Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

a strategy game that i've been wanting to play for a really long time . after just hearing about it and it getting ported to the PSP got me to playing it .
And with Pro-B4 becoming permanent , i was quite happy that the money i spent on my PSP 3000 was not a waste [although it makes me sad at how i spent $200 on it when now similar bundles are only $150 :\] . i am stuck with a 2GB + 1GB Memory Stick so i am debating for either a >4GB MemoryStick or a PSPGo . haggling with my friend who is selling it to me for $90 but i don't really feel like spending more than $70 to be honest .

anyway , back to the game .

i've played other Turn Based tactical games like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy: Tactics but Tactics Ogre really brought out a challenge. in other games , i'd be given a team that is capable of beating anything . and they were pretty linear , you do quests , follow a story . however, Tactics Ogre brought choices and an actual challenge . this isn't a game where you can just go with your basic equips and do finish the story , battles actually take time and whatever choice you make will decide what your future events will be like . i thought i could go through the first few battles with no upgrades but i was proved wrong . i had to invest on spells for my mage [though this isn't the correct context] and this skill system is pretty new to me since i've never tried it before .

in terms of the story , i am on Chapter 2 . at the end of Chapter 1 , being the good character i am , i chose the obvious good one . who knew the characters would be such a dick in the game and it was a real piss off . i can't wait till the final battle seeing as some people are just so damn cruel . i started off Chapter 2 and am charging my PSP . great game so far , considering actually purchasing the game since it seems like a game i could play through till the end [some RPGs end up getting bored mid-way through and aren't worth buying IMO] . after this , i plan on playing Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone [the port] or Riviera: The Promised Land [also the port] after .


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  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    The typical hollywood "horror" movies generally suck and are indeed not scary at all.
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Nah, something like the Exorcist of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre would be a great beginner friendly movies to check out tbh
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    In other news I think this is the only Sonic 3 Complete song that is superior to the prototype version of launche base in Sonic 3
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Does Shrek cum green? And if you have a hallucination and you know it's a hallucination is it still a hallucination?
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Titane, Possum, Neon Demon, Suspiria, to add a few more actual good ones to my list above. They dont rely on dumb teenager type horror tropes.
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Unless you're hallucinating? No
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Original Chainsaw Massacre is a comedy when the watching with director commentary track. lol.
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Modern scary movies without jumpscares and loud music = not scary
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I think you meant WITH jumpscares and loud music is not scary
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Ooh gotta check it out, love the director commentary stuff on movies
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    " The life and times of AncientBoi " Great movie to watch :D
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Both it is then
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Nakey with coffee & fartin, ah, life couldn't get any better :creep:
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I saw that. it was like a combination of Twilight, Brokeback Mountain, and The Exorcist all tossed in a blender.
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Somehow the Twilight series are way more gay than Brokeback ever was
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Magic Mike has them both beat. lol
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    And.... Nightmare on Elm Street 2
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I dunno. The AncientBoi flick was directed by David Lynch so it's a win in any case.
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    Eeew at Magic Mike
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Gonna shower, I feel kinda dizzy
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Dizzy, and going in the shower.. :unsure::mellow: Doesn't sound like a good idea :mellow: ie. slip n fall. js
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: Back