Hacking WiiFlow - an open source GUI USB-Loader


Official LULWUT supporter
Feb 24, 2009
Around somewhere
Actually, Etheboss, I was banned by mamule for none of the reasons you mentioned.
Funny, in the ban list it says FIX94 banned you :glare: (weather you believe me or not on this, i do have the ability to see who banned who).
I think here lies a big part of the problem, you assume things that did'nt happen, are incorrect or simply not true.

You are correct on the island <-> sea comparison, and i don't deny being involved more in wiiflow then most, but i don't think that is relevant in this case, t.b.h. i would feel the same if this (for example) happened in the GX channel, regardless of the user, i try to be unbiased about it.

Ugh, i promised i would not go further into this, so this is my final word about it.
Sorry to others that had to read this but did'nt want to.
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Former Staff
Former Staff
Dec 3, 2009
Yep, I did ban spacepimp, offending me, mamule and others and then writing romans about how good he is and how bad wiiflow is? I just needed to do that so he learns on how to behave if he wants to be a part. Oh and spacepimp, now dont come and say sorry, that is not enough anymore, you did that often and still you dont change. I am a very open person for everyone but on a certain point it goes way too far. Also, mamule is a cool person if you are a cool person, obviously you did annoy and bother mamule so dont be surprised he was not friendly. I will remove the ban eventually, dont even think about bothering us about it or I wont remove anything, need to be hard here.


Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
Apologies - It's way too long - I should have done this immediately up on posting (add a synopsis & spoiler), but in my defence it was about 2 AM.
Here's a synopsis, but if you want to reply please first read under the spoiler, and reply either off-topic, or in an open invite PM.
  • fix94, unfortunately, has chosen to entirely fabricate above post (and, as i write, hasn't retracted it or chosen to reply to my version of events)
  • I provide my version of events and offer to provide evidence of it's accuracy, by describing the contradictions and inconsistencies in the above post line by line. EDIT: - accurate but long!
  • I also offer context for my behaviour, speculate about the motivation of other parties, and express regret that it's turned nasty.
  • Point out to Etheboss (in reply to his post above) that if you're going to apply for and accept the public mantle of mr reasonable, occasionally you're going to have to step up to the plate - not to be short but this is a synopsis! :)
Er, ok, I got a little time to give Etheboss the proper reply i promised, when things have just got very very interesting. Apologies for length (tsh boom).

@moderators, I deserve a right to reply to this - and in any context - this is absolutely relevant to WiiFlow development. Any further missives on the subject will be placed off-topic or contributors can PM me. Unless you want to reply here, that's your call.

FIX94 - for the sake of clarity and openness, I would sincerely advise not using your Global Moderator status with regard to me or this post - even if you do so with the most honourable intention, it could be viewed in a very damaging light - You will see why this is necessary for me to say as you read further, but I'm quite sure you already know. :)

Let me start by saying all I want to do is contribute to wiiflow. And I was very, very surprised to read this:

Yep, I did ban spacepimp,

"[20:35:49] mamule [~[email protected]] has set mode +b *!*It-is-I-s...." Says actually, you didn't. I didn't hear a peep from you alll night, and we both know you had ample opportunity to talk :)
Of course, I believe etheboss when he says the log now reads that you banned me. So, for some reason, you've changed my status or some such after the fact, but you are making a falsehood by omission if you now claim that you were the person that banned me. mamule has liked your post so he's obviously complicit. This is just bizarre - why would you do that? Kurt Cobain said it best when he said "Just because you're paranoid, don't mean there not after you".
My recollection of events is almost exactly as described under the spoiler above. I can provide screengrabs of my irc client's log files, and while these can be faked, I'm sure FIX94, who is (oc) at the top level of administration at #wiiflow, is capable of faking evidence too. In FACT, Etheboss is right to be cynical - FIX already has.
Perhaps "who banned spacepimp" could be cleared up by some independently held log of bannings, toings and froings and the like - I suppose I could ask on #abjects - they're very helpful - but I hope I wont have to. There might be no such log, but maybe someone on #wiiflow could help? It's possible but I can't get on to ask because mamule banned me :)
... offending me, mamule and others
Er, i literally saw nothing from you all night. With regard to mamule, as I have already said - i thought we were cool right up until i read "[18:07:05] <%mamule> perso, i'll kick ______, sproutpimp and co everytime" Even though I've asked him, I still don't know why he felt the need to say this. If you imagine yourself in both our places, in whose place do you feel most offended? Sprouts are Belgian, btw. "...and others"... - is this about asking what the French for 'class act' is? - No offence was intended to our cousins across the water, I just meant to point out that mamule was showing real character here;)edit -by asking for a translation, i intended to ironically stress mamules lack of class - not imply that his Frenchness is responsible - please excuse any offence unintentionally caused :)
- and then writing romans about how good he is and how bad wiiflow is?
Not really sure what romans means - mamule some things really do get lost in translation, oui? - I assume it means he didn't read it, because at no point do I say anything about how bad wiiflow is - I talk (at length!) about how there's a culture on #wiiflow that belittles and disrespects GBAtemp, and some of it's contributing users in particular - including me - and that this is damaging for wiiflow development. Personally, like I've already said, I dig the 'flow. You can judge my opinion of wiiflow by my contributions to it. Which brings us to "about how good he is" - It's true, in the vast tapestry of ideas and hard work that is wiiflow, I have detailed the ideas of mine that have come to fruition (Hi5 Fledge!), but in a tale about how difficult it has been to contribute ideas to wiiflow, you have to say what ideas you've contributed. I did try to explain this earlier, so I hope i made it clearer that time. :)

I just needed to do that so he learns on how to behave if he wants to be a part.
Etheboss, this is quite important - Part of what, exactly? - Shall we ask Roy Scheider?

Oh and spacepimp, now dont come and say sorry, that is not enough anymore, you did that often and still you dont change.

I believe it's important to apologise when you've made a mistake. I'm raising my kid to think that even when you think you've acted reasonably, you should apologise when unintentionally offending someone and make it clear that offending them wasn't your intention. Someone would suggest a reason for why fix was offended, and I, mortified (English!), would rush to apologise. This is when I could find out there was a problem. Which took less time and effort than with my girlfriend when I was a teenager. I am not kidding. Also, if fix wants to talk about how we conduct ourselves in private conversations. I would begin with how, the last time we spoke, he felt the need to apologise, in a private message, for being so rude.
I am a very open person for everyone
but on a certain point it goes way too far.
I am reading your last post and agreeing.
Also, mamule is a cool person if you are a cool person, obviously you did annoy and bother mamule so dont be surprised he was not friendly.
Well, users are able to form their own opinion of mamule, and we all agree that mamule is a treasured and loved member of this forum.

Sarcasm aside - and despite the occasional outbursts you can find right here on this thread, I think he's cool too. I was genuinely surprised to read what he'd said and although I'm angry, disappointed and disgusted at his behaviour, he is who he is and I'm sad it's like this right now. Actually, I (usually) quite like fix's more positive side, and I'm also really disappointed he's decided to act like this.
I will remove the ban eventually, dont even think about bothering us about it or I wont remove anything, need to be hard here.
#wiiflow hasn't been too productive for me recently (although I encourage flowheads to go there - you can learn and produce a lot very quickly if some one engages with you), and while i'll miss the tumbleweeds and (some) of the people, rest assured I will not be bothering you for access to #wiiflow too soon :) - Although - feel free to invite me back any time! :D

Funny, in the ban list it says FIX94 banned you :glare: (weather you believe me or not on this, i do have the ability to see who banned who).
I think here lies a big part of the problem, you assume things that did'nt happen, are incorrect or simply not true.

You are correct on the island <-> sea comparison, and i don't deny being involved more in wiiflow then most, but i don't think that is relevant in this case, t.b.h. i would feel the same if this (for example) happened in the GX channel, regardless of the user, i try to be unbiased about it.

Ugh, i promised i would not go further into this, so this is my final word about it.
Sorry to others that had to read this but did'nt want to.

Etheboss - You like to think of yourself as a man of reason - it's a very noble characteristic to have and I respect you for it. I understand you're reluctant to get involved - but if you're going to set yourself up as the voice of reason, you have take an impartial look at what's happened.

I will get round to replying to your initial post, but I've spent tooo long on this and it's time for bo bo's
EDIT: Etheboss - no disrespect, but you're missing the metaphor - the island isn't people who contribute to wiiflow - if it was there wouldn't be a problem - the island is what fix thinks I "need to learn to be a part of" (see above).
Ask yourself: If wanted to know the answer to a relatively simple question about wiiflow, would it take 3 or 4 days and multiple attempts to find out - is that true for everyone? (edited for clarity)
EDIT#2: What were you saying about there being no conspiracy? ;)


Beat it, son
Mar 14, 2009
Upstate NY
United States
holy mother of responses! i thought this was a wiiflow thread :huh: please stop polluting the thread d00d, make a new one or sum-tin.

i pray you don't offend some of our favorite devs! fix and fledge you guys rock for eternity with all the work you put in on wiiflow.

in an on topic note, i've been using rev1026 (?) and all seems great.

ill make an edit just to illustrate a point but im not replying. but wow look at that post below. attacking poor little me now :unsure:
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Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
holy mother of responses! i thought this was a wiiflow thread :huh: please stop polluting the thread d00d, make a new one or sum-tin.

i pray you don't offend some of our favorite devs! fix and fledge you guys rock for eternity with all the work you put in on wiiflow.

in an on topic note, i've been using rev1026 (?) and all seems great.

Jesus, mate, at least read something before you comment on it - btw - it is on topic. But you'd know that if you'd read it. Fledge, by the way, isn't referred to in the post except in the most glowing terms, but again, you'd know that if you'd read the post. You can look up sycophant while you're at it.


CoverFlow Artist
Mar 20, 2012
United States
@fledge, do you still need that screenie of the code dump when trying to install a new game?
I just found my good camera and just needed to know before I made the post. Thanks.


Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
Spacepimp do u have used my nick? on irc? i hope u don't probably i haven't understand , i hope ....
sorry, naxil, only just read this. No, I have not been using your nick - but I'm a little worried that you think I might be! Can I ask why you would think that?

holy mother of responses! i thought this was a wiiflow thread :huh: please stop polluting the thread d00d, make a new one or sum-tin.

i pray you don't offend some of our favorite devs! fix and fledge you guys rock for eternity with all the work you put in on wiiflow.

in an on topic note, i've been using rev1026 (?) and all seems great.

ill make an edit just to illustrate a point but im not replying. but wow look at that post below. attacking poor little me now :unsure:
VashTS, sir, I am surprised that you do not appreciate why somebody might be irritated when you comment so inanely on a post they have clearly spent some effort on, and then woefully misrepresent the position they've just carefully described... And so obviously without paying the common courtesy of reading it first. If you do get round to reading it, I'll welcome your comments gladly.

I wish I had a keyboard to type on.. Typing touch screen style would take way too long for my real comment and I just rather not. Lets all take a deep breath, brush our shoulders off and keep it flowin' ;)

GBAtemp legend MassiveRican has hit the nail on the head - again. He's right to stay well clear of this. And the bottom line is, I'm here to contribute and enjoy wiiflow. I've made my case about the damaging vibe at #wiiflow, and fix has duly responded. Users are free to make up their own minds, but ask yourselves - if you forget reputation and hearsay, what have I been like with you, dear reader?

p.s. I'll edit my post above when I get time, hopefully later today, in reply to Etheboss' first post on this.


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
p.s. I'll edit my post above when I get time, hopefully later today, in reply to Etheboss' first post on this.
(Oh God...) Unless you're editing it by replacing the biblical length post by 3 full stops, or better still an 'I'm sorry gbatemp for being a prick' apology, then maybe you should leave it?

Nobody in their right mind is gonna read all that, and more importantly, it doesn't deserve a place in this thread! If you've got some form of beef with FIX, do it privately (if you really have to, that is). Nobody wants to hear some whiny lad spilling all sorts of crap all over an otherwise excellent thread in the vain attempt to sound like some sort of wonderful knight in shining armour who's been unfairly treated. You finally got what you wanted with the sourceflow (btw your constant badgering on that particular subject got on my tits, never mind how much it must've annoyed the devs!), can't you leave it at that?

If this were my forum you'd have been on a last warning with the constant sourceflow badgering, and most certainly IP banned by now after this little mouthful (well, I'd hardly call it little :lol: ), so be grateful these lot have a longer fuse. Now please stop ruining the thread. ;)
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Pathalogical Fantasist
Feb 20, 2012
Off the Island
Apologies for the noise - really should've bit my tongue and PM'd. Response to MightyMuffy under the spoiler .
(Oh God...) Unless you're editing it by replacing the biblical length post by 3 full stops, or better still an 'I'm sorry gbatemp for being a prick' apology, then maybe you should leave it?

Nobody in their right mind is gonna read all that, and more importantly, it doesn't deserve a place in this thread! If you've got some form of beef with FIX, do it privately (if you really have to, that is). Nobody wants to hear some whiny lad spilling all sorts of crap all over an otherwise excellent thread in the vain attempt to sound like some sort of wonderful knight in shining armour who's been unfairly treated. You finally got what you wanted with the sourceflow (btw your constant badgering on that particular subject got on my tits, never mind how much it must've annoyed the devs!), can't you leave it at that?

If this were my forum you'd have been on a last warning with the constant sourceflow badgering, and most certainly IP banned by now after this little mouthful (well, I'd hardly call it little :lol: ), so be grateful these lot have a longer fuse. Now please stop ruining the thread. ;)

I see you admit first off to not reading the posts you're referring to, which makes you look a bit of a....what's the word...a prick, was it? I have no beef with fix - I was just saying how difficult it can be to contribute with all the negative shenanigans, when fix pops up with some distinctly negative shenanigans that also happens to be untrue. What would be the proper reaction? How would you react?
If i understand you correctly, you think that a culture in which the good work and ideas on GBAtemp is held in contempt by the chatroom on which the wiiflow coders hang out - isn't relevant to the Wiiflow thread on GBAtemp?
I forget of course, you haven't read what you're talking about. With the sourceflow thing - i sympathise, but can you remember us discussing the circumstances? I can provide quotes if you like.


New Member
Oct 17, 2013
Hi, I'm having some major freezing problems with WiiFlow. Almost every game I use freezes after 10 minutes or so. I had a bit of a hard time modding my wii because of the motion plus controller, so I'm not sure if that's the root cause. I need to select channel 251 before starting a game because Auto makes it stick on a black screen. I've managed to get the NES emulator running and installed a bunch of wads, but when it comes to playing back-ups I'm having trouble.

Edit: Is it possible the USB stick can't keep up? It's a 16GB Lexar.


GameTDB Mod & Retro Cover Artist
Jun 25, 2011
United States

Great work on WF as always guys, things are running faster and better than ever before! Seriously appreciate all the hard work & time you guys have put in.

I have had a few issues that i've been trying to work out though, and was wondering if anyone could help me out with this codedump? It occurs when getting close to a certain game (In this case GC, but it's also happened with Wii and WiiWare). I don't know if it's because of a corrupt iso, cachefile or what. Everything looked good when i dug a little deeper and investigated things (In the case of WiiWare, I actually made about 10 nands, and split up all the wads over & over to determine which were causing the codedumps and which were not. So thankful for on the fly nand switching!! I can provide that information if it would help), and this problem doesn't occur if i revert to r924 in any of the formentioned formats. If anyone can help a brother out, would be appreciated!

Edit: Here's the results of my WiiWare testing. I tested all NTSC-U wads. I also tested a bunch of the fail wads in dolphin, and they worked fine.

Here is a list sorted by letter that shows all fails.

# - 5 in 1 solitaire IS BAD.
A - Angel Solitaire and Arcade Sports ARE BAD.
B - All good :)
C - Carnival King IS BAD.
D - Deer Captor, Derby Dogs, and Diatomic ARE BAD.
E - All Good. :)
F - Family Pirate Party, Family Slot Car, Fireplacing, and Furry Legends are BAD.
G - Ghost Slayer, Gnomz, Groovin' Blocks, and Gyrostarr ARE BAD.
H - Happy Hammerin', Harvest Moon My Little Shop, HB Arcade Cards, HB Arcade Disc Golf,Heavy Fire - BA, Heron, Hockey Allstar Shootout, and Hubert the Teddy Bear ARE BAD.
I - All Good! :)
J - JellyCar2 and Jungle Speed ARE BAD.
K - All Good! :)
L - Let's Catch, and Liiight ARE BAD
M - Madstone, Magic Destiny, Manic Monkey Mayhem, Mart Racer, Midnight Bowling, and Midnight Pool ARE BAD
N - Niki Rock'n'Ball IS BAD
O - Onslaught is BAD
P - Party Fun Pirate, Pit Crew Panic!, Planet Pachinko, Pop'em Drop'em Same Game and Pucca's Kisses Game ARE BAD
R - Rabbids Land, Rainbow Islands Towering Inferno, and Reel Fishing Challenge ARE BAD
S - Sexy Poker, Space Trek, and Star Soldier R ARE BAD
T - Texas Hold 'Em Poker, The Magic Obelisk, Toribash, Triple Throwing, and TV Show King 2 ARE BAD
U - Urbanix is BAD
V - V.I.P. Casino Blackjack and Viral Survival ARE BAD
W - WarioWare DIY and Warmen Tactics ARE BAAAAD.
XYZ - All good :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
United States
I had something similar happen recently. It happens right as the offending game is coming into view, right? I can't decipher the code dump, but logically it's got to have something to do with the game's cover. A corrupted banner or iso usually shouldn't have any effect until you view the banner or load the game. In my case it turned out to be a really heavily fragmented *.wfc file. Defragmenting the file fixed it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
United States

Great work on WF as always guys, things are running faster and better than ever before! Seriously appreciate all the hard work & time you guys have put in.

I have had a few issues that i've been trying to work out though, and was wondering if anyone could help me out with this codedump? It occurs when getting close to a certain game (In this case GC, but it's also happened with Wii and WiiWare). I don't know if it's because of a corrupt iso, cachefile or what. Everything looked good when i dug a little deeper and investigated things (In the case of WiiWare, I actually made about 10 nands, and split up all the wads over & over to determine which were causing the codedumps and which were not. So thankful for on the fly nand switching!! I can provide that information if it would help), and this problem doesn't occur if i revert to r924 in any of the formentioned formats. If anyone can help a brother out, would be appreciated!

Edit: Here's the results of my WiiWare testing. I tested all NTSC-U wads. I also tested a bunch of the fail wads in dolphin, and they worked fine.

Here is a list sorted by letter that shows all fails.

# - 5 in 1 solitaire IS BAD.
A - Angel Solitaire and Arcade Sports ARE BAD.
B - All good :)
C - Carnival King IS BAD.
D - Deer Captor, Derby Dogs, and Diatomic ARE BAD.
E - All Good. :)
F - Family Pirate Party, Family Slot Car, Fireplacing, and Furry Legends are BAD.
G - Ghost Slayer, Gnomz, Groovin' Blocks, and Gyrostarr ARE BAD.
H - Happy Hammerin', Harvest Moon My Little Shop, HB Arcade Cards, HB Arcade Disc Golf,Heavy Fire - BA, Heron, Hockey Allstar Shootout, and Hubert the Teddy Bear ARE BAD.
I - All Good! :)
J - JellyCar2 and Jungle Speed ARE BAD.
K - All Good! :)
L - Let's Catch, and Liiight ARE BAD
M - Madstone, Magic Destiny, Manic Monkey Mayhem, Mart Racer, Midnight Bowling, and Midnight Pool ARE BAD
N - Niki Rock'n'Ball IS BAD
O - Onslaught is BAD
P - Party Fun Pirate, Pit Crew Panic!, Planet Pachinko, Pop'em Drop'em Same Game and Pucca's Kisses Game ARE BAD
R - Rabbids Land, Rainbow Islands Towering Inferno, and Reel Fishing Challenge ARE BAD
S - Sexy Poker, Space Trek, and Star Soldier R ARE BAD
T - Texas Hold 'Em Poker, The Magic Obelisk, Toribash, Triple Throwing, and TV Show King 2 ARE BAD
U - Urbanix is BAD
V - V.I.P. Casino Blackjack and Viral Survival ARE BAD
W - WarioWare DIY and Warmen Tactics ARE BAAAAD.
XYZ - All good :)
I agree with flamepanther. even if windows says its fragmented a small amount. something about 32k cluster size and a little fragmented files can cause issues. I do have a few questions.

what version were you using for the code dump pic? and whats the latest version you have tried? and when you said getting close to the game i assume you are on the main screen scrolling left or right and not the game selected screen? Also do you have wiiflow set to use HQ covers, if so you might want to turn that off, i know the covers don't look as sharp but wiiflow runs much smoother with that off.

something else to try - rename your wiiflow/cache folder so wiiflow will make a new one. this means wiiflow will have to remake all the .wfc files for all your covers and you will have to scroll thru slowly to give it time and while you are at it do the same for you banners too. you can't normally tell a corrupted file just by looking at it.

as for the code dump, hopefully Fix94 can help you with that. I have yet to master reading those things. Good luck!

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