finally my game arrived .

holy , i ordered it on January 4th , and it came today .
9 days of waiting , not bad , felt longer though :P .

Resonance of Fate ! woo , but i can't play it . . . studying for my exams :\


the more you wait, the longer it takes. atleast it came though, usually things take forever to come. anyways have funn, im studying for exams too
You just reminded me that I still need to get this game.

How is it?
Edit: lol my bad, you can't play it D;
everyday , that's all i cared about . i checked the mailbox every morning since in the afternoon , i'd just go straight home . this morning i was pretty bummed when there was this huge blob of mail , except for me . T.T

well , i am gonna go play a bit , maybe just a part of the "Prologue [if there even is one] over the weekend . stupid exams ... French, Math, then Science . i have a free day , cause there is no Phys. Ed exam :P
Is the game exclusive? Or did you get your pre-order? Googled it, and it looks pretty good.
well , i'd recommend you guys buy it over at Amazon . they have it for $30 which is probably the best deal you could find compared to anywhere else .

the game is for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 . pre-order ...? wut . that made no sense . cause i never pre-ordered this game , and only found out about it over Winter Break when searching for a new RPG xD .
[quote name='Splych' post='3390240' date='Jan 13 2011, 08:22 PM']well , i'd recommend you guys buy it over at Amazon . they have it for $30 which is probably the best deal you could find compared to anywhere else .

the game is for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 . pre-order ...? wut . that made no sense . cause i never pre-ordered this game , and only found out about it over Winter Break when searching for a new RPG xD .[/quote]

Makes sense. I was wondering why everyone was curious about it. If it was a new release, no one would know what the game was like. Therfore, asking you if the game was good or not. Now I know, they just haven't played it yet. xD
oh lol .
this game is old , released to NA @ March 2010 .

i couldn't believe it ,
i never noticed it , though it might be since i was playing MW2 with my friends always and ignored all other game released :\

next thing to buy : a shelf . or some sort of way of organizing my games and books nicely .

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