...being shoved in the closet forcefully sucks...

Astute readers of my blog (probably 2 people out there) will note that I carved a stamp for my cousins upcoming wedding. My cousin is getting married, and it seems like an all out affair. Even her wedding shower was pretty swanky with tons of good food, good booze and my distant cousins enjoying it all. It was pretty swanky, and her little sister pulled it off with aplomb too - and I still remember the great chocolate fountains she had there too.

However, I digress. My cousin announced her engagement last year, and it pretty much progressed pretty quickly. (Her marriage is coming up this weekend, and well...I'm feeling a bit bitter.) She announced it to all of my relatives that were in Canada and even to the ones who weren't. I'm technically engaged to my girlfriend, and I will probably be until I finish university and start a new life with her.

I'm basically bitter that I basically can't even talk to my parents about the fact that I'm in love and elated about it. I remember at my cousin's engagement party (yes, it was pretty damn swank) that I basically spent the time frowning into my food and talking to two cousins from the "other side of the tracks". The cousins were both swanky engineers in training and from the other side of the country. I even have a photo in which I'm posing with my cousin and she had to tell me to smile. (I'm not proud of it - I was just so bitter at the time that I couldn't see anything but green.) My cousin basically told the world that she's getting married and that her husband to be was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

My cousin is very nice, although. She told her mother (my aunt, my father's sister) that I was engaged too. Her mother reacted pretty well to that, and even gave me a rare hug (we aren't a very physical family) and said "she'd support me in everything I do". Which was a pretty big tell for the fact that my cousin told her mother about my engagement.

Everyone is helping out the bride. Her mother, her father, the groom's mother and father, and even her friends are helping her out with the different problems that arise. I'm frustrated because I can't even talk to my girlfriend on the phone without my mother getting up in my face about it. And the fact that my girlfriend has to use different voices and everything to hide from my mother.

My dad..well, I think he knows that I'm seeing someone from the United States. And that the person I'm seeing is another girl. He wishes me well, and seems to wish for my happiness. Mother on the other hand, is newly religious, and has said to me that "she'd never accept my lesbianism" and that "I'd grow out of it". (Mom, it's been almost a fucking decade when I came out of the closet - give me a break when I used to have a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio, the guy looks like a girl, for fuck's sake.)

And to make it worse, my mother thinks that I'm some sort of sexual maniac (I think the word is nymphomaniac) for being with women solely for the fact that they are more sexually "advanced". And also the fact that my mother thinks paradoxically, that women can't have sex together because they don't have penises/penii...(pssst...she thinks it's mutual masturbation...)

It's so frustrating that my life consists of lying to my mother, being forced to keep quiet when my mother says something stupidly homophobic, and hiding half of my life away. There is a reason why they call it being in the closet, and I want out - it smells like mothballs and desperation in here.

Edit: I'm probably going to drink to get buzzed during her wedding. I know I sound extremely selfish, but hey, I'm allowed to. She has the full support of everyone in her social circle and more (including me), and I'm just feeling like shit being she's happy and allowed to show it. Kind of paradoxical, that I'm happy for her, but not happy that she's happy and allowed to be happy.


[quote name='astrangeone' post='3066327' date='Aug 23 2010, 11:55 PM'](pssst...she thinks it's mutual masturbation...)[/quote]

I don't mean to split hairs here, (and out of that whole post this is what I pull out?), but without toys...isn't that what it kinda boils down to? I mean, it's essentially just two women fingering / licking each other, instead of fingering themselves. Well, I suppose I just answered my own question there. It does bring up a bigger idea though - isn't sex just mutual masturbation, regardless of the partners? It's just two people getting off (I'm ignoring emotional connections right now), using each other as a toy.

Also, about Leonardo Di Caprio, I think that's why women do like him at all - because he does look like a woman. Younger women like the familiar - that's why you typically have to "grow into" liking hairy men.

True, that most people would use each other as a sexual toy, but that's excluding emotions. I feel that sex is use to cement relationships, or to reaffirm love.

See, I hate the standard definition of sex. It's just so hetronormal of people. Sex must be penetrative, and it must be with a penis. Seriously disturbed is what is it. (Hence, the whole oral sex/anal sex thing being so popular among people who take vows of virginity.) Also, that my girlfriend is a veteran and according to the United States military, she's "sexually traumatized" because she doesn't like penetration. *growls*

I think I liked DiCapro during his Titanic days because it was the classic romantic thing to do. You'd protect your partner, at the cost of your life or emotional well being. In short, just the idea of him.
[quote name='astrangeone' post='3066363' date='Aug 24 2010, 12:07 AM']True, that most people would use each other as a sexual toy, but that's excluding emotions. I feel that sex is use to cement relationships, or to reaffirm love.

I think I liked DiCapro during his Titanic days because it was the classic romantic thing to do. You'd protect your partner, at the cost of your life or emotional well being. In short, just the idea of him.[/quote]
I feel like that too, and I hate how people nowadays think of sex as a diversion, or something completely irrelevant...
Also, why don't you try sitting down with your mther and just explaining everything? It probably isn't as easy as it sounds but you should try, unless you already have...
[quote name='Goli' post='3066366' date='Aug 24 2010, 12:10 AM']I feel like that too, and I hate how people nowadays think of sex as a diversion, or something completely irrelevant...[/quote]

Well, it is a "diversion". Or at least can be. Like, I'm in an open relationship, and I can have sex with a lot of people - but I never really wanna see 'em again, I have no reason to. Sex is just physical pleasure that people associate with love.

Anyway, on-topic: you didn't bring it up too much in your post (except your mother rant), but I do feel sorry that you feel like you are being shoved into the closet.
Goli, I just have to say, your display picture makes me smile and want to put on my new knit cap.

Yes, sex isn't a simple diversion or a weapon.

And, yes, that was a solution, and I have spoken to her about it, and it resulted in tears and a physical confrontation with her that my father had to break up.
Heh, I think my family kinda got used to the gay/lesbian thing. Well, most of them. Half of my grandparent's children are gay/lesbian (my aunt and my father) and my aunt was in a 15+ year relationship with a woman (I called her my aunt as well). Then they started fighting, they broke up, she got cancer, it's a long story. My father, that's a longer story. Only person who actually takes offense to it is my uncle. He's like those "born again Christian" types. For the record he was a former drug dealer then got "saved", then married my other aunt, and then started preaching and blah blah blah. He's a stuck up little prick and won't bother inviting my father to any family events he's hosting (although he was fine inviting my lesbian aunt and her partner). Although for any major family events (like my cousin's wedding that was a few months ago) they were together and my uncle was being his stuck up little self and so on. Next major family even is my grandparent's sixtieth anniversary, so that should be awkward. My dad is coming with me, my brother, and his partner so yeah.
Am I the only one who came in here expecting this to actually be about someone getting shoved into a real closet?
Because i'd like to not be the only one who fails that hard LOL.

Anyways it sounds like a crappy situation. It's nice your Dad is at least not against you. Though hell when i'm a father, if I have a daughter, i'd much rather my daughter bring home a nice girl instead of a boy. >_>
Can't say i'd ever chase my daughters girlfriend out of the house with a baseball bat.
Can't say I wouldn't if it were a boyfriend.

I'd love to actually give my two cents on the situation but I am morbidly unqualified to do so.
Best I can say is ignore the ignorance of your mother. If she says mean, stupid things, ignore her. Don't let the things she say have any impact on you or your partner. If she can't accept you for being yourself, then her opinion doesn't mean shit.
The world must have some sick sense of irony making devout Christians have homosexual children. Its really strange that way...

Anyhow, that certainly sucks majorly that you can't tell anybody how in love you are, but that;s just how things are sometimes. Be happy that your Dad is fine with it at least. Your mum will just have to become fine with it eventually.
I kinda know what that is like. Well no where near that bad at least. But every time my mom introduces my boy friend to someone, she calls him my "friend." She says she has full support for us, yet in public she never shows it, then she is wondering why Mike doesn't like her.
The only way to solve the situation is to destroy the relationship you currently have with your mother. She will dominate you for the rest of your life until you do. While I'm in a straight relationship my future mother in law has dominated my fiance her entire life and manipulate her with lies for 25 years. A year ago my future wife's mother decided that she had to do everything it takes to break up myself and the woman that has been living with me for 5 years. She decided to start spreading lies about me, a complete and utter smear campaign to try and influence her daughter. Now during this time my woman had been going to 4 years of therapy and living 1000 miles away from her mother, yet was still emotionally dominated to the point where her body would manifest psychical symptoms due to stress. Our relationship has been perfect, sadly her mother thinks men should all be pussy whipped cowboys, when Jess moved to California to live with me her mother pretty much decided I had stolen her property. Anyway this story gets much uglier, what has been happening the past year is I have never seen my woman more happy and confident, her mother has tried to start world war 3 about 4 times during this period, and has used every guilt trip in the book (even extremes like telling me I am being used and being cheated on). The whole thing is losing charge and I believe they can start having a healthy relationship with mutual respect in the future. I know it will be hard but honestly the end result will be worth it, if you mother decides to side with the cultist view that all homosexuals are damned, that really isn't someone you need in your life, it will just cause you pain and suffering until the day she dies, on top of that you will always feel guilt for not pleasing your own parent. Your mom will most likely use other people to guilt trip you for the first 6 months to a year, and you will get insanely sick of hearing "but she's your mother". From what I've read I think you feel a bit of guilt for having some bisexual tendencies in the past. You need to accept yourself for who you are, and love yourself exactly how you are. So you are gay with some slight bi tendencies, that's how you are, it doesn't mean you should force yourself to be another way. Society influences you to try and be straight, always keep that in mind. Your mother has no right to mold you into what she thinks you should be, she is failing as a parent by not supporting how you are.
That has got to be the most intelligent, most well put post I have ever read my whole time being on this site. And kinda sad. Why would a mom want to do that to her child?
Thank you Kane91z for being honest and writing that out. My plan is to distance myself from my mother after university, and then deal with her like I owe her money - that's it. We plan to move to the United States, and try for a new life, and without manipulative bitches like my mother can be.

Thanks. :D

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  • JollyBaker @ JollyBaker:
    Today is Pizza Tower's 2nd anniversary so that's cool
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @JollyBaker, I stopped playing it bc it ran like shit on my pc
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Cranesbill, good point
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    So why restrict such basic human actions that's been prominent for decades on the internet, longer than the Temp even? It wasn't even affecting anyone, how soulless you gotta do your job that something as simple as "Flint Lockwood" deems as inappropriate behavior that is in the same level as the cruel humor on the EOF
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Cranesbill, Yeah people are cruel kinda often at the eof
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Cranesbill Reported- "Off Topic" :P
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, So was it you?
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    And: Reported- "On Topic" :tpi::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::evil:
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    Reporting as Harassment to BigOnYa
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    This Chat was inactive for Half an hour. I started the conservation and then it became the main Topic was Qwerty became involved
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Cranesbill, I know, just kidding with you.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Cranesbill, I also sometimes try to deviate the conversation topic when people are talking about something I don't care about or that I don't know about
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    Ah shit
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    Reported All 3 of ya's :tpi::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: for breathing
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    Reported Ancientboi for existing :ha:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Cranesbill, I said sometimes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I reported @AncientBoi for couch abuse, they told me it was ok, he was sofa king.
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
  • Pogolol @ Pogolol:
    jeesh account from 2014, where did the time go
  • Pogolol @ Pogolol:
    is irc offically taken down? only this and discord?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pogolol, welcome back
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pogolol, and yeah I think irc got deleted or something
  • Pogolol @ Pogolol:
    to bad, oh well, I use discord anyway on daily basis, I just forget sometimes at how many forums I m signed up lol
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pogolol, I'm not allowed to use it
  • Pogolol @ Pogolol:
    to bad
    Pogolol @ Pogolol: to bad +1