bah. school has just been bs with the teachers in here.

yesterday we were watching a movie called "The Ultimate Gift". It is basically a movie where the son of a billionaire learns the true meaning of life. I forgot who, but his grandfather or father died and in the video before his death, he explains a bunch of gifts that will help his son realize what life really is.

while watching the movie, i got in trouble for talking.
situation 1 - my friend was talking to me about Metal Gear Solid... I was watching the movie, nodding my head to everything my friend said. then next thing you know, i get in trouble and the teacher says i was talking. i just said i wasn't talking miss, and then even my friend said that he was talking. the teacher just said, oh yeah, well, you know what, you were talking. blah, she wouldn't believe me.

situation 2 - i was eating a fruit cup and my other friend was talking to me. after i put the fruit cup down since i had no spoon/fork, the teacher said that i was talking again. i was just like WTF MISS!? i was EATING a FRUIT CUP. she wouldn't believe me. persisted that i was talking again.

situation 3 - i was DRINKING A FREAKIN WATERBOTTLE. after i put the waterbottle down, the teacher says for me to stop talking. i was just like MISS. I AM DRINKING A FREAKIN WATERBOTTLE. HOW CAN I TALK!? she was just like, "i heard you talking".

it's just a matter of time until i will finally make this teacher feel like a stupid person. it's not now, but the next time i get in trouble for talking even though i am not talking, i will make her feel so stupid. i will literally, get into a debate or some sort of mental activity against her just so i can prove that i wasn't talking. it's just so annoying how i get in trouble for talking even though my mouth is shut. everyone else around me talks and ignores their work and the teacher doesn't give a damn. they can say a whole chapter from a book and not in trouble yet when i say a single sentence, i am in trouble for talking. i already shut my mouth just so the teacher will stop bothering me yet i still get in trouble when my friends talk to me then the teacher tells me to stop talking.

ugh like really, everyone i mean anyone in my class can say a whole chapter from a book outloud and i will get in trouble. she is always watching me all the time as if i was to do something bad. i will just give her attitude the next time i get in trouble. even if i have to take this to the principal's office, i will take it all the way. if that isn't enough, i will bring my parents in.



[quote name='mcp2' post='2798179' date='May 1 2010, 04:53 PM'][quote name='dudeonline' post='2797978' date='May 1 2010, 08:09 PM']It's also their job to "put up with the shite" They get paid to do so. Sounds like this asshole is the one that needs to "man up"

If he doesnt like his job, then he can find a new one.[/quote]

Oh, no wonder American education is lacking! It is NOT his job to put up with dickhead children who do nothing but disrupt the class. He DOES NOT get paid to do that, he gets paid to teach. How do you expect him to do his job when the children are out of control? The answer is, he can't.
Well, there is a reason that elementary/secondary school teachers have to get a teaching degree and college professors do not. Children are children, and no matter where they are, they're going to be out of control. If teachers were not paid to deal with dickhead children, they would kick dickhead children out of school.
[quote name='mcp2' post='2798179' date='May 2 2010, 08:23 AM'][quote name='dudeonline' post='2797978' date='May 1 2010, 08:09 PM']It's also their job to "put up with the shite" They get paid to do so. Sounds like this asshole is the one that needs to "man up"

If he doesnt like his job, then he can find a new one.[/quote]

Oh, no wonder American education is lacking! It is NOT his job to put up with dickhead children who do nothing but disrupt the class. He DOES NOT get paid to do that, he gets paid to teach. How do you expect him to do his job when the children are out of control? The answer is, he can't.
How exactly is American education lacking? I've never really seen any real problems with it. The teachers and children have pretty much the same basic personalities everywhere. Also, what's this about an isolation unit?
[quote name='chao1212' post='2798351' date='May 1 2010, 11:32 PM'][quote name='mcp2' post='2798179' date='May 2 2010, 08:23 AM'][quote name='dudeonline' post='2797978' date='May 1 2010, 08:09 PM']It's also their job to "put up with the shite" They get paid to do so. Sounds like this asshole is the one that needs to "man up"

If he doesnt like his job, then he can find a new one.[/quote]

Oh, no wonder American education is lacking! It is NOT his job to put up with dickhead children who do nothing but disrupt the class. He DOES NOT get paid to do that, he gets paid to teach. How do you expect him to do his job when the children are out of control? The answer is, he can't.
How exactly is American education lacking? I've never really seen any real problems with it. The teachers and children have pretty much the same basic personalities everywhere. Also, what's this about an isolation unit?
The isolation unit is a place where they put you if you've been bad in class, it's almost like a prison for children.
EDIT: mods be the same as the foolish children posting rubbish in this thread. Oh, the humanity!

Actually, I left teaching due to being disenfranchised with the job almost five years ago thanks to people like the various morons posting on this very thread - it was honestly a waste of time and effort. Since then I went back to translating Japanese full time, and now am very happy working as a coordinator for Japanese film crews with Dentsu and Fuji TV in London.

As for trolling, you fools are trolling yourselves and fellow classmates by denying yourselves a decent education, so fuck the lot of ye!
[quote name='giratina16' post='2798366' date='May 2 2010, 12:39 AM']The isolation unit is a place where they put you if you've been bad in class, it's almost like a prison for children.[/quote]
If that is comparable to prison, then i had a blast. :P
My nickname was "Gameboy" since i always had some sort of game with me, usually a netbook filled with games, my trusty NDS lite and a 16gb usb drive filled with low spec friendly lan games.
Even found out how to play WoW trough the protected network.
So many suckers willing to play me just to play 5 to 10 mins. hahaha

Here is my trolling. :P

My last year at school thats called VG3 Computer Electronics (Comparable to last year in senior high school in US if im not mistaken) i had the most horrible teacher.
He was a REALLY old man that teached in old AM radio and stuff and i was like, "Um, is this relative to what we will encounter in REAL jobs?"
He did not respond well to that question and i got kicked out of the class that day. xD
Much of the stuff i learned was complete bulls**t but at least i learned how to set up a server.
[quote name='Seicomart' post='2798387' date='May 1 2010, 03:51 PM']Actually, I left teaching due to being disenfranchised with the job almost five years ago thanks to people like the various morons posting on this very thread - it was honestly a waste of time and effort. Since then I went back to translating Japanese full time, and now am very happy working as a coordinator for Japanese film crews with Dentsu and Fuji TV in London.

As for trolling, you fools are trolling yourselves and fellow classmates by denying yourselves a decent education, so fuck the lot of ye![/quote]

I'm not saying all teachers are bad, I've had some wonderful ones (I have learning disabilities and they weren't severe enough for me to actually get help in classes, even though I needed the help so I fell behind. I was told I was just being lazy. I was supposed to be on a 504 plan for the next year, but the person in charge of that was replaced and I ended up with some condescending asshole who told me to stop being lazy so most of my grades ended up being D's and F's, which lead to me getting a 2.1 GPA because my teachers refused to help me. I was even supposed to get a tape recorder for class so I could take notes easier since my teachers told me to write faster and that they wouldn't repeat themselves for me.). Some of my teachers were willing to take time out of their lives and actually help me, and because of that one teacher I got A in math for the first time ever, but not all teachers are like that. I'm guessing they just stop caring because they aren't getting paid enough or they've had enough with the crap that some of the students pull. I don't blame all teachers. When I was homeschooled I got straight A's (until my second semester of Algebra...and that fell through completely). I went to a homeschooling program that you saw your teachers once a week and they would work with you one on one. If they thought you were falling behind they would try to help you the best they could and adjust the assignments to meet your level (with the exception of algebra...apparently I couldn't get out of that).

tl;dr version: Not all teachers are bad. There are teachers who care, just some of them think they aren't paid enough to give a rats ass or they're sick of bullshit.
[quote name='Aeladya' post='2798084' date='May 1 2010, 02:05 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2798077' date='May 1 2010, 01:03 PM']I could make a joke about your breasts and say "that wasn't snot in those tissues" but I'm a gentleman[/quote] me...they're fact I wish they weren't...they cause my back pain constantly.
I was implying that jizz was in the tissues instead of snot, because you are so lovely. Forgive the crude joke
[quote name='giratina16' post='2798366' date='May 2 2010, 10:09 AM'][quote name='chao1212' post='2798351' date='May 1 2010, 11:32 PM'][quote name='mcp2' post='2798179' date='May 2 2010, 08:23 AM'][quote name='dudeonline' post='2797978' date='May 1 2010, 08:09 PM']It's also their job to "put up with the shite" They get paid to do so. Sounds like this asshole is the one that needs to "man up"

If he doesnt like his job, then he can find a new one.[/quote]

Oh, no wonder American education is lacking! It is NOT his job to put up with dickhead children who do nothing but disrupt the class. He DOES NOT get paid to do that, he gets paid to teach. How do you expect him to do his job when the children are out of control? The answer is, he can't.
How exactly is American education lacking? I've never really seen any real problems with it. The teachers and children have pretty much the same basic personalities everywhere. Also, what's this about an isolation unit?
The isolation unit is a place where they put you if you've been bad in class, it's almost like a prison for children.
That's seriously fucked.
[quote name='giratina16' post='2798366' date='May 1 2010, 03:39 PM']The isolation unit is a place where they put you if you've been bad in class, it's almost like a prison for children.[/quote]
Implying school itself isn't almost like a prison for children.
This is the same story with my eng tcher,my friend A(dont want to use real name) was sitting quietly hearing my thcr explanation,then my friend B was talking infront him with my other clazmate,My tcher punished my friend A by standing outside the clazroom without knowing the truth!He thought he was the one who was talking. (He was a NEW student in my class)
[quote name='myuusmeow' post='2798596' date='May 1 2010, 10:08 PM'][quote name='giratina16' post='2798366' date='May 1 2010, 03:39 PM']The isolation unit is a place where they put you if you've been bad in class, it's almost like a prison for children.[/quote]
Implying school itself isn't almost like a prison for children.

lol, my Middle School even had bars on the windows and barbed wire around the roof. If there was an emergency on the lower levels (like a fire or a gunner), we'd be straight fucked.
Haha, bs teacher is bs. I support you giving her an attitude. Oh and to help you debate or whatever plug in earphones with Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice OST... OBJECTION! I WASN'T FUCKING TALKING! *epic music gets you on the roll*.
[quote name='Splych' post='2797816' date='May 1 2010, 06:29 PM']bah. school has just been bs with the teachers in here.

yesterday we were watching a movie called "The Ultimate Gift". It is basically a movie where the son of a billionaire learns the true meaning of life. I forgot who, but his grandfather or father died and in the video before his death, he explains a bunch of gifts that will help his son realize what life really is.

while watching the movie, i got in trouble for talking.
situation 1 - my friend was talking to me about Metal Gear Solid... I was watching the movie, nodding my head to everything my friend said. then next thing you know, i get in trouble and the teacher says i was talking. i just said i wasn't talking miss, and then even my friend said that he was talking. the teacher just said, oh yeah, well, you know what, you were talking. blah, she wouldn't believe me.

situation 2 - i was eating a fruit cup and my other friend was talking to me. after i put the fruit cup down since i had no spoon/fork, the teacher said that i was talking again. i was just like WTF MISS!? i was EATING a FRUIT CUP. she wouldn't believe me. persisted that i was talking again.

situation 3 - i was DRINKING A FREAKIN WATERBOTTLE. after i put the waterbottle down, the teacher says for me to stop talking. i was just like MISS. I AM DRINKING A FREAKIN WATERBOTTLE. HOW CAN I TALK!? she was just like, "i heard you talking".

it's just a matter of time until i will finally make this teacher feel like a stupid person. it's not now, but the next time i get in trouble for talking even though i am not talking, i will make her feel so stupid. i will literally, get into a debate or some sort of mental activity against her just so i can prove that i wasn't talking. it's just so annoying how i get in trouble for talking even though my mouth is shut. everyone else around me talks and ignores their work and the teacher doesn't give a damn. they can say a whole chapter from a book and not in trouble yet when i say a single sentence, i am in trouble for talking. i already shut my mouth just so the teacher will stop bothering me yet i still get in trouble when my friends talk to me then the teacher tells me to stop talking.

ugh like really, everyone i mean anyone in my class can say a whole chapter from a book outloud and i will get in trouble. she is always watching me all the time as if i was to do something bad. i will just give her attitude the next time i get in trouble. even if i have to take this to the principal's office, i will take it all the way. if that isn't enough, i will bring my parents in.


I say ask her is she getting any????? LOL she must not be or either she is an intellectual whore
who gets off on mentally molesting or harassing school students.....
[quote name='yuyuyup' post='2798430' date='May 1 2010, 04:26 PM'][quote name='Aeladya' post='2798084' date='May 1 2010, 02:05 PM'][quote name='yuyuyup' post='2798077' date='May 1 2010, 01:03 PM']I could make a joke about your breasts and say "that wasn't snot in those tissues" but I'm a gentleman[/quote] me...they're fact I wish they weren't...they cause my back pain constantly.
I was implying that jizz was in the tissues instead of snot, because you are so lovely. Forgive the crude joke

LOL oops, sorry I was being dyslexic :P and wasn't sure on what you said :P.
[quote name='PharaohsVizier' post='2798837' date='May 2 2010, 02:05 AM']You guys need to keep in mind that the teachers really can't do anything to you, at least nothing really terrible in high school. They can't force you to stay in detention, you walk out, they can't hit you, they can't really fail you if you do decent work, the "worse thing" is a suspension, which to me is a five day vacation. It takes a lot more for them to break you than it is for you to break them. And believe me when I say I had my fair share of tripping up teachers.[/quote]
Yea but those skipped detentions turn into suspension and colleges aren't going to like a whole lot of suspensions so they can still fuck up your education.
You know what I like, this topic is completely based on TC's favor. So what you got BS'd, it happens to each one of us at one point of our lives. The educational system is failing because 1) The teacher's aren't getting paid enough unless they love to teach which is rare. Most times teacher's don't care about their jobs if the students gives them a hard time. Some of them don't even have children so why are they teaching? 2) The immunity the students has right now is unbelievable, they issue a warning about something which can either be ignored or acknowledged. When that particular issue is acknowledged it usually can go one-way for the student while the teacher is getting a BLACK MARK on her resume/working records. When the teacher gets fired, its going to take them a long time to get hired while the student who misbehives, gets a suspension but can still get the same ol mediocre education from another school. Even lucky enough to have a fresh start of getting good grades and becoming like the honor student! Teachers whose gets fired is hung by the curse of a untidy record about her/his teaching career, has to fight for their spot in the educational business while still hearing issues about their 'MARK' report. 3) The difference between a teacher and student is only about knowledge wise. The student depends on the teachers to teach them while enlightening their minds to become more involve into their education. Its up for the student to take their education seriously or its going to bite them in their asses sooner or later. The teacher is only their to teach not to be your friend!
Man i love reading blogs like this :D

Man the US educational system sucks big balls xD

Btw that isolation unit dosen't sound bad at all, infact it sounds like detention >_> /sarcasm
By isolation, you mean put in a room by yourself? Meh that dosedn't sound to bad
[quote name='Canonbeat234' post='2798881' date='May 2 2010, 09:00 AM']You know what I like, this topic is completely based on TC's favor. So what you got BS'd, it happens to each one of us at one point of our lives. The educational system is failing because 1) The teacher's aren't getting paid enough unless they love to teach which is rare. Most times teacher's don't care about their jobs if the students gives them a hard time. Some of them don't even have children so why are they teaching? 2) The immunity the students has right now is unbelievable, they issue a warning about something which can either be ignored or acknowledged. When that particular issue is acknowledged it usually can go one-way for the student while the teacher is getting a BLACK MARK on her resume/working records. When the teacher gets fired, its going to take them a long time to get hired while the student who misbehives, gets a suspension but can still get the same ol mediocre education from another school. Even lucky enough to have a fresh start of getting good grades and becoming like the honor student! Teachers whose gets fired is hung by the curse of a untidy record about her/his teaching career, has to fight for their spot in the educational business while still hearing issues about their 'MARK' report. 3) The difference between a teacher and student is only about knowledge wise. The student depends on the teachers to teach them while enlightening their minds to become more involve into their education. Its up for the student to take their education seriously or its going to bite them in their asses sooner or later. The teacher is only their to teach not to be your friend![/quote]

Teachers are also not there to be vindictive. It is the teacher's choice on how to handle a student. Constantly picking on one individual is not healthy in any way shape or form, and it actually promotes the bully mentality. TC's story is very believable because I was pretty much in the same situation when my mom went to the PTA meetings and actually brought up the issues instead of kissing the teacher's asses like all the other parents, thus *I* was punished by two of my teachers because my mom actually used the forum for voicing concerns.
venting @ this blog makes me feel better.
all i really need to do is just post here and i am good.
GBAtemp is that thing that helps me chill.

some stuff i read made me laugh, like being a ventriloquist, but overall, it only makes sense to understand what you guys said. like it's their job and it's their choice on what to do. the next time i get in trouble, i might as well just agree with a sarcastic, happy attitude.

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