My dad caught a dove in his bare hands, and took it home in an uber

So, it’s finally time for another entry in the never-ending chronicles of my dad.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been wondering, waiting, for material to use in a new blog about my dad. Usually, he does or says enough things to create a fun blog, but as of late, there hadn’t been much to go off. Then, as if a present from the sky, came what I was waiting for.

A bird.

Today, my dad arrived home, with a paper bag in his hand. Now, he does that every day, but as he greeted me at the door this time, he foisted the paper bag into my hands. Baffled, I wondered what he possibly could be giving to me. I knew something was up, when I saw the back of the bag had holes in it, and the way my dad was desperately trying his best not to grin excitedly.

I opened the top of the bag, to peer inside, and upon seeing the contents of the bag, I shrieked and shut it. A white bird was nestled at the bottom of the bag, tilting his head back and forth in curiosity. I peeked into the bag again to see—to make sure—and lo and behold, the bird was still sitting happily inside.

Startled, I nearly dropped the bag. I made sure to try to keep it as steady as possible as I stumbled over saying “huh” “what” “how” and “bird?!” all at once. My dad, smiling joyously, waved his arms, and said “a gift for you!” Before walking inside, leaving me with the paper bag and bird.

According to my dad, he had found the bird sitting outside in a parking lot. He wanted to pet it, so he followed it for a few minutes, before eventually deciding to pick it up in his bare hands. From there, he walked to a nearby grocery store, asked for a paper bag, ripped open a few air holes, and stuffed the bird inside. With the bird in tow, he took an Uber home. I can’t even imagine what the conversation between my dad and the driver was, seeing as my dad likely couldn’t resist bragging about what was in the bag.

As I was panicking about what to do with this bird, my dad eagerly took the bird out of the bag, grabbing it with his hands, and setting it on our table. I expected the bird to fly around or start cawing, or anything, but it calmly sat there, ruffling its feathers every so often. I offered it a bowl of water, wondering how birds even drank water in the first place. It cutely dipped its head into the dish and seemed to drink the water. Then, dad began grabbing things out of the cupboard like oatmeal cookies, or a chocolate granola bar, and tried to offer it to the bird. I might not know much about birds, but I do know they probably can't eat sugary things or chocolate, though my dad just wanted to spoil his bird friend with snacks, as if it were a child, rather than a pet.

We decided on oatmeal and carrots, for the time being, as we figured out what in the world to do with a bird. For the most part, the little guy has been super calm, and appears to be trained. I voiced the opinion that he might be someone's pet, to the horror of my dad, because he wants to keep his bird friend forever and ever. He's been sitting with the bird, uncaged, for about 3 hours now, trying desperately to get it to sit on his shoulder.

For your enjoyment, I captured some short videos.

Volume warning:

Dad has decided that we will be naming the bird (for the time being) Punky, because "he has the crazy hair like the punky people" (mohawk). We're gonna take him to a vet, learn some stuff about him, and decide if we're equipped enough to even care for a bird. Regardless of what happens, this has definitely been a weird day.


when i first read the title i ignored it because all i read was "my dad caught" and i straight away thought it was just another porn bot...
I do NOT approve of this whatsoever. This is animal cruelty. You're torturing that poor animal by taking it out of it's natural environment & holding it captive for you and your fathers own enjoyment. It wasn't born or raised in that environment. The bird is not capable of telling you it does not want to be there. You should do the right thing and set it free. If you want a pet bird, go buy one that was already raised in captivity.

Not to mention, what if it IS someone elses pet? Did your dad contact your local police department, animal shelter and humane society to see if anyone has filed a missing pet report? Birds can fly hundreds of miles. Was it taken in to see if it was microchipped? Or are you just thinking for yourselves how cool it it to have a bird in your house?
@Chary I also agree it is a little "unreasonable" in case of cats.It maybe works with one...
Very good idea to check punky of parasites or similar. :)
From your videos it seems you are right,it is maybe a domesticated pet bird who "escaped" or more worst " abandoned"...
If you have the opportunity to place Punky in a bird cage / aviary shielded from your cats/dog, then that would be a really good fix.
I really hope your father is wise this time and make the right decision or to bring it to an Animal shelter or similar facility specializing in birds.
I wish you all good luck and please make a good decision that makes everyone happy.Not only your father.:)
Well, I spent about 5 hours just researching about this bird, so it would be best cared for in the interim that we have it, so you can take your claims of animal cruelty elsewhere.

Setting it free, is actually the most cruel thing you can do, as these birds are NOT meant to be living outside. They're domesticated, he cannot fly well, (clipped feathers?) and he would be almost certainly killed within moments of taking a step outside. I talked with a lot of people familiar with these types of birds, on both Reddit and Facebook.

I've already made a paw boost post for the little guy, in the town that he was found in. He's not tagged on his leg, which is where owners apparently mark their birds in case they get lost, so I have no current way of identifying if he's someone else's or not. And I literally just said in the post above yours that he's being taken to the Humane Society in my city for proper care, so, yeah. In the blog itself, I already raised concern as to whether it might be someone's, in the first place.

No need for the hostility, either. Clearly, this isn't Iran, where apparently picking up birds and taking them home is a thing kids do for fun, but being so accusatory is really unneeded.
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@alexander1970 Since the videos were taken, I went out and bought a nice birdcage (and not a tipped-over clothes bin lol) for him, and he's enjoying it. I've also made sure to keep him in my father's room, away from any of my other pets.

As a side story, apparently, my dad got this whole bright idea of bringing a bird home, because he used to live on a farm in Iran. After talking with my uncle (his brother), I learned that when my dad was a kid, he'd go catch pigeons in his village, and bring them home to play with. Eventually, his father built him a barn with a net on the top, so that the birds he collected would have a place to stay. He'd catch them, feed them, and keep them in the barn for the night. Then, he'd let them go free, where they'd fly back to the barn for more food lol. So, it seems he's had a history of doing this, and I guess he assumed it'd be just like when he was a kid, when he brought the bird friend home.

I don't intend on keeping him, even if my father really wants to. It's been fun having the bird, but I definitely don't think we're in a place to keep one as a pet. It was certainly an interesting way to start the week, though.
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Hostility? If my post is what you call hostile, you're in for a rude awakening in your lifetime.
@D34DL1N3R From what Chary has said, the bird appeared to be happily sitting in the bag, drinking water, etc. If it was a typical wild bird it would be screeching and flying all over the place, desperately trying to get out. It's obviously domesticated, and just setting it back out in the wild is probably the worst thing to do.

And it looks like @Chary has done more than her due diligence in finding out whether it has a previous owner, and getting supplies, doing research, and relying on knowledgeable friends to help take care of it.

So quit bickering. Great job Chary!
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All is well. My best interests were with the animal and I admit to not reading EVERYthing past the initial post. Sounds like you've done your research and have things under control. My apologies. Cheers. :)
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I can totally understand caring about the animal above all else. Glad everything's all good! :)
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The only time a bird is calm around people is when it's been familiarized with humans as a baby, or because it's sick/injured. Some birds can actually get pretty docile, like pigeons at parks who get fed a lot, but even then they would take being captured very, very poorly.

I went through everything with Chary when she got the bird and confirmed it's a healthy pet with clipped wings. It'd die in about .05 seconds outside. Even without clipped wings, there are predatory birds too. It's not a native species to where she lives.
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Ah, your dad's accent is beautiful :D Almost like the russian guy from Iron Man 2, with the parakeet. "I wunt my buurd!". (no offense by the way, hope that's not rude :) )

Umm, animal cruelty is totally different than animal compassion...
People and animals get along very well together like you wouldn't believe.
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How is it going today with Punky ? How are you and your father ?
And how reacting your cats on your guest ? I think dogs are not interested on Punky if they once "sniffed" on him - No territorial threat.:D
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