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[POLL] Who are/would you vote for United States President?

Who are/would you vote for United States President?

  • Hillary Clinton (Democrat)

    Votes: 77 24.2%
  • Donald Trump (Republican)

    Votes: 127 39.9%
  • Gary Johnson (Libertarian)

    Votes: 26 8.2%
  • Jill Stein (Green)

    Votes: 21 6.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 67 21.1%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
It's encouraging to see Trump ahead here at gbatemp. Not because I support Trump. Not hardly. I just oppose Clinton by a MUCH, MUCH greater margin.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Nobody, it's a country full of ignorant imbeciles. The US should follow Europe, so they can improve.
Pipe down, the adults are talking.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Nothing will scare off an intruder like an ar15.
Not that I'm arguing against guns, or even assault-weapons (a.k.a. "scary-looking guns"), but a shotgun is much more effective as a means of home defense. Both in actual defensive capabilities, and in 'make intruders shit their pants' factor. The distinctive sound of a shotgun being cocked is enough to scare off all but the most brazen intruders. Plus, a shotgun isn't going to be penetrating walls causing injury to innocent bystanders.


GBATemp's 3rd Favorite Transgirl
Aug 24, 2014
Fort Gay, West Virginia
United States
It is highly unlikely they have anything and haven't released it yet. Take their claims with a grain of salt, because this would be far from the first time WikiLeaks embellished what they actually had or released information that turned out to be false.
Although I must say that holding the information until later would have benefits. Think about it, if they released it with the DNC leaks then come November it probably would have been forgotten. Holding it until later gives Clinton less time to do damage control for her campaign so it would make sense to hold the information until later so it gets the more media attention rather than dumping it all together where some of the leaks would not get much attention (in theory this is semi what Snowden did in how he decided to leak his information).

Although I am not suggesting that he has the leak or if he does that it will be as he says.
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GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
And what's this about following Europe?
Actually, I have to agree with him, we really should follow the EU model
Yes goy, allow more immigrants! Surely no bad things could happen at all!
Other than isolated cases, there really hasn't been anything major that's been linked directly to immigrants and/or refugees. Fearmongering is a factor on both sides, though
Surrender your identity goy.
How about we form an American Union, and we have a single currency.
And the problem with that is...?
Let's allow other countries to dictate our policies, what could possibly go wrong?
Haaaaaa you make it sound like the US doesn't already do that. If anything an AU would give other countries more of a voice, since right now we seem to just do whatever the hell we want
You know nothing.
That's an awfully bold statement
Last edited by TotalInsanity4,


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2013
United States
Actually, I have to agree with him, we really should follow the EU model
For all the people saying we should copy Europe, why don't you consider moving to Europe? I think we'd be better off with different countries having different forms of government than everyone copying eachother. Then people could move somewhere that fits their own personal desires better.
Other than isolated cases, there really hasn't been anything major that's been linked directly to immigrants and/or refugees. Fearmongering is a factor on both sides, though
Fearmongering has definitely been an issue lately. I think we're better off coming to a compromise in the middle than completely banning refugees or letting them all in no questions asked. I'm pretty sure we already have background check laws in place on them, but I don't know how strictly they're being enforced right now.
If anything an AU would give other countries more of a voice, since right now we seem to just do whatever the hell we want
Why should other countries have a say in our own internal affairs?
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I pwned U!

I am pleased to beat you!
Jun 14, 2013
United States
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I will just put this here...
As for the claims that Jill is anti-vax, anti-science, etc., those are just lies spread by Hillary's paid trolls.
Inb4 Lacius replies to me with a "You are wrong! Hail Hillary!" post.:rofl2:
  1. Secretary Clinton didn't accept bribes. I suggest you look up what a bribe is.
  2. Secretary Clinton didn't break any laws that I'm aware of.
  3. There is no evidence that Secretary Clinton rigs elections and/or controls the media.
It's like the creator of this wasn't even trying. There are much better criticisms of Secretary Clinton with actual evidence.

As for the claims that Jill Stein is anti-science, I just pulled these off of her own campaign website:

Regarding her GMO views:
Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change. End destructive energy extraction: fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, oil trains, mountaintop removal, and uranium mines. Protect our public lands, water supplies, biological diversity, parks, and pollinators. Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe. Protect the rights of future generations.
A Stein administration will mandate GMO food labeling so you can be sure that what you're choosing at the store is healthy and GMO-free! YOU CAN FINALLY FEEL SECURE THAT YOUR FAMILY IS EATING SAFELY WITH NO GMO FOODS ON YOUR TABLE!

Regarding her views on nuclear power:
Phase out nuclear power and end nuclear subsidies.
I also met with the organizers of the San Onofre nuclear power plant resistance. They succeeded in getting their nuclear power plant shut down, inspiring communities everywhere threatened by nuclear disaster to do the same. They still have a nuclear waste crisis to deal with, showing yet again why nuclear power is a catastrophe waiting to happen, not a solution to our energy problems. Like so many activists, they too are realizing the only livable future is Green, for our politics as for our energy.

With regard to her views on vaccines, which aren't readily available on her website outside of some brief interviews responding to the controversy itself, she acknowledges their health benefits and doesn't peddle some of the conspiracy nonsense (e.g. vaccines causing autism). She has, however, brought up conspiracy nonsense about mercury in vaccines, and she has advocated in the past for personal choice with regard to vaccinations.

Even if Jill Stein were to flip-flop on these science issues, it's irrelevant to what I've said in the past about her being a troll and lacking good judgment.

I pwned U!

I am pleased to beat you!
Jun 14, 2013
United States
  1. Secretary Clinton didn't accept bribes. I suggest you look up what a bribe is.
  2. Secretary Clinton didn't break any laws that I'm aware of.
  3. There is no evidence that Secretary Clinton rigs elections and/or controls the media.
It's like the creator of this wasn't even trying. There are much better criticisms of Secretary Clinton with actual evidence.

As for the claims that Jill Stein is anti-science, I just pulled these off of her own campaign website:

Regarding her GMO views:

Regarding her views on nuclear power:

With regard to her views on vaccines, which aren't readily available on her website outside of some brief interviews responding to the controversy itself, she acknowledges their health benefits and doesn't peddle some of the conspiracy nonsense (e.g. vaccines causing autism). She has, however, brought up conspiracy nonsense about mercury in vaccines, and she has advocated in the past for personal choice with regard to vaccinations.

Even if Jill Stein were to flip-flop on these science issues, it's irrelevant to what I've said in the past about her being a troll and lacking good judgment.
It is official, I am psychic!

The prediction from my spoiler was spot on!:rofl2:
Inb4 Lacius replies to me with a "You are wrong! Hail Hillary!" post.:rofl2:
And here is a huge shocker for you:

Being anti-GMO (like me) and anti-nuclear power (also like me) != Being anti-science

It means that people have a right to know what is in their food, and that we should support better, clean forms of energy, such as wind or solar.
but muh hillary...
There is no point in commenting on these parts, because, just like Hillary, it appears that you like to ignore the facts.

At least I can always count on these "Hail Hillary!" posts for a good laugh!:rofl2:
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Being anti-GMO (like me) and anti-nuclear power (also like me) != Being anti-science
When one condemns beneficial and potentially world-saving advances in science as unsafe due to ignorance, that's anti-science.

and that we should support better, clean forms of energy, such as wind or solar.
Arguably, nuclear power could be considered cleaner and more efficient than wind and solar. It has the potential to more efficiently produce energy that's cheaper, and it might be able to do so with less of an effect on the environment.

There is no point in commenting on these parts, because, just like Hillary, it appears that you like to ignore the facts.
I have no choice but to ignore the facts when you haven't provided anything specific nor substantive for me to respond to.

I am not saying she is pro or anti science (personally I strongly disagree with most of Stein's views) but do you personally support mandatory GMO labeling @Lacius ?
I do not.

Yeah its not like she staged a big stunt on a popular talk show or anything
I think you need to look at actual examples of when governments and leaders control the media.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
Actually, I have to agree with him, we really should follow the EU model

Seriously? You think the Euro works and will live for more than a few years, at best? Ask Puerto Rico how having no say in anything went for them, BTW. I'm pretty sure that most of the American continent would tell you to piss off.

When one condemns beneficial and potentially world-saving advances in science as unsafe due to ignorance, that's anti-science.
Alright, save me of my ignorance, I wouldn't mind being put at ease: are GMO's safe for IBD and IBS sufferers, or hasn't even been studies on the population that is most likely affected by any change in food?

On the main topic:
I doubt Trump has a chance, I hope you can't insult your way to rule a country. Pissing off vets was terrible move. On the other hand, he's a master manipulator, so who knows. Either way, no republican can present an economic plan where the numbers add up (neither could Sanders, sadly. I don't know if it was propaganda or incompetence. He was nowhere near as wrong, though).
Hillary has been in the pocket of wall-street for ages, and completely incompetent and untrustworthy (not to mention criminal) with national security. I'd have to live in a very contested swing state to even consider it. Her mandate will be very ineffectual and do nothing about the increasing tension in the US, and won't do enough to stop the defacto recession. Inequality and xenophobia will continue to grow, making the appearance of a populist who makes Trump look presidential very likely.
Libertarians are insane and have no notion of what happened in the past when the government got out of the way.
So it would be Stein, of who I know very little, or a write-in for someone.

Oh, as to nuclear power, there's no better choice at this point, especially for the US. Modern nuclear power, not models with 40 years of wage. There's no time and no political will to build a national grid to make renewables the major part of American power, if you could make it dependable enough for base power.


(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ *:・゚✧
Jan 19, 2016
My Computer
United States
I can't vote, but considering that I'm the one influencing my parents' vote, I may as well state my opinion.
All the current candidates fucking suck. I was really hoping Bernie would win the democratic party, but Americans were too retarded to vote for him.
So now what?

I won't deny that Trump is racist and stupid, but at least he's not a criminal. I don't want Hillary to win. We can't let her win. Sure, she's a female, so what? Doesn't make the shit she did any less illegal.
I would much rather have an idiot in the White House than a criminal. I'm just hoping Americans are smart enough to realize that.

I'm going to leave this here for now:
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Arguably, nuclear power could be considered cleaner and more efficient than wind and solar. It has the potential to more efficiently produce energy that's cheaper, and it might be able to do so with less of an effect on the environment.
It's hard to consider nuclear energy clean when you look at all the highly hazardous nuclear waste that remains dangerous for, something like 200,000 years.

Stop changing my link into an embedded video; Stupid auto-BBcodes.
Last edited by grossaffe,
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Alright, save me of my ignorance, I wouldn't mind being put at ease: are GMO's safe for IBD and IBS sufferers, or hasn't even been studies on the population that is most likely affected by any change in food?
There is no evidence that GMOs cause or exacerbate IBS.

Hillary has been in the pocket of wall-street for ages
I getting tired of this baseless meme. She has consistently campaigned for imposing restrictions on Wall Street, and she endorses financial regulation laws such as Dodd-Frank. When it comes to Wall Street, she and Senator Sanders are more alike than they are different.

and completely incompetent and untrustworthy (not to mention criminal) with national security.
I don't recall her ever having been indicted for anything.

and won't do enough to stop the defacto recession.
We are not in a financial recession.

Libertarians are insane and have no notion of what happened in the past when the government got out of the way.
Hear, hear! I've been saying this here and in the other thread for awhile now.

So it would be Stein, of who I know very little, or a write-in for someone.
You can go back in this thread for my criticisms of Jill Stein, and she has virtually no chance (<0.01%) of winning the election. Write-in candidates have no chance (0%) of winning the election. If one cares who wins this election, it's a binary choice between Trump and Clinton.

I was really hoping Bernie would win the democratic party, but Americans were too retarded to vote for him.
If you cared at all about Senator Sanders' policy positions, you would endorse Secretary Clinton. They are in alignment roughly 99% of the time on policy.

but at least he's not a criminal. I don't want Hillary to win. We can't let her win. Sure, she's a female, so what? Doesn't make the shit she did any less illegal.
Secretary Clinton is not a criminal. There is no evidence she has ever done anything criminal. She has never been indicted for anything. If you want to argue that what's in your YouTube video shows otherwise, you can articulate here in your own words what she's done and how it's criminal. When it comes to her emails, for example, she didn't actually break any laws.

It's hard to consider nuclear energy clean when you look at all the highly hazardous nuclear waste that remains dangerous for, something like 200,000 years.
The kind of nuclear waste you're talking about is a relatively small amount, easily contained, and has virtually no effect on the environment, which can't be said for hardly any other source of energy (wind comes close but still isn't very efficient). In addition, nuclear waste is the kind of waste that isn't useless. It's a potential source of energy, and it may very well be used as a kind of fuel in future generations of nuclear power plants.

Edit: To be clear, I very much support green energy such as wind and solar as well.
Last edited by Lacius,


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
Not for modern designs, though there's no guarantee they'll work in real life. FYI, radioactive elements are either very dangerous or have a long half-life, not both.
The issues are more political and economic, even if the designs aren't good enough they can only get better with a lot more testing.
Renewables aren't enough by themselves without a huge improvement in energy storage, and coal is incredibly pollutant and causes a lot more deaths per year than nuclear.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

There is no evidence that GMOs cause or exacerbate IBS.
I don't personally care if it hasn't been proved, I want to know if it has been suficiently studied. All I could find without spending much time were some questionable sites a Yale professor saying that links had indeed been found. I would really like someone to prove them wrong, because it's debilitating enough as it is.
I getting tired of this baseless meme. She has consistently campaigned for imposing restrictions on Wall Street, and she endorses financial regulation laws such as Dodd-Frank. When it comes to Wall Street, she and Senator Sanders are more alike than they are different.
Lol, Dodd-Frank did shit for preventing derivatives of subprimes to reappear.

I don't recall her ever having been indicted for anything.
You got the head of the FBI saying they would investigate further if the AG would ever indite her.
And that's not even relevant, she didn't secure national security documents, everyone knows that's a fucking felony. There was someone soon afterward that was punished for doing much less.
We are not in a financial recession.
As usually defined, no. Real wages keep decreasing, though.

If one cares who wins this election, it's a binary choice between Trump and Clinton.
And if you don't live in a heavily disputed swing state your vote is completely irrelevant, except to try and make a third party viable.[/quote][/QUOTE]
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GBAtemp Supreme Overlord
Dec 1, 2014
Under a rock
United States
Seriously? You think the Euro works and will live for more than a few years, at best? Ask Puerto Rico how having no say in anything went for them, BTW. I'm pretty sure that most of the American continent would tell you to piss off.
I find it interesting that you mention Puerto Rico specifically, because that's one of the territories that I was referring to about getting a voice should an AU be founded

For all the people saying we should copy Europe, why don't you consider moving to Europe? I think we'd be better off with different countries having different forms of government than everyone copying eachother. Then people could move somewhere that fits their own personal desires better.
Boy I wish I could. I have no means as of right now, though, as I am both underage and too poor to get there even if I wasn't, considering I'm planning on going to college in the next year and here in good ole 'murica that costs money
Fearmongering has definitely been an issue lately. I think we're better off coming to a compromise in the middle than completely banning refugees or letting them all in no questions asked.
I totally agree with you here
Why should other countries have a say in our own internal affairs?
That's a little hypocritical, considering we have a say in a lot of other countries internal affairs (either directly or indirectly via things like military presence)

I pwned U!

I am pleased to beat you!
Jun 14, 2013
United States
When one condemns beneficial and potentially world-saving advances in science as unsafe due to ignorance, that's anti-science.
Yes, because the enormous increase in pesticide usage that has paralleled GMO production is totally "beneficial" for the environment and will definitely be "world-saving.":rofl2:

As for GMO crops themselves, they are almost always pesticide-laden and have done much more harm for people's health than good. As for the "benefits," there have not been any long-term studies about how ingesting GMO products affects your health, but the short-term studies (independent, unbiased ones) have shown nothing but a negative impact on your health.
Arguably, nuclear power could be considered cleaner and more efficient than wind and solar. It has the potential to more efficiently produce energy that's cheaper, and it might be able to do so with less of an effect on the environment.
I have no choice but to ignore the facts when you haven't provided anything specific nor substantive for me to respond to.
As I implied, me and others have presented the facts to you a million times before, only for you to ignore them. Because of this, I knew that it would be a waste of time.
I do not.
You must be in bed with Monsanto and company. I honestly cannot think of any other reason why someone would want people to be kept in the dark about this.
I think you need to look at actual examples of when governments and leaders control the media.
I did. During the Democratic National Convention, I saw a bunch of pictures and videos on Twitter of how the anti-Hillary people were being mistreated and censored. And lo and behold, very little of the content from those pictures and videos made its way to reports from the mainstream media.

Blocking Bernie supporters from the view of mainstream media's cameras. White noise machines to try to cancel out the chants of dissenters. Bernie supporters being kicked out and being put behind a wall outside. A Craigslist ad for hiring "actors" to "cheer and show their support for Hillary."

I was surprised by how this was happening in America, because I always associated this type of situation with China. And for this reason, I would argue that the most dangerous export from China is not knockoff products. It is not products for kids containing lead paint.

The most dangerous Chinese export is Hillary Clinton's policies.
Last edited by I pwned U!,
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
The kind of nuclear waste you're talking about is a relatively small amount, easily contained, and has virtually no effect on the environment, which can't be said for hardly any other source of energy (wind comes close but still isn't very efficient). In addition, nuclear waste is the kind of waste that isn't useless. It's a potential source of energy, and it may very well be used as a kind of fuel in future generations of nuclear power plants.

Edit: To be clear, I very much support green energy such as wind and solar as well.
Relatively small? Volumetrically, sure, but in potential for devastation? Hardly. And where do you get the idea that it's easily contained? Because we put it in a container that's rated for less than one half-life of the substance when it takes about ten for it to become inert? Because we store the container underground where it hopefully won't fall victim to earthquakes and other natural disasters or terrorists?
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