Hacking WiiFlow - an open source GUI USB-Loader


GameTDB Mod & Retro Cover Artist
Jun 25, 2011
United States
Well, I'd just like to say thanks to both Miigotu and Fix94 & Crew... Miigotu, it's nice to see you back. You put together one hell of an app, and I'm sure if you were able to stay around through the most recent developments, the official WiiFlow would currently be much improved, and even the need for Wiiflow-Mod probably wouldn't exist.. That bieng said, with the love of WiiFlow, and your announced absence, I think Fix94 & Crew have done a Fantastic Job with WiiFlow-Mod, coding issues or not... overall it runs a lot better than 417.. (I know that wasn't an "official" release, but it had a lot of great ideas involved) and they are very open to ideas & implementation with the public demand. Fix has done a lot to help me out individually as well, and I know he just wants to help all of us out and hook us up with something nice. So, I guess I hate to see this ridiculous drama, because you are ALL wonderful & steady contributors to the scene. It's a shame, but totally understandable that you don't work well together, and I guess I'll look forward to both of your releases in the future.... and incidently, my 2 cents on the whole thread issue is that a seperate WiiFlow-Mod thread would be great, but maybe you could both have enough respect for each other to maybe each link to each other's threads in the opening post? Let's not keep hatin' over here. A lot of work has been put in on both ends.

It's all about good times in the long run... Sorry 'bout the rant.. Hops are Delicious. :P


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
United States
2. Since WiiFlow-mod is willing to copy and paste code from other open source projects then any fixes and features
Heh thats normal, miigotu does that often enough too and everyone takes code from other projects :P But thats no copy paste, it needs to be changed really much every time to work in wiiflow, so I would it call inspiration and coding help ;)

The difference is this: When I "borrow some code"/copy-pasta it I first get permission from the original coder (even if it is open-source to begin with) and then I give credit to the original coder or project in my commit. I don't tout it as some miracle I performed and pretend I'm some uber coder (unless its something I coded myself that I'm overly proud of and I get out of hand with it, ofc). Majority of code we swiped is Dimok's code.

To all the people who don't understand why I cant work with them or collaborate as a team, you basically don't know all the details. Originally when I came back i was very irritated and was ignorant I admit, but after the initial shock FIX94 and I had come to an understanding and were going to work together. After that many things happened that showed it simply wasn't going to be a good working relationship, and ofc I got pissed and acted like a dick again, because I don't like drama and complications screwing up my day. Ex: Some big time bugs in his code I had pointed out and told how to fix it, and why it was a bug, yet it was totally ignored and the bug was reverted to an even worse bug of his. This was not a major bug that's gonna wipe your WBFS folder (Like wiiflow-mod had that OJ created which I pointed out to him and he actually fixed), it was a strong potential to freeze in video.cpp calling a function which joined the wait message thread, from inside the thread itself. So you call a function that blocks program IO until it gets what it wants, and it wants a thread to end, but its inside the thread its trying to join itself, so effectively the thread has frozen and never ends? If people can't take the smallest bit of advice, or care to ask questions when they don't fully understand, how can you work with them? This was just one of the many things, aside from people that I had coded things specifically for and fixed bugs for directly and worked closely with for so long acting like total dicks to me when I returned and since. Yeah some ppl have contributed to me before, I am forever grateful for that, BUT I don't deserve to be treated like some stray dog that walked in on your nice dinner.

1. Just understand there are MANY contributing factors behind us not working as a team, some my fault and some not. Don't be so quick to judge.
2. Wiiflow-Mod is a seperate project and I would appreciate a seperate thread instead of clouding ours with your bugs/issues/problems.
3. You still need to change the code and logo to show wiiflow-mod so that ppl running wiiflow mod dont come reporting your problems/bugs to me. So that they know they are running yours and not mine. We never had problems with people forking or creating their own version, only that they give credit for where their base is from, for changes they incorporate, leave the intact original credits, and call it something else so that there is no misunderstanding between users that it is a unique program.

Maybe with r-win on ur project and his infinite patience wiiflow-mod can truely become something great.... I have nothing but utmost respect for r-win, I wouldn't know half the stuff I do about wii programming (and c/c++ in general) today without him.
This is the last I'll say on it.
Miigotu - I respect what you have done in the past but from what I have seen over the last 6 months you just don't have the time to really effectively advance the WiiFlow project. Thinking about the next few years you will be in school do you think you can devote the time needed to fix bugs and add features that people request or that other loaders have? Wouldn't you rather spend your weekends with your family or studying for tests so you can do well in school?

Best intentions aside I think if you step back for a minute you will see you are probably going to have even less time now you are going to college and updates will be even more infrequent than before.

I would sincerely recommend that you think about retiring from the project for the near term so you can focus on school and family. If you want to stay active and there are some low priority additions that can be carved off from the main development stream then by all means do it and then let FIX94/team merge it into the main stream.

I hate to get all fatherly but I've been doing development and managing teams since the early 80's and the most important thing for developers is to stay focused on the task at hand and not have multiple things clamoring for your attention. To steal a Dilbert line you have family, school and WiiFlow. You get to pick 2. If I were you I would concentrate on the first 2.

If you want to try all 3 I recommend closing this forum and opening 2 new ones which I would call 'WiiFlow 2' and 'WiiFlow 3'.

If the powers that be don't want to close this thread then I think the appropriate name for WiiFlow-mod should be is 'WiiFlow 3'. That will help folks distinguish the two branches and there should be no confusion going forward.

Best of luck with school and things.

- Bob


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2009
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Why ...-mod?


Therefore, all my apps are closed source (I have never looked back).
Remember also, Here is WiiFlow topic not wiiflow-mod topic


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
Giving numbers is not a good idea, people will think about them as 3 is the update of 2, and if 2 is updated differently after 3, it will be confusing.

I think branches should be used for different projects or specific plateform.
Wiiflow-mod is only an updated Wiiflow, with bugfixes and new features going forward in the scene development.
Updating Wiiflow will certainly add the exact same changes.
To me, it should be merged into the original Wiiflow "branch".

The "-mod" branch was only created because fix94 didn't have access to commit the changes officially.
But Miigotu could accept that it's an updated version and not a fork. now that he is back, he could allow Fix94 to submit updates, or at least approve changes he made and merge the "-mod" sources into Wiiflow from times to times to make them official and consider the "-mod" as beta releases.

That's just my point of view. I didn't follow all the development.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
United States
Giving numbers is not a good idea, people will think about them as 3 is the update of 2, and if 2 is updated differently after 3, it will be confusing.

I think branches should be used for different projects or specific plateform.
Wiiflow-mod is only an updated Wiiflow, with bugfixes and new features going forward in the scene development.
Updating Wiiflow will certainly add the exact same changes.
To me, it should be merged into the original Wiiflow "branch".

The "-mod" branch was only created because fix94 didn't have access to commit the changes officially.
But Miigotu could accept that it's an updated version and not a fork. now that he is back, he could allow Fix94 to submit updates, or at least approve changes he made and merge the "-mod" sources into Wiiflow from times to times to make them official and consider the "-mod" as beta releases.

That's just my point of view. I didn't follow all the development.
Miigotu has rejected doing a merge and says that FIX94's code is crap (despite r418 and the subsequent r191+ variants of the WiiFlow-mod branch being the first version in a while that actually worked well) and that he 'didn't want to go through 25K lines of source'. Miigotu essentially abandoned the project for several months and FIX94 and others picked the ball up, fixed bugs and added features. When Miigotu got internet service again he acted (IMO) as a petulant child and didn't want to work with anyone else. Right now Miigotu has rolled back to r417 which is yet another garbage release on the 'main' WiiFlow branch.

Miigotu has a new family and is starting college. In the Wiki he says he will be coding on the weekend. When he wasn't in school updates from him were of poor quality and infrequent at best. The WiiFlow-mod team has released a large number of fixes and has a group of developers who are working together. Anyone who thinks Miigotu is going to 'catch-up' with all the bugs and features in WiiFlow-mod while starting college is fooling themselves.

IMO the 'real' branch of WiiFlow is WiiFlow-mod that FIX94 is leading. As to the versioning I intentionally gave Miigotu's the '2' moniker and WiiFlow-mod a '3' since that is where things look right now. Please read a few pages back in the forum to get a feel for what's happened over the last 6 months.
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Peanut Gallery Spokesman
Nov 15, 2011
Deep in GBAtemp addiction
I had missed the detail about the new family. CONGRATS.
I can say from personal experience, though, that neither that nor college are very good at leaving a lot of time.
I'm not saying to stop working on WiiFlow or anything. I have a few personal programming projects that have trickled along throughout the years. I've just learned not to push myself too much.
Another good point that was just mentioned is that r417 was still a work in progress. I know some of the other projects he worked on have worked out great. It's just slow going when you have other things going on.

I think that although the project HAS split it seems to be EVERYONE ELSE now who's taking all this personal and getting defensive. Both Miigotu and FIX94 are entitled to their opinions and their decision not to work together. It just seems to me that everyone else jumps on him when he's mostly trying to clarify why the decision was made.
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Official LULWUT supporter
Feb 24, 2009
Around somewhere
Frankly I don't give a darn anymore as I found that Configurable USB Loader supports auto cIOS detection now too. It has much better game filtering than WiiFlow and a team of developers that appear to be able to work together. I will be recommending that and WiiFlow-mod for now as r417 is not usable IMO.
Lol, did you know that CFG mod is partly from FIX94 too! The original CFG coder (Oggzee) is not working on it for while now...
(sorry for the off topic, but i had to say this..)
Why ...-mod?
Because the current devs were absent or did not want that direction...and the one that made the mod has no write access to the svn of the normal versions.


GBATemp's Unofficial Vigilante
Aug 2, 2011
Creeping in the Shadows
[member='bostonBC'] to say the least I have no idea where you get off saying even half of what you're talking about, but I won't get into it.

The instability and code dumping in WiiFlow-Mod is prevalent even more so then with r417a4 and have introduced many more bugs then fixes, nevertheless the constant updates and the fact that Fix94 is still learning and eager to progress Wiiflow is something that I enjoy and look forward to.

However Miigotu's version of Wiiflow is the official Wiiflow period, this thread is for the official WiiFlow period, and therefore, Wiiflow-Mod should have it's own thread. For you or anyone else to say that wiiflow-mod should now be the official branch just because it gets updated more frequently and has added some additional features is delusional at best. Fix94 obviously went with the mod behind wiiflow because that's what it is aside from the fact that yes he didn't have access/rights to the main SVN.

I really do wish that they could work together and leave the BS, misunderstandings and other crap behind but alas it is not so, in that regard I believe that Miigotu will take Wiiflow to new heights due to his coding skill and relatively better understanding of how the WiiFlow code works.

Fix94 and their team have earned their own project with Wiiflow-Mod and have gained much momentum and backing from the community but, because the coder and owner of the current Wiiflow has chosen not to work with them, it's not an uncommon thing to have to branch off in different directions when people have different views on where the project should go.

I'm very much looking forward to what Miigotu has in store for WiiFlow and what Fix94 and team do with WiiFlow-Mod, they can both focus on what each want, end of story, there's no reason to continue to rant, rave, point fingers or blame. I hope that for the benefit of this thread and to get back on topic with what WiiFlow is all about, both should have their own thread and link to each others projects in the first post so as not to confuse new/noob user base.
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Peanut Gallery Spokesman
Nov 15, 2011
Deep in GBAtemp addiction
At the moment, now that I think about it, since WiiFlow-mod is all based on what is currently the most up to date mainstream WiiFlow, It almost hasn't branched, the tree has just bent a bit. That will change when Miigotu does get far enough along to commit another version (Whether it ends up being called r418 or r419). At that point we will actually have the two full branches to compare, however long that takes.

Just a thought. ... or kind of a side comment. ... anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
United States
[member='bostonBC'] to say the least I have no idea where you get off saying even half of what you're talking about, but I won't get into it.

The instability and code dumping in WiiFlow-Mod is prevalent even more so then with r417a4 and have introduced many more bugs then fixes, nevertheless the constant updates and the fact that Fix94 is still learning and eager to progress Wiiflow is something that I enjoy and look forward to.

However Miigotu's version of Wiiflow is the official Wiiflow period, this thread is for the official WiiFlow period, and therefore, Wiiflow-Mod should have it's own thread. For you or anyone else to say that wiiflow-mod should now be the official branch just because it gets updated more frequently and has added some additional features is delusional at best. Fix94 obviously went with the mod behind wiiflow because that's what it is aside from the fact that yes he didn't have access/rights to the main SVN.

I really do wish that they could work together and leave the BS, misunderstandings and other crap behind but alas it is not so, in that regard I believe that Miigotu will take Wiiflow to new heights due to his coding skill and relatively better understanding of how the WiiFlow code works.

Fix94 and their team have earned their own project with Wiiflow-Mod and have gained much momentum and backing from the community but, because the coder and owner of the current Wiiflow has chosen not to work with them, it's not an uncommon thing to have to branch off in different directions when people have different views on where the project should go.

I'm very much looking forward to what Miigotu has in store for WiiFlow and what Fix94 and team do with WiiFlow-Mod, they can both focus on what each want, end of story, there's no reason to continue to rant, rave, point fingers or blame. I hope that for the benefit of this thread and to get back on topic with what WiiFlow is all about, both should have their own thread and link to each others projects in the first post so as not to confuse new/noob user base.
All I can go on is my experience and I haven't had a single crash with WiiFlow-mod r175 or r191 while r417 was unusable because of the cache problem. As to Miigotu being unable to do much of anything for the past 6 months and now with him going to college I stand by my comments that I expect to see even less updates from him in the next 6 months. I think it is delusional for anyone to think otherwise or try and put any expectations on the kid as if he puts much of any effort into maintaining the 'official' WiiFlow he will likely flunk out of school.

How do we get a new thread for WiiFlow-mod? I have no desire to continue on this one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
United States
Frankly I don't give a darn anymore as I found that Configurable USB Loader supports auto cIOS detection now too. It has much better game filtering than WiiFlow and a team of developers that appear to be able to work together. I will be recommending that and WiiFlow-mod for now as r417 is not usable IMO.
Lol, did you know that CFG mod is partly from FIX94 too! The original CFG coder (Oggzee) is not working on it for while now...
(sorry for the off topic, but i had to say this..)
Why ...-mod?
Because the current devs were absent or did not want that direction...and the one that made the mod has no write access to the svn of the normal versions.
Yes I saw he was working on that loader too so hopefully there will be some cross-pollination. I would love to see a more robust filter feature in WiiFlow akin to the one in CFG.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2009
United States
pretty sure hibern's wiiflow is the official one. luster/r-win/miigotu's is wiiflow-mod. then there was some douchenozzle in itally or somewhere that took that wiiflow-mod and changed some small stuff and released it. so that would be wiiflow-mod-mod. and then there was that version r-win created for WODE. it was called wodeflow, but if you want to get scientific, it would be wiiflow-mod-mod2. then you got fix94 who is modifying wiiflow-mod, not wiiflow-mod-mod or wiiflow-mod-mod2. so logically fix94's version must be called wiiflow-mod-mod3.

but wait....
hibern used sources for other projects as a base for wiiflow. theres were a bunch of loaders popup back in the day and they all stemmed from waninkoko's. each new one that came out seemed to take a bit of something from one of the other ones. this should really be something like wanankoko's usbloader-mod3-mod4-mod19-mod3-mod54-mod3.
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Jun 19, 2009
pretty sure hibern's wiiflow is the official one. luster/r-win/miigotu's is wiiflow-mod. then there was some douchenozzle in itally or somewhere that took that wiiflow-mod and changed some small stuff and released it. so that would be wiiflow-mod-mod. and then there was that version r-win created for WODE. it was called wodeflow, but if you want to get scientific, it would be wiiflow-mod-mod2. then you got fix94 who is modifying wiiflow-mod, not wiiflow-mod-mod or wiiflow-mod-mod2. so logically fix94's version must be called wiiflow-mod-mod3.

but wait....
hibern used sources for other projects as a base for wiiflow. theres were a bunch of loaders popup back in the day and they all stemmed from waninkoko's. each new one that came out seemed to take a bit of something from one of the other ones. this should really be something like wanankoko's usbloader-mod3-mod4-mod19-mod3-mod54-mod3.

i read that and just lol'd so hard i think a bit of wee came out :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
United States
I tried not to get involved and open up my mouth...however...

I've been following Wiiflow since the beginning and fully support wiiflow and team. I don't care much for the wiiflow-mod project regardless of its features (dml etc).
I'm a happy dude with my wiiflow r417 and I will patiently wait for mugotu and crew to make wiiflow an even bigger of a beastly loader..or rather HOMEBREW!

With much respect to Fix94 and crew for the Wiiflow-Mod but it simply isn't for me.

Now to add in some more of my two cents. I strongly urge Fix94 to make his OWN thread for Wiiflow-Mod and stuff for many reasons...

1. To prevent any flame wars over wiiflow/wiiflow-mod
2. Flaming between devolopers
3. Trolls who just wish to jump in the fray
4. This thread potentially being locked by mods due to all the flame/arguing/plain and simple BS

Well you havent followed that close simply because 418 is actually WiiFlow Mod, you would have noticed 418 was reverted back to 417(WiiFlow) if you payed that much attention.

I had to lol there if im honoust

It was a typo man and I edited my post. yes I know 418 is a mod rev of wiiflow mod by fix94. Thanks for pointing that out to me regardless. Btw love the black forwarders.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2005
Last dol used was r417.dol, whats the newest and were can one see a changelog?
confused because someone is using r191
Yes, that seems to be a common confusion lately.
It's a long story. I'll try to resume.
r417 is the most recent official version. Based on that code (r417) FIX94 started WiiFlow-mod while Miigotu was without Internet for a few months.
FIX94 submitted r69 of the mod as r418 (Which was part of all of the drama with Miigotu you see posted here recently.)
WiiFlow-mod is now up to r206 but r191 is the latest available for download unless you wanna compile it yourself.
The changelog and the download is available at the GoogleCode page here:

r417 = mod r2
r418 = mod r69

Thanks for that info

Also I kinds didnt like how in the credit screen hibern was crdited enough but seemed as those who came after and made edits, addtions, fixes are portrayed to be like they developed the app where they actually are tinkering around with his source


GBATemp's Unofficial Vigilante
Aug 2, 2011
Creeping in the Shadows
Just for the heck of it I made a little program that changes the "title.txt" from gametdb.com into a "custom_titles.ini" for WiiFlow. (I thought I'd share it for all those like me who don't want to go into the file and do it manually.)

For windows users here's the application: http://ul.to/zuh6ymuj
It's in Java so any system can run it. Here's the JAR: http://ul.to/8fd61awz
You do have to have java installed, either way.

We'll call it open sourced. Here's the code.
import java.io.*;
public class TitleFileConverter
{public static void main(String args[])
{InputStreamReader inputFile;
inputFile = new FileReader("titles.txt");
FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("custom_titles.ini");
int lastChar = -1;
String br;
boolean skipped = false;
while(inputFile.ready() && (lastChar = inputFile.read()) != '\r' && lastChar != '\n');
br = "" + (char)lastChar;
if(lastChar == '\r' && (lastChar = inputFile.read()) == '\n')
br += (char)lastChar;
else skipped = true;
if(skipped && lastChar >= 0)
}catch(IOException err)
It's simple enough.

You just run it in the same folder that the "titles.txt" is in and the "custom_titles.ini" appears.
It works for me anyhow.
Hi Maxternal, could you re-up this program to a different host, ul.to is blocked in U.S. :*(


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
If the developers agree to create another topic, then I let Fix94 create the first post and I'll stick it too, so he can edit and update it as will on each updates.

Maybe find another suffix or prefix than just "mod".
Like Giantpune said, every loaders are a mod of Waninkoko's loader, so you don't need to specify that it's a mod-mod-mod ;)
Giving it a new name will also prevent confusion with the "main" branch that Miigotu will work on and may update differently.

Though, if every users are already used to "wiiflow-mod" as the one from Fix94, then I guess it's good to keep that name too.

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