You Furry Ba**ards

i just started watching Gurren Lagann .
although i am really late on watching this , i decided to now and it's REALLY good .
episode 5 , and well , i just can't describe how much of a good anime it is .
it doesn't bore me , it's actually quite exciting .

so yeah .

any other animes to watch after my finals are done ?

EDIT: i just noticed the epic fail in teh title o_o .


[quote name='shinkukage09' post='3723970' date='Jun 18 2011, 10:46 PM'].....Furry? What's TTGL got anything to do with furries?[/quote]

Beastmen i guess? O_O
Killjoy, I came into this thread expecting some sort of chatter about how another person has converted to furryism, but I find talk about one of the greatest anime of all time.
And yeah, the anime gets better as it progresses, you won't regret watching it. Heck, I bet you'd even shed a manly tear or two after you're done with the series.
Maybe you should check out my anime list in my sig (yes shameless advertising) to check for some random anime to watch if you really have no clue on what to watch next.
I'd recommend Clannad (both seasons) if you haven't watched them. The anime is really amazing, with really hilarious scenes and really sad scenes, so you'd definitely cry, both tears of laughter and sadness. The first season might not really cause you to feel much, but the second season is touching beyond words.
Not forgetting Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (or whatever it's called). It's one of the more decent anime of its season, and considering the fact that it has only 12 episodes, it wraps itself up rather nicely, and at the very least you'll feel something after you're done with it.
And don't let the "Mahou Shoujo" name fool you into thinking that it's just some typical magical cheerful slice of life yapyapyap blahblah boring anime, it has a pretty dark story, so it's definitely worth a watch.
Durarara!! is also rather decent, no idea why I brought it up now, but it's worth a watch if you're bored.
I'd also recommend Hayate no Gotoku (both seasons). It doesn't really have a main plot, but hell, it's one helluva funny anime. You'll laugh at the scenes in the anime so often that you won't even care about it not having a main plot. The second season focuses slightly more on Hinagiku romance though. But still.
Eureka Seven is also a good anime to watch. It has like, 50 episodes, and the story starts out rather slow at first. But this is one of those series that you'll have to watch to the end to fully enjoy, if you drop out halfway then you'll probably find it some generic mediocre mecha anime. Watch it to the end and you won't be disappointed, I assure you. The characters are rather well developed, so it's definitely worth it.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is great as well. It's a rather weird anime (typical Shaft anime), but like some of Shaft's other anime (Bakemonogatari, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica), it's amazing in its own way. The comedy is pretty damn funny, and there are tons of anime references (including Gurren Lagann) but you'll have to watch out for them (observe the classroom chalkboard especially closely). It's worth the watch, and it has an awesome opening theme song as well (BURE BURE BURE BURE). There are 3 seasons, I'm only done with the first though. Also, lol wall of text.
The only furry bastard around here is my Siberian Husky pup Nanaki, who despite being toilet trained from a very early age still decided to shit in the bath this morning for no apparant reason. Why was he even in there to begin with? And why did his toilet training suddenly fail him after six months of working every day? My only guess is that the old man left a floater in the toilet so he must have figured that was the social norm.
[quote name='A Gay Little Catboy' post='3724254' date='Jun 19 2011, 03:39 AM']Catboy needed here?[/quote]
have u met dog girl???? he/she is the exact opposite
[quote name='junkerde' post='3724276' date='Jun 18 2011, 09:48 PM'][quote name='A Gay Little Catboy' post='3724254' date='Jun 19 2011, 03:39 AM']Catboy needed here?[/quote]
have u met dog girl???? he/she is the exact opposite
Nope, but I am dating a dogboy.
[quote name='A Gay Little Catboy' post='3724278' date='Jun 19 2011, 03:49 AM'][quote name='junkerde' post='3724276' date='Jun 18 2011, 09:48 PM'][quote name='A Gay Little Catboy' post='3724254' date='Jun 19 2011, 03:39 AM']Catboy needed here?[/quote]
have u met dog girl???? he/she is the exact opposite
Nope, but I am dating a dogboy.
oh i understand wats happening now
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3724291' date='Jun 19 2011, 01:53 AM']Where can I find myself one of these furry barstids?[/quote]

Try your local tir shirp, perhaps Wl-mirt or Birst By?
bastards .
i still have no idea in what way i typed that out and never noticed it was spelt wrong xD .

on the note of the actual anime on where i'm at . . .
Kamina died D:
he was such a bamf , and finally he snapped out of his stupid hallucination of trying to be Kamina .
oh yeah , Boota is probably the best furry in teh show :3
don't worry about what happened to kamina.... it all turns out good at the ending.
[quote name='Splych' post='3724504' date='Jun 19 2011, 12:18 AM']bastards .
i still have no idea in what way i typed that out and never noticed it was spelt wrong xD .[/quote]

You didn't. I did.
We don't want curse words in thread titles.
I'll change it to anything you want, apart from "bastards"

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