Splych's Blog

it's come to my mind , that a lotta cool things are being released or things that are going to become standard: - AMD's Bulldozer - the 3DS - the PSP2 then there are a few things i been wanting to buy: - a Quadcore AMD CPU and possibly a new mobo that supports DDR3 RAM -> i could buy this...
i finished my 1st exam ; the french exam, an hour or two ago . it wasn't crazy hard , like everyone says they are . i've heard people saying they never studied , but they also flew threw it . i myself , i tried to study , but didn't work that well . i did study, but not as much as others . this...
so and so . studying is boring as hell . i got a french exam to worry about . following that is a math exam which is nothing i am worried about . a free day then science exam . hell , i am bored and hungry . tips on how to continue studying without getting bored ?
i hate em . some are good , majority i don't like . Youtube , you were already good with your old channel design . showing us all our subscription videos in a nice grid/box design . now you just made one huge ugly list . what do you think this is , mobile ? i hate it . i can't stand the way it...
next week, from Tuesday to Friday , i will have exams on those days . Tuesday: French Wednesday: Math Thursday: Free Day [Yay 4 Phys. Ed] Friday: Science i am grateful that my free day is right before science so more studying time . in addition to that, the 3rd period class [whom i have a lot...
holy , i ordered it on January 4th , and it came today . 9 days of waiting , not bad , felt longer though :P . Resonance of Fate ! woo , but i can't play it . . . studying for my exams :\
it's 1:24am . gotta wake up at 6:00am . i was lucky to have not gotten any hmwk today , however there's a test this wednesday . -sigh- anyway , i am off to bed . comments on siggy i was working on instead of studying :P ?
i am up , because i wanted to finish watching Inception . what can i say , it was a great movie , and to me , had a great soundtrack as well . i don't know why people said it was such a pain to understand . maybe it's because they watched it at the movies and i was watching on my computer...
eating Ice Cream on a cold winter day in my nice warm house ! Eating some Häagen-Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond which tastes great ! so what are you guys eating :P ?
- first period : was tired as hell . i almost fell asleep . - second period : i died on that math test . i hate calculations [volume + surface area] just because when there's a decimal , the answer isn't exact , and you get a different answer when compared to everyone since people round at...
lets say someone i know lies a LOT . literally , lies about having games , or having certain things in general . this person is one of my best friends, but it's gotten to a certain extent where it's really annoying . now what should i do ? he's a good friend , i just don't understand why he lies...
holy shiznit . it is the MOST addicting game EVER . though i don't know how the item system works ... i'll just ask here , how do you get new items o_o ? i've been playing the Beta , and i got more items there than the actual game >_< add me up if you want to play , Steam ID: Splych i might...
tomorrow , i will be visiting the dentist for a teeth cleaning . i'm afraid of having cavities , though i have been told i have a high calcium level , i am still afraid of having a cavity . on top of that , i can see my parents talking to the dentist about braces and wisdom teeth removal so...
well in my house , i have like 4 printers that are used ; - one designed for Photoprinting - one black and white laser printer - one Network printer and the last one , some printer my dad brought back from the dead ; a Lexmark x4270 . that thing , i have no idea why we stopped using it . ever...
the hyper-ness toned down . it's true , it felt more exciting when i was younger . so what did i get for christmas spoils so far ...? - a bunch of clothes [from the rest of my Fam] - Kinect + the game that comes with Kinect + some sports game for Kinect [from Santa] - a 500GB WD Caviar Black...
a few searches , and i have been looking for a new game to buy . RPG specifically , and on XBOX 360, PC or Wii . i don't have a PS3 , but i want one . i might start saving up and making a fund for that , and hopefully , i could have enough money by June so i could buy a PS3 for myself ^^ ...
it's coming , the day of giving , the day people celebrate with their family and friends, and the day Santa comes to give out presents to people ! i never thought about what i really wanted this year ... it was really hard since most stuff i bought already xD . i don't want to be asking for...
the creative fatal1ty mkii . the second version of the creative fatal1ty headset . at first , i was impressed . "finally a headset . on sale for $50 only when original is $70." i decide to buy it , and use it to listen to my music on my zune . good quality for me , but never tested the mic yet...
was it worth it ? all of it was . would you read it twice ? no , cause i already know what happens :3 on friday , at around 3:00, i finished reading all 28 volumes of Rurouni Kenshin . the ending , was great . each character had their own futures, and it wasn't just a simple everyone lives...
i first found out about it in J.U.M.P. Ultimate Stars . i see it again as one of my friend's display pictures on facebook. today i finally decide to see what it was really about . i watched Episode 1 Dubbed off of Youtube. that old style, swords from the past , it reminded me of Inuyasha...

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