Blog entries by amptor

So finally I'm posting what I got. I bought both of these for novelty only and I liked the packaging. This cost me about 11 bucks and some change total from They have the best price anywhere on the Ace3DS which I found interesting. Now this R4i Gold variant is closer to gold...
So I don't do any DS gaming these days, but I saw a couple things that peaked my interest primarily due to the packaging and artwork. I found an assortment of R4 clones and legit carts on so when I get these new ones in I'll throw a blog entry up with more photos again like last...
Ok so this isn't a post about some personal issues or whatnot. (RAGE is the name of iD software's latest title, rather than hmm well ragequit or such :P) Let's keep it about gaming guys! :D Anyways I installed and played Rage for PC and man, am I impressed. Lately I have been getting really...
I just had a brainstorm about my previous blog entries. I really want to ramp up my blog but how? Well one could post personal things in their blog as long as it is in accordance with the forum rules, one could rant, one could do many different things in their blog. I have decided that...
So here we have it. So much for the rumors that this site is unreliable. It took a little bit of extra time because it was out of stock, but why would I mind that? I already have plenty of flash carts at my disposal so an extra x amount of time doesn't even matter for a shipment. I have thus...
Well not yet anyway but they are in the mail. :3 I finally ordered a Supercard DSTWO but not the regular kind. I bought the GBATemp edition which apparantly donates part of the proceeds to the homebrew contest. 0shippingzone still had them in stock, lightake is all out. Also I didn't...
Charlie Sheen is like 100 amptors rolled into one person. :yaywii:
Hello there folks. Just another blog rant I'm writing up tonight about some things I have experienced for a while. Will not try to go too far into details and keep it simple but let's have a go. Lately I have been getting advice from several different people about life. Whether it be...
So.. the head lion supreme Admin says that the amptor shouln' be a baddie any more since he is now magstaff and has responsibilities. This is all fine and it is good to see all the sillies being happy, playing their lovely DS titles and silently waiting for the 3DS to come out. I willn' test...
Happy New Year to all my friends at GBATEMP and also to all of my enemies (shouldn't be many of those, but for both parties I geninely wish all good things to come.) This year we saw some oddities with DrKupo aka MTW, and well plainly I don't remember much else besides my continued friendship...
Some time ago I started using an all text based chat service called efnet. However this is not where I started at. I think the first network on the internet that I connected to was probably called undernet and after a while of trying to seek and figure out how to find things on the internet...
Well I am sleepy and just remembering old IRC days from the gameboy color scene. Random, I know. But anyway. In the beginning there was a good group of people there. Crisis, Ghola (also called Kel_ and such for some reason he kept changing his name because he didn't want people to know and I...
Well as some in the chat room know, the very PC I am typing on had a computer virus problem a few days ago and it looks like by deleting the virus, it has caused the system to become stable and happy again. Now the part that is an issue. Backing up this system and getting it ready to have the...
sceners are still incredibly rude lol. The other day I was talking about some stuff and they still get all pissy "oh god you shouldn't release games we will get all angry" well fact of the matter is, not only have I never dumped a DS game in my entire life but also being rude/arrogant reverse...
Well during high school I had a dream where two of my classmates were talking about their usual fascination with car audio equipment and I simply read on a paper they had in my dream the word "amptor" basically it was suppose to be a brand of automotive head unit amplifier for subwoofers. the...
Well I guess concerning why I come and go at times. A lot of things happen at once and while it isn't a bit much, I generally don't use the internet to take out my agression on other people like I have seen many do in the past. I won't name names. I won't get into a tyrade like TheSpade would...
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