Need to write some stuff about Communism and Democracy.

Well I am doing a project were I have to write about 2 political systems. I chose Democracy and communism. I don't know what else I should add into communism, can anyone help? I don't need any opinions only facts from a trusted source.

I need to add in some more points about communism, how it started, and more.


To clarify:

Communism in itself is a type of economy. Marxism/Socialism would be the form of government to go along with it. The two are just generally lumped together, as they are ideal for each other and have always been used together throughout history.
[quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3583467' date='Apr 11 2011, 12:23 AM']To clarify:

Communism in itself is a type of economy. Marxism/Socialism would be the form of government to go along with it. The two are just generally lumped together, as they are ideal for each other and have always been used together throughout history.[/quote]
Well I wrote all of that already. I need some information about more ideas of it and how it affected the lives of people. And isn't communism a type of totalitarian government?
[quote name='Jakob95' post='3583471' date='Apr 10 2011, 09:27 PM'][quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3583467' date='Apr 11 2011, 12:23 AM']To clarify:

Communism in itself is a type of economy. Marxism/Socialism would be the form of government to go along with it. The two are just generally lumped together, as they are ideal for each other and have always been used together throughout history.[/quote]
Well I wrote all of that already. I need some information about more ideas of it and how it affected the lives of people. And isn't communism a type of totalitarian government?

Like I said, communism is a type of economy. Nobody has more than they need, goods are government regulated, money is technically no longer a necessity for the every day person. It goes along with the idea of the working class rising and the creation of a state where all are equal. There are no rich, no poor, just citizens. Where the socialism hits is that nobody has more power than another. All people are truly equal in all aspects. Decisions are made by all, not a select few, representatives, or anything of the like. Check out The Communist Manifesto to get some more insight.

It can be seen as totalitarianism, as every time communism has been enacted, it was used in a totalitarian government. Stalin, Mao, and others took the concepts and skewed them to keep themselves all powerful, while the people suffered.
Communism is not a type of economic system or a government.

A (truly) 100% communist country would be a classless society without a government.

What you are referring to when you say 'communism' is an authoritarian regime that values a command (centrally planned) economy.

The end goal of communism is a classless, stateless society.

Democracy is founded upon the principles of modern liberalism.

Communism is an ideology. Some communist governments are loosely based on the ideology, but they never really fully embrace it.
[quote name='Jakob95' post='3583471' date='Apr 11 2011, 12:27 PM'][quote name='Nathan Drake' post='3583467' date='Apr 11 2011, 12:23 AM']To clarify:

Communism in itself is a type of economy. Marxism/Socialism would be the form of government to go along with it. The two are just generally lumped together, as they are ideal for each other and have always been used together throughout history.[/quote]
Well I wrote all of that already. I need some information about more ideas of it and how it affected the lives of people. And isn't communism a type of totalitarian government?

Marxism and Socialism are both ideologies, while Communism is the government and it implements Socialism and Marxism within it's system. That's what I'm aware of.
Well, the main idea of communism is where wealth is shared evenly.


Johnny has 2 houses, Bob is homeless. Johnny gives Bob a house. Bob is happy because he now has a house, Johnny is happy because he still has a house.

But the leaders of such governments usually don't actually believe in the idea of communism and just see it as a way to get power. Try reading the Communist Manifesto (if you haven't already) and see if that helps.
I need some help with writing the spread of communism. Like in countries in East Europe. I need to write how it happened and what countries became communist. Valid sources are required lolz.
We're not doing your homework for you. We can give you a few pointers, but "cite valid sources"? Really?
[quote name='Linkiboy' post='3587471' date='Apr 12 2011, 06:01 PM']We're not doing your homework for you. We can give you a few pointers, but "cite valid sources"? Really?[/quote]
Yeah forgot about that part. I already did it myself. I just need to find some countries now that are democracy but lack human rights.
Communism says : I'm not listening so shut the F- up
Democracy says: I'm listening but I don't care

(Not to be taken seriously)

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Both are sad, and stupid, can't even have a parade n be safe nowdays
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Kind of how it's always been Boston has experience
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can play Avowed tomorrow on gamepass at 1pm ET. I have it preloaded n ready. Looks pretty good n reviews on it r good.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Lol, some those look like my ceiling fan remote, or my smart devices remote.
  • MPRTwice @ MPRTwice:
    Tell me about it (safety in public these days); there seems to be two to four crazies a day trying to run me off the road as they attempt to fly by at 120 miles per hour on a 55...until I pull out the camera, then they get scared "for some reason, as if they did something wrong and don't want their face and plate reported."
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn, sorry, I didn't know that was you, I had to get to liquor store before they closed. My buzz was wearing off.
  • MPRTwice @ MPRTwice:
    I can tell it's not you; you would be panicking if it was, and besides that's alcohol, not laced fentanyl like they were uisng. Plus you forgot to put the cheese on my car (Disclaimer: sarcastic joke).
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    More snows coming in our area ffs
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea we supposed to get it wednesday, after it rolls past you. We already have bout 6 inches on the ground
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Seems like we get more snow later in winter, we have not had a white Xmas in years.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Stop telling urewife to lay on the ground
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Tell uremum take few steps to right, she blocking our sun.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Nah that's just urewife with her balls out again nasa said it was another eclipse
  • E @ Ej021:
    does anyone have a civilization VII cheats for switch?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Did you look in the Switch cheats forum? You can also do a Google search for the build id of the game, will only show cheats for your game version.
  • E @ Ej021:
    yeah ive look at the cheat forum already but they dont have it yet
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Google the build id then.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    lol, 6.1" screen unfolded, and only $999
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    Damn, there are spanish spammers now?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    1k is surprisingly affordable when the z flip is like 1400
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
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    Yay, for green area lighting?
    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: Yay, for green area lighting?