Happy New Year to all of GBATEMP

Happy New Year to all my friends at GBATEMP and also to all of my enemies (shouldn't be many of those, but for both parties I geninely wish all good things to come.)

This year we saw some oddities with DrKupo aka MTW, and well plainly I don't remember much else besides my continued friendship with SpikeyNDS and having friendly conversation with Sephiroth, Costello, Mthrnite, LilSypha, and Sonicslas among others whom I have forgotten their nickname at present time.

Anyway what I have learned this year above anything else is if you dedicate yourself to a project, you can accomplish anything you want.

I'm hoping that everyone can prosper this year and make many new friends and play many new fun games as well as enjoy the classics.

It is only 6:50pm here right now on the 31st still but I just thought I would take the time to say a few words.

cya! :)


Happy New Year to you amptor, and to the rest of the IRC peeps, and to all of GBAtemp! :toot:

Gonna wait two more hours then watch the New York City celebration broadcast.
this is the day to :

make empty promises that you probably already know won't happen :rolleyes:
get drunk and do stupid shit

kiss the love of your life (if you have one :glare: ..),
do things tonight you will regret or do things to other people THEY might regret, :creep:
discover a new level of inebriation, :grog:
get a ride downtown from a friendly man with a badge and taser, :O
crawl your shitfaced ass into your bedroom window before your parents wake up :wtf:
post about your "awesome night" on facebook B-)
get attacked from behind by THE HANGOVER. D:
and reconnect your close relationship with the toilet!

:grog: HAPPY EFFIN' NEW YEAR! :toot:
amptooor !
happy new year and hope everyone will have a great 2011 year !

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