the pokemon trading card game online. it's in beta and in order to join you have to get a black white booster so last week i bought ten of them this week i bought six so yeah... since psn is down it's been making me more dickish. but this game is calming me more then ever also i'm in a real life gaming leauge of pokemon black and white so it's cool who else here has the beta or buys card and shit. if you guys want i can try to post a pic of what to look for on the booster pack or something like that. i would give codes but that's against the rules here anyway. it's on cards. also what sucks is you can get boosters online by enter the cards i'm going post a pic of one or something. but in RL i'm getting better pulls then online so yeah. i'm just ranting for now. i'll post pics later peace out mo-fo's