Iwata: Wii U/3DS will cater to core gamers first, mass market second


End of the World
Jan 26, 2009
You want to know what core titles are?

CoD games

the list goes on, but Mario, Kirby, LoZ, Kid Icarus, etc... are NOT on that list.
Five pages in and people are still confusing "core titles" with "hard core titles".

just proves how "out-of-touch" Nintendo and western gamers are. I think what Iwata was trying to say when he meant "core games" is that they are the nucleus of Nintendo. they are central games, easily identifiable as Nintendo's own and none other. which is why Resident Evil was not mentioned. just take the word "core" and go look at the dictionary. Nintendo is trying to win back their core gamers (fanbase), and what better to win them over than titles that has Nintendo all over it? i mean, they wouldn't be fans if they didn't at least like Nintendo games.

EDIT: anyways, core titles will always be different between consoles/gaming platforms. don't be so stiff about it, people. the whole gaming world does not revolve on those titles alone, especially not where Nintendo is concerned.

Just jumping in here. They mentioned "core games". Aren't those the games that are important to the company?
This. They are games that build a console (and a company) up. They are games that their platforms are famous for. That should put into light how relevant those "core titles" are to Nintendo.

So...in other words "We are going to be doing the same shit we've been doing for the past 15 years"? I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant.
and i'm pretty sure that's not what he meant too. but just because the games they do aren't on that list you put up doesn't mean it'll be the same vanilla. i mean, seriously. have a good look and tell me if it's vanilla. they are still Nintendo titles, but look at the new features they're getting. most are going online, with stronger multiplayer features. they're not nearly as good as on some platforms feature-wise, but you cannot honestly say they are the same as back when they were still offline titles. if you cannot at least see that, then you've obviously decided that Nintendo will always be doing the same shit no matter what they do.


Jun 24, 2009
that place
On another note, didn't Miyamoto say he was creating a new character and revealing it sometime soon? I'm sure that the new characters/games/whatever are going to be targeted at this "core gamer" audience.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
United States
Nintendo has finally realized that families and 12 year olds aren't the gaming majority?
They are the gaming majority, but they don't buy on average as many games as a 'true' gamer. Look at their hardware sales its insane except many poeple see consoles as expensive toys and seldomly buy games. On the other hand you have a loyal fanbase that buys most of the core titles along with other third party games. There is nothing gained when a gaming company is able to sell mass amounts of hardware but software sales are lacking, this has been a problem for nintendo since the gamecube, third party software sells like shit. Nintendo needs to build on having a larger fanbase, those core players that are repeating customers so that other companies feel secure about releasing a game on a nintendo console and hopefully this time around they will get it right.


Future CEO of OUYA Inc.
Jun 25, 2008
Angel Grove, CA
United States
Nintendo has finally realized that families and 12 year olds aren't the gaming majority?
They are the gaming majority, but they don't buy on average as many games as a 'true' gamer. Look at their hardware sales its insane except many poeple see consoles as expensive toys and seldomly buy games. On the other hand you have a loyal fanbase that buys most of the core titles along with other third party games. There is nothing gained when a gaming company is able to sell mass amounts of hardware but software sales are lacking, this has been a problem for nintendo since the gamecube, third party software sells like shit. Nintendo needs to build on having a larger fanbase, those core players that are repeating customers so that other companies feel secure about releasing a game on a nintendo console and hopefully this time around they will get it right.

Third party sells like shit because of two reasons only

A) "Nintendo Only" fanboys dont buy third party games. I'm a Nintendo fanboy but I DO play third party games. I remember having so many arguments about this on the old nintendo.com forums. It's annoying as hell!

B) Third parties dont give Nintendo a chance which makes Nintendo console owners say "F*ck them". They either
-Create a crappy version of their game not worthy of the specs of the Nintendo console at the time
-Not advertise their game at all then expect people to buy their damn game when nobody knew that the damn thing was coming out (can we say CoD on Wii and Dead Space Extraction). Then they have the nerve to bitch about it when it was their fault in the first place.
-Avoid Nintendo consoles all together because they have some stupid ass notion that Nintendo is kiddy when they're the ones acting like rebellious children against a parent.

Need I say more?
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
You must have forgotten that according to most of the gaming world, Nintendo gamers aren't real gamers and I say this with aggravation in my voice. Look at gaming websites and magazines and how they treat Nintendo and those of us who play their consoles. It's why I hate terms like "Core Games" and "Hardcore Gamers". Honestly, "Hardcore Gamers" are just duchebags who treat gaming as a blood sport. -Nuff said
Have you entertained the thought that this situation is solely Nintendo's fault? Throughout the last generation they failed to deliver a console that would be beefy enough to support proper core titles, hence Nintendo gamers were somewhat pushed into the margin of first party titles. You can't treat a company that releases hardware that's a generation behind seriously and gamers who use this hardware are not the target audience of 90% of the developers, so it's only natural that Nintendo gamers became the laughing stock for magazines.

The typical Nintendo gamer who hasn't got a proper gaming rig other than the Wii and his DS missed on titles like Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Battlefield(s), BioShock, Crisis... the list goes on. To be fair, throughout the last generation, Nintendo gamers missed on *most* of the good games that were released.

And no, we're not mixing core with hadcore:

Core - intended for a wide audience with no particular focus on a given console or on the PC.
Hardcore - intended for an audience of seasoned gamers, usually for mature audiences.

Fear Zoa

Still Alive
Jun 18, 2009
United States
Make a hd zelda with the art style from twilight princess, then ditch the waggle. Suddenly their long term fans wont hate them as much.

Because Nintendo uses the same characters all the time they have a interesting predicament, try to gain new fans by making more childish games, or cater to the 90's fans by making more mature games. A large portion of their fan base aged and they can't seem to find a way to deal with it.


Jun 4, 2010
B) Third parties dont give Nintendo a chance which makes Nintendo console owners say "F*ck them".

Hahahaha this made my day. In fact is Nintendo. You'll se why:

1. Nintendo "parents" policy, by not having sex-explicit, hardcore, adult games for mature audience. Yes there are few games like COD, Madworld, etc. Hence the system aimed for children and/or families. Heck Mario Sunshine was great, retro and all that, but... mario galaxy?! Can't you be more gay/friendly mario? (I don't even hate gays or something) Where are those pseudo arcade franchises you developed for us Nintendo? Starfox64 15 years ago?

2. Nintendo terrible architecture on their gaming consoles (a.k.a 1980's way of doing hardware). Say ARM (devs need to code here) talking with PPC(devs need ALSO to code here) to share/optimize things with ANOTHER CPU(which relies on old technology, a.k.a 200% of work and research by external devs) and when code crashes or runs slower than other devices, they must redo, waste time, write from scratch... code just to support "Nintendo hardware..."??? Really?? I mean, must we get 1 game ported while other platforms have at least 3 or 4 of them??? And we must be grateful about that?? What the Hell..

That's why I love 3rd parties like Namco or Capcom, because even if they try to get as money as they can, they have done ports on a pseudo-impossible-way-to-port gaming console by not sacrificing gameplay, yet squeezing hardware to do miracles.
they've developed on other platforms with ease because of PC ports/RISC/C code... which runs terribly on Nintendo hardware

And focus the experience of gaming as it should (DLC and all that crap I don't care really)

They either
-Create a crappy version of their game not worthy of the specs of the Nintendo console at the time
Need I say more?

So, because of Nintendo's ancient logic way of doing stuff, must all devs trying to port their games to Nintendo, do them from scratch?

I'm not agree, also sadly this degrades gameplay and cause to lose interest in 3rd party support (wasting money and time).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
A sex explicit game is not necessarily. Nintendo is very smart than most companies. They know that they are clean and friendly. I am proud of them. I hope that 3rd party can learn something from Nintendo because sex explicit game is ridiculous. ;)
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
A sex explicit game is not necessarily. Nintendo is very smart than most companies. They know that they are clean and friendly. I am proud of them. I hope that 3rd party can learn something from Nintendo because sex explicit game is ridiculous. ;)
That's like praising kids books writers for not trying to create more elaborate stories or complimenting people who live in tents because buildings would ruin the landscape.

There are games for young audiences and games for mature audiences - Duke Nukem 3D would be lacking if I didn't get the opportunity to throw a few bucks at prostitutes saying "Shake'em baby".

Make a hd zelda with the art style from twilight princess, then ditch the waggle. Suddenly their long term fans wont hate them as much.
It's not the idea that's wrong but the implementation. The Wii Remote was awesome but slightly unresponsive. I sincerely *enjoy* using it, it's one of my favourite controllers. Were it more responsive and with a wireless nunchuck, it would be right up there with the 360 controller and the Gamecube controller.

Because Nintendo uses the same characters all the time they have a interesting predicament, try to gain new fans by making more childish games, or cater to the 90's fans by making more mature games. A large portion of their fan base aged and they can't seem to find a way to deal with it.
How's about, I don't know, making new IP's for those matured fans WHILE still releasing Mario (etc.) games to appease the young audience?

Fear Zoa

Still Alive
Jun 18, 2009
United States
Because Nintendo uses the same characters all the time they have a interesting predicament, try to gain new fans by making more childish games, or cater to the 90's fans by making more mature games. A large portion of their fan base aged and they can't seem to find a way to deal with it.
How's about, I don't know, making new IP's for those matured fans WHILE still releasing Mario (etc.) games to appease the young audience?
Yea that would work but Nintendo never wants to make new IP's for some reason...
They should just give the older fans Zelda, I'm pretty sure older fans like Zelda way more then the younger fans do


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Yea that would work but Nintendo never wants to make new IP's for some reason...
They should just give the older fans Zelda, I'm pretty sure older fans like Zelda way more then the younger fans do
Nintendo generally likes to play safe with their software - they release games that they know will sell well. Their years of innovation in the software field are over, they've been over for a long time now.

I mean, they made Nintendogs. Cool, new IP, but essentially it's a Tama-clone.


Future CEO of OUYA Inc.
Jun 25, 2008
Angel Grove, CA
United States
You must have forgotten that according to most of the gaming world, Nintendo gamers aren't real gamers and I say this with aggravation in my voice. Look at gaming websites and magazines and how they treat Nintendo and those of us who play their consoles. It's why I hate terms like "Core Games" and "Hardcore Gamers". Honestly, "Hardcore Gamers" are just duchebags who treat gaming as a blood sport. -Nuff said
Have you entertained the thought that this situation is solely Nintendo's fault? Throughout the last generation they failed to deliver a console that would be beefy enough to support proper core titles, hence Nintendo gamers were somewhat pushed into the margin of first party titles. You can't treat a company that releases hardware that's a generation behind seriously and gamers who use this hardware are not the target audience of 90% of the developers, so it's only natural that Nintendo gamers became the laughing stock for magazines.

The typical Nintendo gamer who hasn't got a proper gaming rig other than the Wii and his DS missed on titles like Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Battlefield(s), BioShock, Crisis... the list goes on. To be fair, throughout the last generation, Nintendo gamers missed on *most* of the good games that were released.

And no, we're not mixing core with hadcore:

Core - intended for a wide audience with no particular focus on a given console or on the PC.
Hardcore - intended for an audience of seasoned gamers, usually for mature audiences.

Have you ever thought that maybe people who buy Nintendo consoles don't give a rats ass about playing PS360 style games? Not everyone treats gaming like a bloodsport in which every game must be rated M or it's no good at all. That's the damn problem with the industry. Instead of creating games for everyone, a certain segment of the gaming audience made their minds up, that they were going to be the sole deciders of what's is or is not "true" gaming. It's bullshit and people wonder why the industry can't mature like books and movies. This one sided mindset that all games must be "blood, guns, more blood and death everywhere" has got to go. It's OK. I repeat IT'S MUTHAF*CKING OK to just play something that makes you smile and giggle and does not include the red stuff. Seriously people, It's time for "gamers" to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of teenagers who just watched their first R rated movie. Stop dissing all of the games made for females and young kids and the ones that gramps can play. Stop being so narrow minded and see that the more options there are, the better the industry gets, I think Nintendo had great success with the Wii. It's was just snot nose little FPS only pricks that tarnished the console.

As for Nintendo vs. Third Party, I stand by my earlier statement. Who said that Nintendo needed to use every damn new tech in existence? What makes Nintendo unique is the fact that they can take multiple different elements of past and present tech and make a unique experience. If Nintendo stops doing that, they cease to be Nintendo. You people honestly think that Next gen is going to be drastically different than the current games? Bullshit. We're at a stopping point. We're done! The graphics war is OVER. Everything does not need to look overtly realistic. Just enjoy the damn game and stop fussing because pixels don't look like outside your window.
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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
Have you ever thought that maybe people who buy Nintendo consoles don't give a rats ass about playing PS360 style games?
I have three issues with that statement.
1. What are those?
2. Why would they mind better specs for the same price?
3. Nintendo only recently started releasing inferior consoles.

Not everyone treats gaming like a bloodsport in which every game must be rated M or it's no good at all.

Except not every PS3/360 game is like that, and you would probably know that if you weren't sheltered under the protective Nintendumbrella.

That's the damn problem with the industry. Instead of creating games for everyone, a certain segment of the gaming audience made their minds up, that they were going to be the sole deciders of what's is or is not "true" gaming.
Nintendo makes games only for their fans, so by proxy they fall under the category of what you described as "those responsible for the downfall of the industry".

It's bullshit and people wonder why the industry can't mature like books and movies. This one sided mindset that all games must be "blood, guns, more blood and death everywhere" has got to go. It's OK.

Why won't Nintendo mature and realize that you don't need to sprinkle stars and hearts over a game to make it good? I thought Metroid proved that repeatedly, why won't we get more of that, hmm? They're repetitive aswell.

I repeat IT'S MUTHAF*CKING OK to just play something that makes you smile and giggle and does not include the red stuff.

But why all the time?

Seriously people, It's time for "gamers" to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of teenagers who just watched their first R rated movie. Stop dissing all of the games made for females and young kids and the ones that gramps can play.

90% of Nintendo's franchises then?

Stop being so narrow minded and see that the more options there are, the better the industry gets,


I think Nintendo had great success with the Wii. It's was just snot nose little FPS only pricks that tarnished the console.

No, the Wii's reputation was tarnished because it was underspec'd beyond human understanding.

As for Nintendo vs. Third Party, I stand by my earlier statement. Who said that Nintendo needed to use every damn new tech in existence? What makes Nintendo unique is the fact that they can take multiple different of past and present tech and make a unique experience. If Nintendo stops doing that, they cease to be Nintendo.

Nintendo should suck it up and allow their customers to play whatever they want by providing sufficient hardware, like in the case of EVERY CONSOLE THEY EVER MADE other than the DS, DSi and the Wii.

You people honestly think that Next gen is going to be drastically different than the current games? Bullshit. We're at a stopping point. We're done!

The end is nigh.

The graphics war is OVER.

Not when we can still distinguish between real-time rendered CG and real life. Only when we reach that point will GPU's be "technologically perfect".

Everything does not need to look overtly realistic. Just enjoy the damn game and stop fussing because pixels don't look like outside your window.

You were the one who brought graphics into the discussion. They're not the only thing influenced by low specs.


B) Third parties dont give Nintendo a chance which makes Nintendo console owners say "F*ck them".
Hahahaha this made my day. In fact is Nintendo. You'll se why:

1. Nintendo "parents" policy, by not having sex-explicit, hardcore, adult games for mature audience. Yes there are few games like COD, Madworld, etc. Hence the system aimed for children and/or families. Heck Mario Sunshine was great, retro and all that, but... mario galaxy?! Can't you be more gay/friendly mario? (I don't even hate gays or something) Where are those pseudo arcade franchises you developed for us Nintendo? Starfox64 15 years ago?
Parents policy? You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Nintendo hasn't refused "mature" games since the SNES days. If that was true, Snake Eater 3D, No More Heroes, Mad World, Geist, Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil 4 wouldn't be on their platforms.
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Future CEO of OUYA Inc.
Jun 25, 2008
Angel Grove, CA
United States
Have you ever thought that maybe people who buy Nintendo consoles don't give a rats ass about playing PS360 style games?
I have three issues with that statement.
1. What are those?
2. Why would they mind better specs for the same price?
3. Nintendo only recently started releasing inferior consoles.

Not everyone treats gaming like a bloodsport in which every game must be rated M or it's no good at all.

Except not every PS3/360 game is like that, and you would probably know that if you weren't sheltered under the protective Nintendumbrella.

That's the damn problem with the industry. Instead of creating games for everyone, a certain segment of the gaming audience made their minds up, that they were going to be the sole deciders of what's is or is not "true" gaming.
Nintendo makes games only for their fans, so by proxy they fall under the category of what you described as "those responsible for the downfall of the industry".

It's bullshit and people wonder why the industry can't mature like books and movies. This one sided mindset that all games must be "blood, guns, more blood and death everywhere" has got to go. It's OK.

Why won't Nintendo mature and realize that you don't need to sprinkle stars and hearts over a game to make it good? I thought Metroid proved that repeatedly, why won't we get more of that, hmm? They're repetitive aswell.

I repeat IT'S MUTHAF*CKING OK to just play something that makes you smile and giggle and does not include the red stuff.

But why all the time?

Seriously people, It's time for "gamers" to grow the hell up and stop acting like a bunch of teenagers who just watched their first R rated movie. Stop dissing all of the games made for females and young kids and the ones that gramps can play.

90% of Nintendo's franchises then?

Stop being so narrow minded and see that the more options there are, the better the industry gets,


I think Nintendo had great success with the Wii. It's was just snot nose little FPS only pricks that tarnished the console.

No, the Wii's reputation was tarnished because it was underspec'd beyond human understanding.

As for Nintendo vs. Third Party, I stand by my earlier statement. Who said that Nintendo needed to use every damn new tech in existence? What makes Nintendo unique is the fact that they can take multiple different of past and present tech and make a unique experience. If Nintendo stops doing that, they cease to be Nintendo.

Nintendo should suck it up and allow their customers to play whatever they want by providing sufficient hardware, like in the case of EVERY CONSOLE THEY EVER MADE other than the DS, DSi and the Wii.

You people honestly think that Next gen is going to be drastically different than the current games? Bullshit. We're at a stopping point. We're done!

The end is nigh.

The graphics war is OVER.

Not when we can still distinguish between real-time rendered CG and real life. Only when we reach that point will GPU's be "technologically perfect".

Everything does not need to look overtly realistic. Just enjoy the damn game and stop fussing because pixels don't look like outside your window.

You were the one who brought graphics into the discussion. They're not the only thing influenced by low specs.

I love how people act as if Nintendo is still censoring stuff as if it was the 90's. Nintendo stop censoring stuff back in the N64 days. There aren't a plethora of M rated games because devs are too stupid to create original experiences. Funny part is, if they have the manpower to make a PS360 game then making a Game on the Wii should have been extremely easy. People say that the Wii lacked proper specs but the Wii was perfect for studios not trying to break the bank. There was NO excuse for the lack of proper third party support on the Wii and even with that said there was more third party support on the Wii than on GameCube. Hell, there was way more mature rated games on Wii compared to Cube. It's funny how people act as if the Wii was a total failure but the same damn people were not saying that a few years ago. If I remember correctly, wansn't the Wii that little white box that was kicking the asses of the PS360 almost five years in a row. Funny how people easily forget how awesome the Wii was and still is. Shameful how people act as if their manhood depended on which console they played. As if owning a PS360 makes them any more manly. As for people who say that All Nintendo has on their system is games for children. Let me count the ways,

Dead Space Extraction
Metroid Prime 3 and Other M
Dead Rising
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles
House of the Dead Overkill
The Conduit
The Conduit 2
Call of Duty, World at War, Modern Warfare Reflex, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3
Goldeneye 007
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Xenoblade Saga
Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward sword
Red Steel 1 & 2

...Need I say more. The next person that says that there's nothing but kiddy games on a Nintendo console, deserves a thousand deaths! That might sound harsh but I've been watching Gundam 00 lately and I'm sure you people understand my rage!


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
I love how people act as if Nintendo is still censoring stuff as if it was the 90's. Nintendo stop censoring stuff back in the N64 days. There aren't a plethora of M rated games because devs are too stupid to create original experiences. Funny part is, if they have the manpower to make a PS360 game then making a Game on the Wii should have been extremely easy. People say that the Wii lacked proper specs but the Wii was perfect for studios not trying to break the bank. There was NO excuse for the lack of proper third party support on the Wii and even with that said there was more third party support on the Wii than on GameCube. Hell, there was way more mature rated games on Wii compared to Cube. It's funny how people act as if the Wii was a total failure but the same damn people were not saying that a few years ago. If I remember correctly, wansn't the Wii that little white box that was kicking the asses of the PS360 almost five years in a row. Funny how people easily forget how awesome the Wii was and still is. Shameful how people act as if their manhood depended on which console they played. As if owning a PS360 makes them any more manly. As for people who say that All Nintendo has on their system is games for children. Let me count the ways,

...Need I say more. The next person that says that there's nothing but kiddy games on a Nintendo console, deserves a thousand deaths! That might sound harsh but I've been watching Gundam 00 lately and I'm sure you people understand my rage!
I never said that they censor games, I said that they don't really have any IP's that would appeal to the M audience other than maybe Metroid Prime. Re-read what I wrote before you start assuming things.

The games you are not Nintendo's creations except for Zelda and Metroid and Zelda isn't exactly for adult audiences anyways so I don't know why you mentioned it - it's a rather tame title. A very good excuse for lack of third-party support was that the Wii didn't keep up with the times and wasn't able to support what the third party developers wanted to develop - it's simple as that. The Cube was at the top of the game when it was released, the Wii was a generation behind. It has nothing to do with "manlyness" but with available resources which were miniscule at best on the Wii, hence horrible downports like Dead Rising.

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