j-music.

But yeah, the general anime fanbase is absolutely horrid. It's actually insulting to be categorized in the same category as them.
[quote name='Joktan' post='3581261' date='Apr 9 2011, 11:03 PM']deathnote shirt to my church group[/quote]

It not like you believe in that fiction so I guess it fine...

[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3581284' date='Apr 9 2011, 11:16 PM']Instead, I watch pretty small amounts of anime...and only watch genuinely good series. Which, honestly is TON of anime. Anime is kinda like wii games.
There's a ton of them...and most are good.[/quote]
fix :rolleyes:
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3581284' date='Apr 10 2011, 07:16 AM']Weeaboos make liking anime openly very difficult.
Not that i'm embarrassed, it's just fucking annoying to explain every time I say it that i'm not a batshit insane fruitcake who watches 15 hours of anime every day.

Instead, I watch pretty small amounts of anime...and only watch genuinely good series. Which, honestly isn't a TON of anime. Anime is kinda like wii games.
There's a ton of them...and most are bad.
But people don't see a difference between myself and a dumb-as-a-brick weeaboo if I tell 'em i'm cool with anime.

As for j-music. I really, really like instrumentals. It's odd, but I count j-music more as instrumental music then anything. I mean, I can't understand what the hell they're it's more like their voice is just another instrument. S'bout the best way I can explain why I listen to j-music.

But yeah, the general anime fanbase is absolutely horrid. It's actually insulting to be categorized in the same category as them.[/quote]

As for everyone who's posted so far, you probably share the closest views to me. I've never been embarrassed about things I like, but I don't like being categorized as a weirdo who lives and breathes anime. I don't even like most mainstream anime to begin with. Not that I have a problem with that, but I find a lot of the traits of the current anime/manga community look pretty bad to the casual observer.

[quote name='Linkiboy' post='3580604' date='Apr 10 2011, 12:06 AM']But inside my circle of friends, I do make a mockery of it. Like, we blast jpop while driving down roads. Problem?[/quote]

Well, people who blast any kind of loud music in the US are usually considered jackasses.
Here's the thing. There's a difference between otakus and hipsters who act like otakus. I'm not a big fan of either.

Otakus are just gigantic Japanerds. They're not super open about it and if you see them you'd think they're a nerd. I know a few but they're generally the kind who are like "AWW I LOVE NARUTO IT'S SO AWESOME". I never really see an otaku around here (EDIT: here meaning where I live, not the website) who just likes some lesser known Japanese stuff.

Then there's fucking hipsters who think they're all anime involved because of Death Note. That's right. Death Note. I have nothing against the anime. I tried watching it and wasn't a fan. But these hipsters gobbled it all up and think they're so different because they watch anime. Then that evolves to them trying to dress like fucking cats and doing stupid shit that's only found in Japanese stereotypes. These people I cannot stand. They're a combination of emo and stupid otakus (there are probably some otakus who actually have a good range of taste). They dress like retards and they don't take a fucking shower. Seriously, all the time you can see their grease and complete lack of hygiene. I take a shower every day and I feel gross if I don't. These people go for days without showering. It's fucking disgusting.

I'm not really an otaku and I would never call myself one. There's definitely some things from Japan I enjoy but not nearly as much as I find in western media. I'll take Star Trek over (insert anime here) any day.
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='3580703' date='Apr 9 2011, 10:01 PM'][quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3580651' date='Apr 9 2011, 05:36 PM'][quote name='RiotShooter' post='3580646' date='Apr 9 2011, 05:33 PM'][quote name='Linkiboy' post='3580604' date='Apr 9 2011, 02:06 PM']But inside my circle of friends, I do make a mockery of it. Like, we blast jpop while driving down roads. Problem?[/quote]

LULZ. My friends and I blasts Kpop going down the road sometimes. We get the funniest looks.
you too are part of the problem. If you actually enjoy it then why would you want to give it a bad image?
Because we're mature enough to not care what people think of us.

Edit: no one knows what it is anyway. If anything we're giving it a better image that it would receive by default. Ignorant school-age students associate it, by default, with quiet nerds who might blow up the school (since anime is unpopular, etc, for nerds, whatever). That's America's current perception of it. Now image 4 huge/ripped guys in a Mini Cooper blasting it. Case in point.
You do realise that not everyone likes the music you like? When you're blasting your music as loud as you bloody can down the road, it can irritate people, and doing it makes you look like a dick, no matter what genre of music it is.
[quote name='BobTheJoeBob' post='3581807' date='Apr 10 2011, 09:18 AM'][quote name='Linkiboy' post='3580703' date='Apr 9 2011, 10:01 PM'][quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3580651' date='Apr 9 2011, 05:36 PM'][quote name='RiotShooter' post='3580646' date='Apr 9 2011, 05:33 PM'][quote name='Linkiboy' post='3580604' date='Apr 9 2011, 02:06 PM']But inside my circle of friends, I do make a mockery of it. Like, we blast jpop while driving down roads. Problem?[/quote]

LULZ. My friends and I blasts Kpop going down the road sometimes. We get the funniest looks.
you too are part of the problem. If you actually enjoy it then why would you want to give it a bad image?
Because we're mature enough to not care what people think of us.

Edit: no one knows what it is anyway. If anything we're giving it a better image that it would receive by default. Ignorant school-age students associate it, by default, with quiet nerds who might blow up the school (since anime is unpopular, etc, for nerds, whatever). That's America's current perception of it. Now image 4 huge/ripped guys in a Mini Cooper blasting it. Case in point.
You do realise that not everyone like the music you like? When you're blasting your music as loud as you bloody can down the road, it can irritate people, and doing it makes you look like a dick, no matter what genre of music it is.
exactly my point, i was like 10 seconds away from posting pretty much the same thing
I watch anime sometimes, I'm actually going to watch one this season which looks alright.

The only people that piss me off is the ones who think Haruhi is actually God, watch Lucky Star on repeat while fapping over Kagami (iFish) and claim they know everything to do with anime.
[quote name='prwlr.' post='3581817' date='Apr 10 2011, 02:25 PM']I watch anime sometimes, I'm actually going to watch one this season which looks alright.

The only people that piss me off is the ones who think Haruhi is actually God, watch Lucky Star on repeat while fapping over Kagami (iFish) and claim they know everything to do with anime.[/quote]
You're just jelly because

Yeah, but

[quote name='hkz8000' post='3581820' date='Apr 10 2011, 02:26 PM']what's the difference between an otaku and a weaboo?[/quote]
Weaboo's are obsessed to the point of being annoying, otaku's are just obsessed, and are only kiiinda annoying.
[quote name='prwlr.' post='3581817' date='Apr 10 2011, 04:25 PM']I watch anime sometimes, I'm actually going to watch one this season which looks alright.

The only people that piss me off is the ones who think Haruhi is actually God, watch Lucky Star on repeat while fapping over Kagami (iFish) and claim they know everything to do with anime.[/quote]

Haruhi isn't too bad. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but it seemed pretty solid if that's the kind of show you like watching.

Lucky Star just annoyed me. I tried watching the first episode, but all I saw was girls taking about food for way too long.
[quote name='Tonitonichopchop' post='3581861' date='Apr 10 2011, 02:52 PM'][quote name='prwlr.' post='3581817' date='Apr 10 2011, 04:25 PM']I watch anime sometimes, I'm actually going to watch one this season which looks alright.

The only people that piss me off is the ones who think Haruhi is actually God, watch Lucky Star on repeat while fapping over Kagami (iFish) and claim they know everything to do with anime.[/quote]

Haruhi isn't too bad. It's not exactly my cup of tea, but it seemed pretty solid if that's the kind of show you like watching.

Lucky Star just annoyed me. I tried watching the first episode, but all I saw was girls taking about food for way too long.
Yeah, the 1st episode's kinda crappy and annoying xP
When I was a teenager, I'd watch anime once in a while (a lot each time though), back when "the classics" came out, and it was a cool foreign-movie type of thing. I would never have cosplayed.
That was at least ten years ago, and that was the closest to an "otaku" (by your terms) that I've ever been.

I was sincerely learning Japanese to play games back then. I thought it'd be good listening practice, and I might be entertained as well.
Then I started watching Dramas (which is much much much much better practice, btw!), and watched less and less anime.

Then I learned Japanese.
Then I went to Japan.
Then I got married.

Let me set the record straight : the anime you guys watch and that people tell you is for kids....well, they're right. I do not know one sane Japanese adult that watches anime. Sure, they'll read manga. But those animated cartoon versions are exactly that -- like Fox's Saturday Morning cartoons. They are targeted towards the kid/preteen audience. A lot of the manga series themselves are too (Shounen Manga,right?). One interesting exception is One Piece. Now, I don't know s**t about One Piece, but an interesting study showed that a majority of their readership is in their mid-late twenties, a sharp contrast to most of the other serialized series.

I know a lot of you are young, and that's OK, enjoy your youth. But Otaku culture is definitely not encouraged in Japan. Just like your American/Canadian/English/Australian girlfriend might say "Aren't those for kids?", I can personally guarantee that most Japanese girls will say the same.

Some of the series are genuinely entertaining! Take it like watching a good movie, or reading a really good book. But would you dress up as Harry Potter on weekends with your friends? Would you dress up as Frodo or Darth Maul?

I can sincerely recommend to those of you who are older, and honestly interested in the language to start watching Dramas. You can get a lot of them subtitled, and they present a much more realistic view of Japan, as well as the language (NO ONE SPEAKS LIKE ANIME IN REAL LIFE.).
[quote name='Blebleman' post='3581916' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:23 AM']When I was a teenager, I'd watch anime once in a while (a lot each time though), back when "the classics" came out, and it was a cool foreign-movie type of thing. I would never have cosplayed.
That was at least ten years ago, and that was the closest to an "otaku" (by your terms) that I've ever been.

I was sincerely learning Japanese to play games back then. I thought it'd be good listening practice, and I might be entertained as well.
Then I started watching Dramas (which is much much much much better practice, btw!), and watched less and less anime.

Then I learned Japanese.
Then I went to Japan.
Then I got married.

Let me set the record straight : the anime you guys watch and that people tell you is for kids....well, they're right. I do not know one sane Japanese adult that watches anime. Sure, they'll read manga. But those animated cartoon versions are exactly that -- like Fox's Saturday Morning cartoons. They are targeted towards the kid/preteen audience. A lot of the manga series themselves are too (Shounen Manga,right?). One interesting exception is One Piece. Now, I don't know s**t about One Piece, but an interesting study showed that a majority of their readership is in their mid-late twenties, a sharp contrast to most of the other serialized series.

I know a lot of you are young, and that's OK, enjoy your youth. But Otaku culture is definitely not encouraged in Japan. Just like your American/Canadian/English/Australian girlfriend might say "Aren't those for kids?", I can personally guarantee that most Japanese girls will say the same.

Some of the series are genuinely entertaining! Take it like watching a good movie, or reading a really good book. But would you dress up as Harry Potter on weekends with your friends? Would you dress up as Frodo or Darth Maul?

I can sincerely recommend to those of you who are older, and honestly interested in the language to start watching Dramas. You can get a lot of them subtitled, and they present a much more realistic view of Japan, as well as the language (NO ONE SPEAKS LIKE ANIME IN REAL LIFE.).[/quote]
I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but if it's only for children then why do they have anime that is targeted towards mature men/women and certainly wouldn't be suitable for children? Gantz is a prime example of something that children should definitely not be watching
and hentai... is hentai headed towards children? xDD

well, i love anime... i watch it... if given the chance of dressing like a character i like... and i didnt look too much silly and wasnt really near any friend or family.. i think i would take the chance.. even if it was just for one time and never repeated again xD
I used to occasionally watch anime, but I've never been hardcore about it. In general I don't like the anime fanbase that much, because many fans of anime are completely obsessed with it. I watched a few animes as a pastime, nothing more, but it was difficult to try to communicate with someone who watched the same anime that wasn't completely addicted to Japanese culture.
[quote name='DeathStrudel' post='3581942' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:33 AM'][quote name='Blebleman' post='3581916' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:23 AM']When I was a teenager, I'd watch anime once in a while (a lot each time though), back when "the classics" came out, and it was a cool foreign-movie type of thing. I would never have cosplayed.
That was at least ten years ago, and that was the closest to an "otaku" (by your terms) that I've ever been.

I was sincerely learning Japanese to play games back then. I thought it'd be good listening practice, and I might be entertained as well.
Then I started watching Dramas (which is much much much much better practice, btw!), and watched less and less anime.

Then I learned Japanese.
Then I went to Japan.
Then I got married.

Let me set the record straight : the anime you guys watch and that people tell you is for kids....well, they're right. I do not know one sane Japanese adult that watches anime. Sure, they'll read manga. But those animated cartoon versions are exactly that -- like Fox's Saturday Morning cartoons. They are targeted towards the kid/preteen audience. A lot of the manga series themselves are too (Shounen Manga,right?). One interesting exception is One Piece. Now, I don't know s**t about One Piece, but an interesting study showed that a majority of their readership is in their mid-late twenties, a sharp contrast to most of the other serialized series.

I know a lot of you are young, and that's OK, enjoy your youth. But Otaku culture is definitely not encouraged in Japan. Just like your American/Canadian/English/Australian girlfriend might say "Aren't those for kids?", I can personally guarantee that most Japanese girls will say the same.

Some of the series are genuinely entertaining! Take it like watching a good movie, or reading a really good book. But would you dress up as Harry Potter on weekends with your friends? Would you dress up as Frodo or Darth Maul?

I can sincerely recommend to those of you who are older, and honestly interested in the language to start watching Dramas. You can get a lot of them subtitled, and they present a much more realistic view of Japan, as well as the language (NO ONE SPEAKS LIKE ANIME IN REAL LIFE.).[/quote]
I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but if it's only for children then why do they have anime that is targeted towards mature men/women and certainly wouldn't be suitable for children? Gantz is a prime example of something that children should definitely not be watching

I totally agree with you! There are many good series targeted for a seinen or adult audience! (Hokuto no Ken comes to mind for me, hahahaha!). Honestly I can't really bash on those, but as long as people remember all things are good in moderation, like all things in life. :)
Adult Manga is where you go when you want a fantasy setting, considering Drama series don't really do fantasy.

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