My experience with CFW so far + a little rant on Gateway

My experience with 3DS CFW

Edit: Just a note, this was written in January, before Arm9LoaderHax had become a thing, so just keep that in mind, I now use A9LH + Luma3DS and I even have a New 3DS XL now actually.

I'll be straight with everyone, I love the 3DS. It's pretty much my favorite game console out there right now, even now, in 2016. For the longest time I was running on a 10.1 system, and since October of last year, I got myself a DSTwo, which incidentally turned out to be a DSTwo+, since the late model DSTwo carts were actually just mislabeled + carts. Now, I thought that was pretty cool at the time, I obviously couldn't take advantage of the Gateway plugin at the time, but I still thought it was neat that I had the option on a workable 3DS.

So once this whole downgrade business happened, I knew I was probably going to get myself running rxTools as soon as possible and I thought maybe about using the Gateway plugin but I quickly remembered that Brickway is apparently a thing again, so I dodged that bullet.

Had a successful downgrade biting my nails hoping I wouldn't brick, since it seems it was so absolutely common at the time I did it, and low and behold, everything went well- I thankfully didn't lose my eShop account and NINID and I can still do everything I did before but in a fancy EmuNAND on my shiny new 32gb card, and Big Blue Menu at my disposal for installing whatever I'd like. ^_^

Unlinking was pretty nerve wrecking, that's something I'm sure many people can relate to, anyone with a good amount spent in the eShop. (I personally have spent over 400$ in the eShop, so I think Nintendo has enough of my money at this point.) But again, just being paranoid and extra careful, everything ended up fine in the end, I actually had to format my EmuNAND and re-link my ninid then restore the EmuNAND and I thought that was a bit weird, but hey it's all good now.

As of about a week ago, I'm currently running rxTools nightly builds and I couldn't be happier.
My 3DS is full of games to play now, with my DSTwo spearheading my DS games, and my rxTools leading my 3DS side, I can play almost anything I want now, it's pretty cool.

GBA games, SNES games, NES games, Gameboy and Gameboy Color, pretty awesome, I must admit.

A rant on the Gateway.

Now look, this isn't really to get at the throats of Gateway users, its more just to put my thoughts out there and maybe have a discussion. I'm sure there's been lots of mean spirited arguments about this subject before, and knowing how things are here on GBATemp, that's not really a surprise.

Basically, If your only comment is "fuck you gateway is better" then don't even bother to comment, if you do, you'll just get on my ignore list. Anyhow...

My main problem with Gateway in general is that it's a piece of software, that's been obfuscated with hardware. I have no gripes with the Gateway team directly, but I do have a gripe with the way they handle things. For one thing, bricking a user's console for trying to use their software with a clone is outright meanspirited. While I would never be stupid enough to do that myself, many people are or don't know any better and will try to use clones with gateway software.

The typical audience for the 3DS Flashcarts these days is the type of people that just want to download a rom, throw it on a microSD and play it, no hassle, and that means there's probably a good amount of people that will accidentally brick their 3DS trying to save a buck by buying a clone instead of the actual thing. I'd just make more sense for them to make their software break instead of deliberately breaking the user's 3DS.

The other problem I have is that the Gateway actually is a hassle. It's really not much easier than setting up a custom firmware like RxTools. I actually went through the process to set up Gateway Ultra 3.4.1 on my DSTwo+ just to see what the process is like, and the only thing I can hand to Gateway is that they streamlined the process a bit with their launcher, that's literally about it. If you want Gateway EmuNAND with CIA support as well as .3DS / .3DZ support, then it's no harder than getting a custom firmware setup. And you can even use the Gateway Launcher to set up an EmuNAND for CFW if you want, I didn't because I frankly don't trust gateway very much- but it's totally possible, and if you want your 3DS to boot directly into their little Gateway EmuNAND, well, that's not easier either, you still use MenuHax with a boot manager, just like you would with any other CFW.

The main argument for Gateway is convenience it seems. But really, I don't understand that either. I just don't find it very convenient. Importing a flashcart from China at all is the opposite of convenient in many ways, it requires you to wait, it means you need an additional microSD card for the gateway itself, and in addition, the thing isn't cheap, if you buy from the official GBATemp seller like I do (gotta support the temp!) it'll run you $70 USD.

The Gateway team is making bank off Flashcart sales, their only concerns for the people is getting their cart running on as many 3DS's as possible, and while they do add features from time to time, it's not exactly a common occurrence, it seems.

3DS/3DZ support is a nice feature, sure- but it requires an additional microSD card and since you can't have anything in the 3DS other then the Gateway Red Card while it's in use or else it will lock you out, you can't use DS flashcarts or any other physical games you have with Gateway. CFW, on the otherhand, you can play legit 3DS games with it, and you can even run a DS flashcart like the DSTwo through EmuNAND and if you're using a good CFW like the latest rxTools for example, that part will work too.

As for .3DS rom support itself, it's convenient enough, but the method for booting them is through a very hacky feeling menu that you bring up with a button on the 3DS menu itself, and it's not exactly intuitive to navigate, and it takes a few seconds to load the roms up too.

The primary way to play 3DS games in CFW is through installing a CIA with a CIA importer, like Big Blue Menu or FBI for example. Many many games are already available on that one ISO site in CIA format, and the ones that aren't are in .3DS format, which you can convert to CIA fairly easily as long as you have a method to generate xorpads for them, which I use rxTools for. No delay for booting a game, once it's been imported, you manage it like any other application you download through the eShop. Because you can convert 3DS files to CIA, you can even play games that aren't released on the eShop this way.

On top of that. CFWs are often open source as well, which means anyone with technical knowledge can make some cooler stuff happen if they want, it's just a matter of time.

Anyway I guess that's all I have to say on the matter.

This kind of feels like the old WODE vs USB Loader argument back in the day I had with some people on another certain ISO site, probably not the one you are thinking of though.

Anyhow if you sat through all this, I'd like to thank you for reading.
I don't have any gripes with people that use gateway for the record.
The only gripes I have with people are the ones think their shit doesn't stink.

Keep on keepin' on everyone. Enjoy your games. ^_^
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I can add to this, from a developers standpoint... Signature patching in GW is incomplete, which is a known fact. Incomplete signature patching means that a lot of stuff (just take themepack CIAs, f.e.) that works without any trouble in CFWs will not work in GW. Fixinig this would take one of their devs an afternoon, tops (careful estimate), and that problem has been pointed out to them countless times. That's not the only point of criticism I have with the GW software and it's devs (a lot of their features are obviously just hastily thrown together), but one of the biggest.

Other than that, good rant! :)
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You can use CIAs in GW emuNAND so you get 2x the games and can do either format that way. You can also dual boot with other CFWs if you want. It might not be necessary now for many that don't have them already to get their fix but I wouldn't get rid of mine.
Gateway is just an overpriced chinese quality microsd adapter with "horrible drivers" that seems to appeal to either snobs or people so butthurt after buying it and realizing the PoS quality and customer support, that try to make themselves believe it is a better and more useful product than it actually is.

PS: The worst part is when the "drivers" are made horrible on purpose.
- Enough of weird analogies.
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Gateway has the best cheat support, for me that alone is worth the money.
When I bought it when GW first released, it was worth the money definitely! Now, not so much, unless you like using cheats.
Finding with NTR is not the same.
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The typical audience for the 3DS Flashcarts these days is the type of people that just want to download a rom, throw it on a microSD and play it, no hassle,
the typical audience that purchase one at this time is either collectors; people who want to reverse engineer\see what they can do with it; and as cearp said, the cheats thing
and people without knowledge... if you buy a gaywait card you will have lots of hassle, and it is not simply "throw it to a micro sd card" if you want that, you get a sky3ds...
(as you explained on the next part, it's not a less hassle than install a cfw, the only advantage is you can launch .3ds, and no need to convert to cias..)

before you read the next part. keep in mind i am not a gaywait fan.

i don't know who would think that gaywait was more than a temporary product for a temporary problem...
the business area is exactly that.. you find solutions for problems and make a profit out of it...
now that there is a problem anymore, gaywait is no more relevant, its over, it's finished, the company probably already cleared the office and now are enjoying their vacations on Hawaii or something. unless they still have 10.000 gaywait cards on storage and need to find a way to sell it...
gaywait is just a product.. not different than others...
r4 cards, gba cards, etc, still survive for 1 reason. it's the only way you can get piracy on old consoles because for a special reason, thoose consoles don't use universal\standard storage.. these cards pratically are just adapters..

yes, they protected their product.. just like every company.. apple sued other phones for having rounded corners.. gay wait can't sue anyone because they are an illegal product and got no patents... so if you doing some shaddy business your options to protect your stuff are also shaddy...

i never concideered purchasing a gaywait card or any card because i knew perfectly that someday we would get a free way of running piracy,.. i just had to wait.. for the people who wanted piracy 2 years ago it was the only solution...
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not to offend, but i would have to be very poor if i was happy to wait 2 years to get a free piracy solution!
i'm not rich, but i was happy to pay.
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As a recent Gateway purchaser I thought I would chip in.

I bought one as I didn't know any better (at the time). It has been really useful and helped me understand CFW and now I don't use it. For me it wasn't too expensive (all things are relative).

Bricking for whatever reason is not cool but isn't greed 'right' in business?
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cearp to reply you.. well i am not super poor, i got priorities, got loads of stuff on "wtb list" and 70 bucks+about 30 for a good sized micro sd card in my case is a big piece of the cake... i knew exactly that someday i would go on gbatemp and "cfw released"
i bought the 3ds initially only pokemon games, which i physically purchased. there were (and still isn't) not many games that i would like to play.. in this 2 years i got myself other cool stuff
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Greed is not right at all, but a required evil to survive in business.
That said, the type of "greed" shown by Gateway is very incompetent.
If they were some talented greedy hackers they would have made their Custom BrickWare so that it bricks the offending clone -FLASHCARD-.
Bricking the console of a potential customer is totally incompetent from the business standpoint and not a good marketing feat (because let's be honest, if some cloned card bricked on you because it is not original then you would end up buying a gateway, in the other hand if your console bricked you will buy a console and fuck gateway).
Of course greed isn't right but that doesn't stop anyone. Just look at the ongoing car emission scandals!

They whole flashcard market is totally dodgy and counter-productive. I believe that some of the clone cards have time limited firmwares? What the f*ck is going on with that... And they are generally 3rd party clones (of clones).

I think my Sky3DS+ card came from the dodgiest re-seller on earth.

Am I surprised, no. Annoyed, a bit.

I am just pleased that Apple who make my computer really care about me :)
Keep in mind guys I wrote this in January, my 3DS hacks have been updated since then, and I'm now a user of Arm9LoaderHax and AuReiNAND.

I almost feel like the Gateway team did this to try to scare anyone away from buying a clone cart of them. The ironic thing is their product is unnecessary now. I can get my 3DS games, and I can have my DS games inserted while I have access to my DS games, and I don't need to fumble around with any flashcart swapping to DRM or any multiple nand setups.

Everything I want is all in one place now. That's what I love about CFW over Gateway.

My opinion on flashcarts and hardmods is and always will be:
Only use them if you have to. Software mods are always better because they're usually free, and you might learn something from setting them up. (Knowledge is power, my friends!)

@cearp That's a valid point, as an avid recreational cheater myself, that's pretty important, but I'm content waiting for someone to come up with a better solution on the Free side of things. (i'm sure it won't be long)
And while it's true that it was a bit early to the 3DS hacking party, it was always pretty clear that the Gateway made use of software exploits to work. (ones that eventually would be reversed and become open to the public for free use)

I'm also not a fan of how Gateway is always behind the curve now that CFW has really taken off, I'd be more inclined to get one if it didn't take them well over 3 months to add something like A9LH support.

@cracker That'd be cooler to me if I didn't already have enough space on my normal microSD card for all my 3DS games.
It's also be cooler if the Gateway didn't need 2 cards for both NDS and 3DS support.
It'd also be cooler if I didn't already have a DSTwo+ which I use exclusively for DS games, and I didn't need to take it out to boot into my gateway home menu.

@spoonm @migles

@migles again

I agree for the most part.

Using apple as an example is a funny comparison to draw. I always found Apple suing other products for having rounded corners is ALSO retarded. Just as retarded as bricking a potential consumer's 3DS.
And I'm not keen on apple at all. I think they have pretty anti-consumer practices, and make mountains out of molehills because they can.
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"since you can't have anything in the 3DS other then the Gateway Red Card while it's in use or else it will lock you out, you can't use DS flashcarts or any other physical games you have with Gateway"
I just want to point out that this is no longer true. If you're in Gateway Mode and you want to play a retail game, you simply insert it and press select to switch to Classic Mode. I have not tried DS carts this way though.
First of all, let's just agree that anyone who uses terms like "gaywait" or calls purchasers of Gateway "butthurt and/or snobs" is a tad too biased to be taken seriously. Maybe you're the one who's butthurt because some people like me got to play ROMs way before you did.

Anywhoo, yeah, it'd be silly to buy Gateway now, considering there are free alternatives, but the people behind Gateway have been good with updates and my Gateway does everything I want it to. I honestly don't even know what A9LH is, but since I can play ROMs on my 3DS just fine, I couldn't care less. And seriously, some of your (OP's) complaints about Gateway are ridiculous, like the ROM menu. Hacky feeling? Unintuitive? You press one button, press right or R a few times, and then press X. It's only two button presses (one if you keep your .cia in folders) more than normal. It sounds like you were just complaining to complain, although I guess that's what a rant is, after all.
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@Pedeadstrian I agree with everything you said, especially the part about the MultiROM menu. It's honestly very easy to use, the only thing I'm missing is a grid layout that displays more games at a time.
fuck you gateway is better

jkjkjkjkjk A9LH master race.

I have a gateway and never even went through the process of setting it up. Though, I did use it in the early revisions of Plailect's guide, because to me it was easier to run the 3DS of FBI, then install FBI, rather than injecting into H&S or anything like that.
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I'll just go ahead n say yay CFW.
I like homebrew and modifications to the firmware.

If it was about pirating games, I'd probably already have taken a gateway when it was released.
Believe me, I was damn tempted when I saw the Gateway hardware in the beginning. But after seeing the $$$$ price tag, and the crazy from mainland China shipping, I was like nope - I can deal with buying physical games. And I'm not the typical user - I've used first generation game boy advance flashcarts and they were a pain in the behind to fiddle with, AND the software was all shades of crappy. (And the drivers made me question humanity.)

I was a long time 'Temper, and I came back to check on the status of the hacking/homebrew scene for 3DSes recently and found RxTools and installed that. It worked well, but I was tired of using the SD card like crazy and I saw that A9LH had stabilized enough to actually have a "helper" tool written for it. So after reading and rereading the steps (thanks!), I finally used my copy of OoT and Powersaves to launch into the homebrew launcher and finally installed AuReiNand with A9LH. Seriously - yay to custom firmwares and unlocking region locking (seriously, Nintendo? You know most gamers would love to preorder different games from different regions.)

I saw how complicated the Gateway stuff got too! Why would I deal with over complicating a system like that when I can install free software that does the same thing?

And then I caught wind of the Brickway stuff. Seriously, that is all shades of shady. I will not buy a Gateway for any reason now - because of shady business practices like that. (Seriously, writing crap to a NAND because your software detects that you are using a fake Gateway? Shady!) If Nintendo did that, there would be so many lawsuits all over the place.
@astrangeone "I will not buy a Gateway for any reason now because of shady business practices like that." One, you weren't going to in the first place because of the price. Don't act like your morals make Gateway somehow beneath you. You didn't want to pay for free games, so you waited until you could get free games for free (and besides, it's not free if you had to use OoT and Powersaves in order to install it). Two, there's no reason for you to buy it when there are free alternatives. No one's forcing you to, and anyone who would recommend a Gateway now isn't very smart.

Also... how is Gateway any more complicated than those PITA GBA flashcarts and humanity-questioning drivers, or the process involved with OoT and Powersaves?
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