*serious topic* My Best Friend Might be Dying

Hey guys, like I said in the title, this topic is pretty serious.

My best friend for the past year and two months and consequently, my girlfriend for two months has a tumor in her mouth that causes her constant, agonizing pain. If it grows much bigger, it will be life threatening. The operation to get it removed only has a 40% survival rate. She just learned that it is quite likely that they'll perform the operation on Wednesday.

I hate more than anything to see her in pain but the operation also makes me nervous. Please keep her in your prayers if you're the kind of person who prays. I don't know how I would manage if she leaves me so soon. I'm sorry for being a downer today but I need at least some support since I can't talk to anyone I know.
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I will be praying for you and your girlfriend. I really hope she makes it out alright. Medical Science has come a long way!
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Best of luck but if something does happen she wouldnt want you to mourn over it forever
"I don't know how I would manage if she leaves me so soon."
^^Gotta say, that is such a selfish statement. Your focus should be strictly on her and her family, not yourself one single bit. Even if the worst happens, do not focus on yourself until after you make sure that everyone else in her family is alright first.

I feel REALLY strongly about this type of stuff, and I will tell you why. When someone is talking about committing suicide, and someone else says to them "How am I ever going to make it without you?", that is such a selfishly cruel thing to say. Someone is thinking about ending their life and all you (not necessarily YOU, but you get my point) only cares about how you feel. You are then just justifying the reason why this person wants to end their life because other selfish scumbags don't actually care enough about that person and instead care more about how it is going to affect them.

My father took his life 5 years ago. I never once said anything that was selfish. I actually feel terrible that he was in so much pain that it got to the point that he wanted to end his life. I may not agree with his choice, but I do not hold it against him.

So let me tell you, if your bestfriend/girlfriend does not make it through the surgery, you will be quite fine and you will still be alive and make it. But for her on the other hand is where your sorrow should be, the fact that this terrible thing happened to her and that there wasn't more that you could do. The fact that this woman suffered and lost her life early is what you you should care about the most, not how you feel one bit. You have other loved ones that will look out for you.

Do you understand what I mean here? I hope I explained it well without sounding like a complete jerk, but I do feel rather passionate about peoples selfishness when someone else passes away.
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@DeadlyFoez I understand. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. I even told myself I shouldn't think that earlier.
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Support her ! I hope everything goes well for her. Also you must be there, i'm sure she will eventually appreciate it.

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Perhaps it is selfish, but it's also a completely normal human reaction. Don't beat yourself up over it. What is more human than worrying about the future? Feel what you will, just do your best not to let it interfere with things that need to be done. I do agree that worrying about what may or may not happen isn't particularly helpful, although that's also hard to avoid doing.
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think about this a 40% chance she'll survive better than it being Terminal meaning she'll die regaurdless my friend's sister whom i treated like my own had brain cancer and died at 16 anyways make her happy and be there for her and do her a favor if she survives (if your old enough) marry her make her truly feel loved no matter how long she lives (which i do hope is a long ass time)
that shit sucks, i hope she comes out ok. she's going to need your support coming out of it and don't forget to take care of yourself too, that's a big part of caring for her too, you're no use if you burn yourself out.

best wishes my dude.
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Well, see it like this.
a 40% chance is still a 40% chance.
Modern medicine today has achieved a lot.

It still is horrible none the less.
Lets hope she pulls through without to much of a scratch!
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TC, there aren't much to choice about: if your gf let it grows=100% death in agony, instead waiting for slow torture why don't you give her strength and support to fight? get it removed then claim back her life!

A friend of our family has throat tumor too but he rather decide to operate, every chirurgic operations has risks, but people saved are more than that 60%.
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That's the situation when I woudl like to do something real instead of pray, really sorry to hear. I'll do attempt to ascety exercise with intention for her health. I'll drink more mineral water and eat more healthy stuff, and less time online this week. Whatever it sound strange to you, that's all I can do.
You got my prayers buddy. I have personally been though quite the ringer of sorts in the time that most call "2017". I will certainly keep you and her in my prayers.
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  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh right diddy
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i saw that from penguiz0's video
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night btw
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    i have a fucked attention span and somehow i can watch those videos
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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    So these sound core a20is pretty good bass boost is stronger than I thought
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    i downloaded echoes of the wisdom
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    nintendo will sue me but i don't care
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    I'm sure you're on Nintendos hit list
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
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    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
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    nintendo ninjas can't with my fists
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    I'm not on v3 yet
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
    oh wait
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    yeah i need to get more anti sleep drugs
  • BG2CNT @ BG2CNT:
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    good evening and morning
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    S @ shezagamer: heyyyyyyyyy