Splych's Blog

sigh ... cracked CoD4 sure is becoming a pain . every single server , there is always at least one noob that calls me a hacker/cheater . i usually play on USA and CDN servers for the nice low pings . cracked CDN servers are really limited for CoD4 . it's already a pain trying to find one ...
i have no idea why . front jaws alright but bottom is eager to bite something . it feels like something is growing and is pushing my teeth together in the front jaw . honestly, it's a pain . as much as i want to bite something, that won't do anything . i don't have braces, but i should be...
so today , my science teacher let the whole class out late . the late got me late for my bus . so i had no money to go home , i should've brought some spare ... when i was running for the bus, i wasn't the only one late . this other guy , probably grade 12 who was running too . this guy ...
broo this guy joins my Black Ops game . i think my friend got it off of someone's fileshare but we were playing a modded sniper game . Marathon, Lightweight, Steady Aim Pro . Golden L96 , Crossbow, Nova Gas and Semtex . the way my friends reacted when you joined . it made me laugh so hard ...
ah , man highschool, what a place . the environment from an elementary to a secondary school . completely different . my classes are doing good , and life's even better ! mid terms are coming this monday, i am troubled for my science mark mainly . remember the day, when i got early warning and...
do i not have privacy anymore ? is she just allowed to take my stuff and go through it without my permission . has she finally lost the respect towards me even though i am still giving her respect ? TL;DR - scroll to the bottom . i am tired of this . tired of her just going through all my...
i haven't played Cod4 in MONTHS . reasons being XBOX and school . XBOX, cause i play with my friends more and school, just cause it's school. since today i had a LOT of free time, i decided to install a bunch of programs i was interested in using. Photoshop CS5, After Effects CS5, Vegas Pro...
lasagna is soo good ^_^ especially since the one im eating is home made ! with like a bunch of different cheese on it !
studying for a science test ... on ecology . so how about you guys , how you doing ? studying is boring .
i watched it . i got so scared .__. mid-way through the movie, there was a part that just scared me ... she was getting dragged down the stairs . the rest of the movie, i just hid behind my sweater >.> but my friends watched it . i can't believe they could Dx
so i school ends and im in the hallway . like the person i am , i was starving and just found a honey bun in my bag . if you don't know what it is, it looks like this. if you want a description, it's sorta like a cinnamon roll . so anyway , i was eating it in the hallway, this random guy...
science quiz today . damn i failed it badly . i finished all multiple choice, and 1 short answer question . there were 2 more, but i couldn't finish em . the 2nd last one, all i wrote was an opening sentence , then the teacher said put your pens down . i was like, fck . i noticed that...
my nose is always stuffy . i wish i could be un-sick , but the best thing i can do is to drink lots of fluids and eat some vitamin c . it sucks not having a tissue , having to deep breathe in through the nose just so it doesn't drip >_>.
okay screw it , i am re-installing windows -_- . honestly, the internet is so boggy, and the computer just slows down randomly . it's a pissoff . most likely a virus of some sort , but right now , i don't have the patience and time to search for it or try options . just when i need it to...
well ... today [technically speaking, it is 12:31am. so that means it's the next day] i got a french test to study for . basic stuff , more like a revision test : - conjugate -er, -re, -ir verbs [regular] . - conjugate Etre, Avoir, Faire, Aller, Prendre, Vouloir, Pouvoir [irregular] - know...
a buzzcut . it's been too long since i got one . the last time i got it was 4 years ago... i got it for 2 reasons: 1. for a bet . my friend said that i always chicken out when i say i am gonna get a buzzcut [which is true] . today i decided to face it , and try to get one . which i did xD ...
so today there was no school and then all my friends planned on playing Halo Reach today then playing the Campaign on Legendary . my internet is being very retarded ... i keep on lagging in and out of Xbox Live parties , joining games , or even being in a custom game lobby is so laggy . and...
so french class was a bore . math class was a bore . in pe, we did the 12 minute run . science class was a bore . meh , i almost got late for the bus too -_- . i came home , then it was like any other day . ate some food , and i went to sleep . after i woke up , i found out someone gave me...
i thought about it a lot , and realized a bunch of phones i want aren't what i need in life . at least 50% of the features won't be used so i decided to go for something cheaper . i was on eBay and found a brand new Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 in an auction . i won it for $175 ^_^ . now i am just...
ugh, i got french, math, pe and science . so far, the only class that we were notified for a diagnostic test is in french . im the type of person who will forget everything over summer, then slowly remember things over the year . i got a diagnostic french test tomorrow , not counted towards...

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    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: Nvm it's too awkward