Some stuff I want to do...

Alright well this is sorta a bitch move right here but whatever. I need some PS2 games for my PS2 but pirating them is pretty hard for me since I can't find lots of there ISOs and plus my internet sucks like shit. Well I was thinking and I think I can buy the PS2 games used in GameStop and then come home and burn them into a DVD for my softmodded PS2. Can they catch you if you do that somehow? After I burn it I will go back to GameStop and give them back the game since they have that 7 day purchase refund deal. You guys think this will work and I won't get caught? If the guy asks why you don't want the game I will probably just say the game didn't work on my PS3(not PS2) so then the guy will give me a refund not an exchange for another PS2 game. So anyways can this crap work?


If you do it too often you will most definitely get caught. Unless the employees are complete idiots of course.
Try my method. It's worked everytime. However, I don't use Alcohol at all.

You can't just do an image creation with DVD Decrypter, then turn around an burn it. It's not going to work on all games. You have to clean out the "dud" space that the original image has, then rebuild the image, then you use DVD Decrypter to burn the new image to disc.
An original PS2 game disc has blank spaces on it. Imagine a record album with songs on every other track. When you do just a straight image creation, then a reburn of that image, the blank space is put close to the inner ring of the disc, and the software is pushed to the outter portion of the disc.
Below is how I create my games, and I have yet to see it fail.

** DVD Decrypter to create initial image.
** ISOBuster to extract the files of the image (doing away with the dud space.
** CD/DVD Gen to create the necessary files for rebuilding the image.
** IML to ISO to put the files together to create the final image.
** DVD Decrypter to burn the final image.

Here are the tools you need. You can thank me later.

As far as links to the programs, there should be some time left on the uploads I have provided. Here you go.

IML2ISO (Windows XP Version)

IML2ISO (Windows 98, ME, 2000 version)

CD/DVD Generator 1.20 with patch file.
** If you forget to patch this program after you install it, it will not work correctly, and you will create coasters. **
** The best way to install this program is to unzip all files to a new folder, then run the setup. Afterwards, go back and double click on the file with the word "patch" in it. It will be found in a separate folder inside the folder you unzipped the program to. Double click the patch file, and the patcher opens up. Click the three dots (...), and browse to the C:\Program Files\CD_DVD-ROM Generator 1.20 folder. Then select the cddvdgen file.


You can always find the same files here:

** My Instructions **

1. Create the image with DVD Decryptor.
2. Drag the image into ISOBuster (the iso file).
3. Write down the names you see.
4. Now, make a new folder called "iso-rebuilt."
5. Press Cntrl A in ISOBuster to highlight all files.
6. Right click and "extract to" the "iso-rebuilt" folder.
7. When that is done, close ISOBuster.
8. Open the program CD/DVD ROM Generator.
A. Click "new project."
B. Select DVD.
9. Looking at your "iso-rebuilt" folder, drag each file over into
the CD/DVD Rom Generator in the order in which you wrote them
down earlier.
10. Click the "volume" button at the top.
11. For the Disc name, put in Slus, then the number
NOTE: the number is found on one of the file names.
12. For Producer, put in Playstation
13. Click the Record button.
14. You get two errors, this is correct.
15. Click File/Export IML, dump them to your desktop.
16. When this is done, close the program.
17. Open up gdvd4-iml2iso, and have it open the first .iml file
by clicking the ... at the end of the iml box name.
18. Click the Start button on the program.
19. It is now building you a new image of the game.
20. Once done, close that program, open up DVD Decrypter, and have
it burn the new image. From there, you can use DVD Decrypter
to create another image of this burned cd to make "copies" for
your friends without having to go through all of the above
steps over again. This only needs to be done for each new
game title.


** Special Notes **
I have the new slim-line PS2.
I use -R blank DVDs
I'm also using Swap Magic 3.6 with a new lid installed on my PS2.

from here

You can't get caught for it, really, or at least won't. I suppose it's possible they put 7-day cameras in the discs to listen for hints of piracy but----wait, no, that's just my imagination.
The copying the cd and not having them know is possible, you're just reading the data from your comp, like a ps2.
I dont know about the refund part, maybe theyll give you store credit.

EDIT: O wow by the time it took me to type this 2 other people had already answered :glare:
Wow I thought I just needed to copy the PS2 game into PC with IMGBURN. Then ESR patch it and burn it into a DVD...
[quote name='gameboy13' post='2997383' date='Jul 22 2010, 03:45 AM']If you do it too often you will most definitely get caught. Unless the employees are complete idiots of course.[/quote]It's Gamestop, of course they are.
Or pickup a network adapter for under 30 bucks on eBay, dump an IDE drive in there, and not have to deal with burning nonsense at all.
Or just buy the games online. I picked up a copy of MGS2 at for 75 cents plus shipping and handling. Same goes with Twisted Metal Black and a few others.

PS2 games are incredibly cheap nowadays, look at Amazon or That's what I do.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2998023' date='Jul 22 2010, 04:17 AM']Or just buy the games online. I picked up a copy of MGS2 at for 75 cents plus shipping and handling. Same goes with Twisted Metal Black and a few others.

PS2 games are incredibly cheap nowadays, look at Amazon or That's what I do.[/quote]
Then you have to deal with loading times and disc swapping.

It's not 1997 anymore. We're better than this.
Well I have a PS2 slim so I don't need to buy a Network adapter. I only have like 20 bucks that I could spend so I have to choose the games wisely.

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  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I got lowballed today lol. That tonneau cover, I l isted it for $80, current retail price for it is $240. Guy hit me up and said $45. Ignored him
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    American way lowball until they say yes
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Not only did I ignore him, I messaged the next guy in line and he's like I can meet up today, didn't bat an eye at the price.
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    Only slept two hours
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    sleep more
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I called out of work last week because I straight up could not fall asleep during the night, at all
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    Didnt it happen to you that you were making a project with someone but that person dissappears and thus the project is in hiatus?
  • IC_ @ IC_:
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Porkchop was pretty good thanks dougg
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm getting a Arby's Rueben n curly fries, whenever my delivery driver gets here.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Arby rueben sucks
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    What? You on crack son. Maybe KC Arby sucks, but here its good.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Ohio you still hear it meow at you
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: lol fully loaded China crap
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea think they do add cat meat to it here, for that extra flavor.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: thought this said fuckwot
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn, she got me reg fries, not curly. Can't find good help these days I tell ya.
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    Why's pooping after eating always feel awesome
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    Help, I get a guru meditation error whenever I try to play Tsukihime through vnds. Im trying it on twl menu on a flashcart
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    oh and im using this fork:
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Try using a spork
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @K3Nv3, could you be less helpful?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I could by not saying anything but I said something
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @K3Nv3, I was being sarcastic
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I was being green
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: I was being green