Blog entries by astrangeone

I Gave: - Girlfriend = two hand knit washcloths (one is designed with her state's initials on it) + a few extras. - Mother = hand knit armwarmers, a bottle of icewine - Father = hand knit scarf, dishcloths (same as the girlfriend's, just different colour), a new frying pan - Family Friend =...
1) Super Castlevania Four: Can't make it past stage 3. The jumping puzzles are pretty brutal, but I've missed this growing up - I hated creepy games and Super Ghouls and Ghosts turned me off of "haunted house" games. This is less brutal than the Gameboy Castlevanias which still annoy the...
Just bought an extremely old looking (yellowed plastic) SNES with two controllers and all the cables for $40 and shipping. It has 6 games (Actraiser (never played, but the game was pretty good on my emulator), Street Fighter 2...and a couple of no name games). I also added Mortal Kombat 1, 2...
I love retrogaming, and my local store has a copy of Super Smash TV for cheap...and my local thrift store has a complete SNES system for $25 and includes a copy of Donkey Kong Country. It looks like a newer version - as the plastic hasn't yellowed too much, and there are almost no cosmetic...
Okay, I put up a couple of Harry Potter stamps for sale on my webfront. This dingleberry ends up purchasing them, but not immediately paying for them. I have a feeling I'd be waiting a long time for the cash. *sigh* It's $55 for all four, and $12 for shipping. (Getting the...
I seriously feel very girly lately. I've been wearing my favourite scarf/shawl, which is metallic purple (different colors), and feeling very very very feminine. Dunno why, usually I'm pretty butch. I also bought a bracelet from a vendor the first week of school. It's pink and slightly...
So, it seems that I'm set for 3rd year of university. All my stuff is in boxes and ready to head off. All I need to do is transfer some of my junk off of my laptop's hdd into my mobile hdd, and get ready for the new semester. My course load is pretty brutal this year. Loads of stuff in the...
Astute readers of my blog (probably 2 people out there) will note that I carved a stamp for my cousins upcoming wedding. My cousin is getting married, and it seems like an all out affair. Even her wedding shower was pretty swanky with tons of good food, good booze and my distant cousins...
001. Real name → Andrea (last name omitted) 002. Nickname(s) → Angi, LilDyke, tykedyke, astrangeone 003. Zodiac sign → Virgo 004. Male or female → Female 005. Elementary School → C. G. F. (figure that out!) 006. More Primary School → nope. 007. High School...
So, I hate to say it, but I hated the Monster Rancher series with a passion. It was way too dark/depressing for me when I first played it. One of my friends had the original playstation version, and we would drink illicit beer and play. (I was older than she was and I could buy liquor and...
So, yeah, I'm officially pathetic. I don't really celebrate my birthday anymore - just because it's expensive and not very lovely. I don't go out drinking, but just have a nice meal at a local restaurant. Because of the timing of my birthday - 1st week of university, it's kind of busy, and...
10) People who wait in line, but then don't know what to order/ask for at the counter. This makes me searingly mad. I may be impatient, but people - remember to look at the menu and decide what to order when you have time in the back of the line! 9) Couples who screw in the bathrooms of...
So, I'm going off to see a movie in a theatre soon. Got any recommendations to push me over to see whichever one? It's not a date, just a meeting with a friend and possibly her bf. (Please, no - I don't want to have to ignore them sucking face.) Right now I want to see: - Toy Story 3: I...
1) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (GameBoy): I got this as part and parcel of an obsession with the original Power Rangers series. It was a Christmas present, and I still remember trying to find it in our town. My dad had to drive 4 hours to an out of town Consumer's Plus (a warehouse/catalog...
I just sold a stamp off my storefront, and I dunno what to do with the $10 I have. Any suggestions? - preorder the "Operation Beautiful" book - pick up another copy of Pokemon emerald - get a R4 for a friend - save it for the DSTWO The stamp went to someone who enjoys mail art, and...
I personally hate ebay. I haven't sold anything on it for ages, and I rather drink a warm beer laced with the urine of a Thai FtM than to use it. But I still buy things off of it, because I like to build up my credit rating with small things! - Everyone's looking for a batshit deal. If you...
So, my cousins are allergic to everything under the sun. Most of the reactions are terrifying, and involve ambulance rides or a good old visit to the oxygen tank/tent. One of my earliest memories is my namesake cousin having trouble breathing and then going for a ride in that scary/noisy...
Link Stamp I made: Oh my god - people are so talented. The Mew plushie is sweet! :D
So, I'm going to the gay/lesbian pride parade. But this year, I'm bringing my favourite toy - a water blaster. It's a Buzz Bee "Water Warriors" PulseStrike. It's not heavy at all - even though it's supposed to weigh like 7 pounds when full. (Maybe because I work out? Anyhow, I digress.)...
I might just grab a SuperCard 2 for myself, after I get paid for my stamps work. (I started advertising on craigslist - and a random artist said he wanted some of my work.) I plan to charge him accordingly, and grab some money for my paypal account or even some random money for other stuff for...
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