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Yo, just a friendly warning to try not to spam/dilute the recent content section with your mundane responses. Try to space out responding to people introducing themselves.

Many thanks, the average users of GBATemp.
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I understand what you're saying, was just catching up on the ones i missed. I always try to not do more than 4-5 at a time, only this time i did one or two more. Sorry for bumping other threads on the recent content section that were of interest to you, it wasn't intentional.
We used a database to transfer an Excel file into another database... wtf is wrong with people?!?
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you tell us, you're the one what done it
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Apparently, the dude was married to Access. Any problems? Make an Access program for it. I'll be making a few calls tomorrow to resolve this. :wacko:
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ha ha ha, that IT guy should work on my old company, their motto was: «Why do it the easy way, if the very complicated one is possible!»
This is why I don't trust banks
"Your checking account has been charged a $15 'just because' fee, what you gonna do about it?"
Behold, the moment ChatGPT finally said something smart after me debugging all night and most of a day.
My brain can't math. And neither can ChatGPT.
Ah, sorry.

What I meant to say, is that your code looks like linear interpolation (lerp), except you got the sides swapped.

lerp(rightChange, leftChange, positionRatio);
The Real Jdbye
The Real Jdbye
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The Real Jdbye
The Real Jdbye
That function will be useful for the future, I'm sure I'll need it again at some point. I thought I recognized the formula (having seen it used in code before), just didn't know what it was called.
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: It's getting a 12TB drive and my old RX580