Hacking WiiFlow - an open source GUI USB-Loader


Beat it, son
Mar 14, 2009
Upstate NY
United States
I'm scared to run Wiiflow anymore (even though it is my favorite looking loader) as I ran it for the first time on my Wii U the other day, installed a game and it formatted my drive (wiping all of my games) to ntfs and installed the game to a wbfs file on the ntfs drive.. Has anyone seen this? This really stinks for me as many of the games were for my kids and i cant find the disc for 2 of them they play all the time.

wow a 7 year member who doesn't know wiiflow is in beta? weird...but anyway i've never use wiiflow to install games nor have i heard of wiiflow formatting the drive. i didn't think it had the ability to do so.


Former Staff
Former Staff
Dec 3, 2009
wiiflow cannot format drives to fat32, ntfs or ext, that should be impossible, you might did encounter some very very odd bug there in the partition libraries.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
United States
I'm scared to run Wiiflow anymore (even though it is my favorite looking loader) as I ran it for the first time on my Wii U the other day, installed a game and it formatted my drive (wiping all of my games) to ntfs and installed the game to a wbfs file on the ntfs drive.. Has anyone seen this? This really stinks for me as many of the games were for my kids and i cant find the disc for 2 of them they play all the time.

Did you have it set so the partition was hidden so the WiiU doesn't try to format it when you startup?

I've used WiiFlow on a WiiU without any similar problems although I haven't tried installing a game in a long time.

Wondering if the code that installs games recognizes the hidden partition.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
United States
where and where do you find this stuff?
Image won't help I need the "ID" can't find it on gametdb or anywhere else
ID is GD5JB2
Just thought I'd let you know, in case you felt like making a banner for it.
BTW Aren't the dol IDs usually found somewhere on the game covers? J/W


Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
It's a bit (read:very) long for one post - Given the nature of the subject matter I'm being very careful and also trying to back up what i have to say with examples from my own, direct experience- so here's a synopsis.
  • It's too difficult for the people who use wiiflow to contribute to it...
  • ...this isn't helped by the god-awful attitude towards GBAtemp users on #wiiflow, where the wiiflow devs be chillin'.
Sorry about the old big block of text, folks. If you want to comment please first read the full text under the spoiler and then PM or do it off topic - chin chin:)

Under the spoiler... a wild rollercoaster ride of thrills chills and spills.
@moderators - please do not remove - This post (eventually!) becomes directly relevant to wiiflow development.
Happy to edit on request :)

Firstly, thanks to Fledge68 in particular, but all the wiiflow developers past and present. I love the 'flow, yo.

I just got banned from #wiiflow on abjects.irc *
I'd been popping in over the last few days trying to find out if a function was available in wiiflow. When you logon to #wiiflow, the subtitle or tag line of the room is something like " Ask a question and hang around for a few minutes for an answer". I've asked the same thing maybe 6 times over the last few days or so. I put a post up on here and on another thread. I still don't know the answer.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern.

Whenever i make a suggestion, ask a question, need help to contribute, or interact with the dev team or it's inner circle - it takes an age and multiple attempts to get an answer or even a begrudging acknowledgement that a question has been asked. It's like trying to pass a melon, uphill.
When i first took an interest in WiiFlow(mod), when wiiflow main was still 2.1ish (i think) it was amazingly clunky to get around. New functionality (eg. emuflow) was just tacked on - no one was (is!) thinking about end users might actually use the software. You had to know a multibutton shortcut to launch some basic functions (which, for a time, weren't in any of the documentation), and there wasn't even the checkbox to select different sources. You had to scroll around all of your sources to get to the one you wanted. When i (amongst others, I'm sure) suggested that that there might be better ways of getting around wiiflow - i was met with cries of
"How dare you suggest that wiiflow isn't perfect, you are effectively calling the development team morons, you ungrateful swine" ; "Devs do it for free, and therefore the logic follows that they cannot be mistaken about anything, ever" ; The perennial "Perhaps you should learn to code if you don't like it".
I'm sure some gbatemp cats are familiar with the tone. I have become somewhat used to it.
I'd occasionally lose patience with this and other tomfoolery and malarky, blow and storm off in a huff. I am frankly a little embarrassed by some of my posts from my early days wasting time here. But with patience and time, and sometimes just with my belief in the value of an idea, I'd come back to the forum or irc, and make the case for the idea again. If someone thought it was a bad idea, I'd ask why, and their reply would force me to refine the idea, make it better. Some folks might be a little terse in their response, some of the opinions lazily thought out, I'd occasionally have to bite my tongue, turn the other cheek, but see the bigger picture, right? I got better at holding my tongue, more ready to turn the other cheek, and my ideas improved.

So what kind of ideas are we talking about? -
I'm only saying this because my experiences are relevant to my point, but it also (let's be honest) sets up my credentials as genuine contributor. Credentials shouldn't matter - as a user capable of using a reasonable voice and making a cogent argument, or more importantly, my opinion as a WiiFlow user is of value.

Well, I think it's fair to say the checkbox menu was certainly encouraged by my input - still used by many who are not fans of the source_menu
The source menu owes a significant part to my efforts - it might have been my idea, not sure, but I certainly had a hand in it's design and inception and encouraged it's development! - The source menu is now used by the majority of wiiflow users to get around wiiflow.
Using 'B' to launch the source menu was (probably?) my idea, and would not have happened had i not argued for it's inclusion - again, this is used by most wiiflow users. When fledge recently removed "B-to-souirce_menu" as the default from wiiflow, he later elected to reverse that decision.
The sourceflow - a 3D coverflow replacement for the source_menu (see my sig) - is also my idea. (I also contributed the artwork for the small 3D covers - it's glowy and readable - Try it! :D)
Both sugar and kudos for fledge68, who coded most if not all of the above - thanks big guy! (reflected thanks on rest of dev team ;) )

So what spacepimp, You're an obnoxious walking opinion and nobody cares you got booted off #wiiflow?

Ah, yes, quite. Er. I think this incident in particular shows off an unpleasant and growth-stunting dimension to wiiflow's development.

I am going to reveal something a bit upsetting - In the past I have logged onto #wiiflow from my in-laws - using the credentials they use on that PC. It's unintentionally opened up #wiiflow whenever they've been using IRC (really - they're in their 60's!!!!). I was round at their house very recently, and the wiiflow log makes for some interesting reading.

What follows is so shocking, it's going to burn your corneas off, however, i'm just going to ask you to pause while I write some (crazy nonsense type lark) and filler before I reveal that I completely and utterly made that last bit up. The last paragraph is all nonsense, but believe me when I say that some people who read that bit in bold suddenly felt very uncomfortable. And there's the problem -

Wiiflow irc is where you can often find wiiflow users, wii coding types, themers, and the more hardcore end of the wii scene, and often many or all of the wiiflow devs - And it's a bit...nasty. I can tell you from my experience logged on as spacepimp**, that the general attitude to users of GBAtemp is one of absolute contempt. Not just general posters, regulars and newbies, but also GBAtemp users who put a lot of time and effort in (more than some of the individual members of the official team, certainly) and contribute hugely to wiiflow, are spoken of as though they are less than diseased vermin. Much of the brilliant contribution, time, imagination, of this forum goes utterly unnoticed from the ivory tower. As far as #wiiflow is concerned, you are largely wasting your time contributing anything here.
You may think that this is not how the Dev team feel about GBAtemp, and I'd like to be able to able to assuredly agree. What I can say is that this is the broad opinion of the place, not the developers - have a look on there and see for yourself. I've seen good work and ideas left to rot (how long is this thread now?) because no one of influence has engaged with the contributing user. Sometimes, it is almost as though they're literally embarrassed to talk about the time they spend on here, and when they talk about fulfilling a user request, it's like an admission of guilt. It's like they've let the developer side down by listening to a user. And that's bad for wiiflow.

So what if they do feel that way, why is this necessarily bad for wiiflow?

Ever noticed how, even though USBloaderGX has slightly lower functionality on paper, and doesn't have drop dead gorgeous coverflows, it always seems to be slightly ahead in Abz's loader poll?
Not to detract from FIX's contribution - his work is the shared common factor between wiiflow and GX.
What's different is Cyan. He's always on here. Talking with, sorting out problems for, listening to GX users. Could that possibly be a bad thing for GX? I don't mean voters on the poll like Cyan more, and that's why they vote for his loader, I mean USBloaderGX is a better piece of software because of the time it's coder has spent with users.
This idea - that the people who actually use the software might have something useful to say - is openly ridiculed on #wiiflow.

I can also speak to my own experience - if wasn't both stupid and mad enough to keep coming back - the attitude and disproportionate amount of bullsh*t I've had to put up with would have stopped things like the source_menu from coming in to being. You may feel that'd be no great loss, but the fact is you'd be in the minority. BTW, i'm sure other solutions for mere humans with no computer science or engineering background would have arrived eventually :)

None of WiiFlow happens without the coders. Without code, there is nothing. But WiiFlow isn't just the code - it includes vast amounts of artwork, config, data, and IDEAS made, written, compiled and thought up not by coders, but by users like you and me. A Wiiflow made by coders for coders (and ignores everyone else) - will only get used by coders - have a look through this thread, before Abz's masterpack, count how many posts read "I'm an old school wiiflow user, used it for years, i've read the documentation but I don't have time for a computer science 101, and it went over my head, nothing works, can i play games?"
i suppose part of the pleasure of coding wiiflow is in that people actually use it - you're not just coding for yourself (or your mates) - so what you're doing is relevant to real people in the real world. A better WiiFlow recognises the coding at the core, but the coders are missing out on a vast resource of talent when they ignore their users.

That's all. I think. Must go.

Get on #wiiflow, dilute the crap with some (more) real people.

*if you want to know who barred me and why - there'll be no surprises, (!) but i'll post under a spoiler later.
**funny story - someone's nicked the spacepimp username, so i make one up whenever i (used to) log in. Oh how I laughed.


Official LULWUT supporter
Feb 24, 2009
Around somewhere
Spacepimp, it is not what you are asking, but the WAY you ask...it almost feels like badgering.
And then, when you get a negative response, you go into a endless discussion and even get insulting sometimes...

That is why you got banned...
Now i won't get into that discussion here any further because this is the Wiiflow topic.

Fact is, it is open source, so you can change anything you like.
Fact is, devs do (virtually) not make any money and this is for (most of) them a hobby.

To get back on track, lots of user input has gone into Wiiflow and a lot of idea's have been intergrated since, so i call it BS if someone says devs are in an ivory tower, at least not the current Wiiflow devs.

So please keep the idea's coming...but do respect the devs. decision not to implement everything (for lots of different reasons).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
United States
@moderators - please do not remove - This post (eventually!) becomes directly relevant to wiiflow development.
Happy to edit on request :)

Firstly, thanks to Fledge68 in particular, but all the wiiflow developers past and present. I love the 'flow, yo.

I just got banned from #wiiflow on abjects.irc *
I'd been popping in over the last few days trying to find out if a function was available in wiiflow. When you logon to #wiiflow, the subtitle or tag line of the room is something like " Ask a question and hang around for a few minutes for an answer". I've asked the same thing maybe 6 times over the last few days or so. I put a post up on here and on another thread. I still don't know the answer.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern.

Whenever i make a suggestion, ask a question, need help to contribute, or interact with the dev team or it's inner circle - it takes an age and multiple attempts to get an answer or even a begrudging acknowledgement that a question has been asked. It's like trying to pass a melon, uphill.
When i first took an interest in WiiFlow(mod), when wiiflow main was still 2.1ish (i think) it was amazingly clunky to get around. New functionality (eg. emuflow) was just tacked on - no one was (is!) thinking about end users might actually use the software. You had to know a multibutton shortcut to launch some basic functions (which, for a time, weren't in any of the documentation), and there wasn't even the checkbox to select different sources. You had to scroll around all of your sources to get to the one you wanted. When i (amongst others, I'm sure) suggested that that there might be better ways of getting around wiiflow - i was met with cries of
"How dare you suggest that wiiflow isn't perfect, you are effectively calling the development team morons, you ungrateful swine" ; "Devs do it for free, and therefore the logic follows that they cannot be mistaken about anything, ever" ; The perennial "Perhaps you should learn to code if you don't like it".
I'm sure some gbatemp cats are familiar with the tone. I have become somewhat used to it.
I'd occasionally lose patience with this and other tomfoolery and malarky, blow and storm off in a huff. I am frankly a little embarrassed by some of my posts from my early days wasting time here. But with patience and time, and sometimes just with my belief in the value of an idea, I'd come back to the forum or irc, and make the case for the idea again. If someone thought it was a bad idea, I'd ask why, and their reply would force me to refine the idea, make it better. Some folks might be a little terse in their response, some of the opinions lazily thought out, I'd occasionally have to bite my tongue, turn the other cheek, but see the bigger picture, right? I got better at holding my tongue, more ready to turn the other cheek, and my ideas improved.

So what kind of ideas are we talking about? -
I'm only saying this because my experiences are relevant to my point, but it also (let's be honest) sets up my credentials as genuine contributor. Credentials shouldn't matter - as a user capable of using a reasonable voice and making a cogent argument, or more importantly, my opinion as a WiiFlow user is of value.

Well, I think it's fair to say the checkbox menu was certainly encouraged by my input - still used by many who are not fans of the source_menu
The source menu owes a significant part to my efforts - it might have been my idea, not sure, but I certainly had a hand in it's design and inception and encouraged it's development! - The source menu is now used by the majority of wiiflow users to get around wiiflow.
Using 'B' to launch the source menu was (probably?) my idea, and would not have happened had i not argued for it's inclusion - again, this is used by most wiiflow users. When fledge recently removed "B-to-souirce_menu" as the default from wiiflow, he later elected to reverse that decision.
The sourceflow - a 3D coverflow replacement for the source_menu (see my sig) - is also my idea. (I also contributed the artwork for the small 3D covers - it's glowy and readable - Try it! :D)
Both sugar and kudos for fledge68, who coded most if not all of the above - thanks big guy! (reflected thanks on rest of dev team ;) )

So what spacepimp, You're an obnoxious walking opinion and nobody cares you got booted off #wiiflow?

Ah, yes, quite. Er. I think this incident in particular shows off an unpleasant and growth-stunting dimension to wiiflow's development.

I am going to reveal something a bit upsetting - In the past I have logged onto #wiiflow from my in-laws - using the credentials they use on that PC. It's unintentionally opened up #wiiflow whenever they've been using IRC (really - they're in their 60's!!!!). I was round at their house very recently, and the wiiflow log makes for some interesting reading.

What follows is so shocking, it's going to burn your corneas off, however, i'm just going to ask you to pause while I write some (crazy nonsense type lark) and filler before I reveal that I completely and utterly made that last bit up. The last paragraph is all nonsense, but believe me when I say that some people who read that bit in bold suddenly felt very uncomfortable. And there's the problem -

Wiiflow irc is where you can often find wiiflow users, wii coding types, themers, and the more hardcore end of the wii scene, and often many or all of the wiiflow devs - And it's a bit...nasty. I can tell you from my experience logged on as spacepimp**, that the general attitude to users of GBAtemp is one of absolute contempt. Not just general posters, regulars and newbies, but also GBAtemp users who put a lot of time and effort in (more than some of the individual members of the official team, certainly) and contribute hugely to wiiflow, are spoken of as though they are less than diseased vermin. Much of the brilliant contribution, time, imagination, of this forum goes utterly unnoticed from the ivory tower. As far as #wiiflow is concerned, you are largely wasting your time contributing anything here.
You may think that this is not how the Dev team feel about GBAtemp, and I'd like to be able to able to assuredly agree. What I can say is that this is the broad opinion of the place, not the developers - have a look on there and see for yourself. I've seen good work and ideas left to rot (how long is this thread now?) because no one of influence has engaged with the contributing user. Sometimes, it is almost as though they're literally embarrassed to talk about the time they spend on here, and when they talk about fulfilling a user request, it's like an admission of guilt. It's like they've let the developer side down by listening to a user. And that's bad for wiiflow.

So what if they do feel that way, why is this necessarily bad for wiiflow?

Ever noticed how, even though USBloaderGX has slightly lower functionality on paper, and doesn't have drop dead gorgeous coverflows, it always seems to be slightly ahead in Abz's loader poll?
Not to detract from FIX's contribution - his work is the shared common factor between wiiflow and GX.
What's different is Cyan. He's always on here. Talking with, sorting out problems for, listening to GX users. Could that possibly be a bad thing for GX? I don't mean voters on the poll like Cyan more, and that's why they vote for his loader, I mean USBloaderGX is a better piece of software because of the time it's coder has spent with users.
This idea - that the people who actually use the software might have something useful to say - is openly ridiculed on #wiiflow.

I can also speak to my own experience - if wasn't both stupid and mad enough to keep coming back - the attitude and disproportionate amount of bullsh*t I've had to put up with would have stopped things like the source_menu from coming in to being. You may feel that'd be no great loss, but the fact is you'd be in the minority. BTW, i'm sure other solutions for mere humans with no computer science or engineering background would have arrived eventually :)

None of WiiFlow happens without the coders. Without code, there is nothing. But WiiFlow isn't just the code - it includes vast amounts of artwork, config, data, and IDEAS made, written, compiled and thought up not by coders, but by users like you and me. A Wiiflow made by coders for coders (and ignores everyone else) - will only get used by coders - have a look through this thread, before Abz's masterpack, count how many posts read "I'm an old school wiiflow user, used it for years, i've read the documentation but I don't have time for a computer science 101, and it went over my head, nothing works, can i play games?"
i suppose part of the pleasure of coding wiiflow is in that people actually use it - you're not just coding for yourself (or your mates) - so what you're doing is relevant to real people in the real world. A better WiiFlow recognises the coding at the core, but the coders are missing out on a vast resource of talent when they ignore their users.

That's all. I think. Must go.

Get on #wiiflow, dilute the crap with some (more) real people.

*if you want to know who barred me and why - there'll be no surprises, (!) but i'll post under a spoiler later.
**funny story - someone's nicked the spacepimp username, so i make one up whenever i (used to) log in. Oh how I laughed.
Wow my head is hurting from all the reading. sorry spacepimp but i couldn't even finish your novel. As for your disc launching idea from the source menu that shouldn't be hard at all. I just need to create a new source=disc option and then whenever that source btn is click have wiiflow do the same thing it does when you click the disc icon on the main screen. just give me a little time to do it - real life is keeping me busy lately
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
United States
Also - to the people having code dumps when installing a wii game. I have the same issue and looked into it and can't find anything wrong - too advanced for me. So maybe if you post your code dump pics and what version you are using and ask nicely Fix94 might be able to fix it if he can find the time - I hear he's busy with college.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Wow my head is hurting from all the reading. sorry spacepimp but i couldn't even finish your novel. As for your disc launching idea from the source menu that shouldn't be hard at all. I just need to create a new source=disc option and then whenever that source btn is click have wiiflow do the same thing it does when you click the disc icon on the main screen. just give me a little time to do it - real life is keeping me busy lately
Yay, more buttons! I suggested a button on source that would power off the wii some time ago. Would be handy if using the gamecube controller and you're too damn lazy to get up and find a wiimote. If unsure how to do that directly using Wiiflow, there's an app for that. The button could launch that. In addition, it would also be a great feature to add to the screensaver function. If no activity is detected for say, 20 minutes, the wii will power off.
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Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
Spacepimp, it is not what you are asking, but the WAY you ask...it almost feels like badgering.
And then, when you get a negative response, you go into a endless discussion and even get insulting sometimes...

That is why you got banned...
Now i won't get into that discussion here any further because this is the Wiiflow topic.

Fact is, it is open source, so you can change anything you like.
Fact is, devs do (virtually) not make any money and this is for (most of) them a hobby.

To get back on track, lots of user input has gone into Wiiflow and a lot of idea's have been integrated since, so i call it BS if someone says devs are in an ivory tower, at least not the current Wiiflow devs.

So please keep the idea's coming...but do respect the devs. decision not to implement everything (for lots of different reasons).
Actually, Etheboss, I'm sure you didn't intend to slander or misrepresent me, but for the record, I was banned by mamule for none of the reasons you mentioned. If you should care, you can read my (hazily remembered) version of events below.
Although I've seen him be a bit of a putain to other people in the past, I've never had a problem with alleged intellectual coward mamule, nor him with me. In fact, last time we spoke, he upped my status so I had a speaker - such fun!
Yesterday, I was logged in under something other than spacepimp (see why **above) & I caught him being obnoxious about me and another user, saying he'd kick me and this other user on sight. I was a little surprised by this - like i said, he'd been particularly pleasant last time we spoke - i made a comment that pointed this out, said something along the lines of how much class he was showing (given the difference in his behaviour as it were, when I wasn't looking). And when I asked him what reason he had to want to kick me, get this, he kicked me. Tsh boom, ok, that was quite funny. Now I think it might've been because I'd just made him look a bit sly, but let's assume it was just good humoured banter.
Rather stupidly, i went back on - wouldn't you?
"Why?" i asked - "because it is wicked" someone replied - not mamule - his silence was deafening, and in a private conversation - (in which, it has to be said, he made only one statement :)) i told him that said a lot about him. I still think it does.
After a while i regretted saying that - there is a real culture of animosity towards me from some people, and I wanted to know why mamule felt the way he did. So in an attempt to make amends, I expressed my regret. I told him that i thought there was a bad culture around that only frustrated genuine efforts to contribute, and that that was why I asked him why he wanted to kick me - then he barred me.
Hmnnn.....less funny now. But that's how I got barred.

Just so you're completely briefed with the facts, when i got kicked the message read something like "because you are sh*t like your ideas." - this was mamules one statement.
When I asked mamule which ideas he objected to, he neglected to provide an answer, so I told him he was a coward (please note: I didn't actually use the word "coward";) )

Thanks for posting fella, I appreciate you just want to tell me where I've gone wrong. I fully understand your position and I look forward to explaining mine when time allows.
One thing, though, you were right about the Ivory tower remark - it wasn't quite accurate. You know in "Jaws" were someone asks Schneider's character why he lives on the island if he hates the water. He replies with something like " You can only tell it's an island if you look at it from the sea"
You are on the island, etheboss, and like Schneider, in no position to comment. I am, however, very much out at sea. :)

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