Hi all, I'm zeusdeegoose! I'm not necessarily unfamiliar with this site, I've been browsing as a lurker for a few years, but I bit the bullet and created an account today thanks to a good friend of mine.
I own the following consoles: Wii, 3DS, Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Steam Deck, iPhone 12
Favorite game: The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Discord: zeusdeegoose/Blad#2469, Alt: bladthebroker
I also do some reviews on the site Backloggd under the same name (can't link it here yet tho).
Hope I can be of assistance/joy in some way!
I own the following consoles: Wii, 3DS, Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Steam Deck, iPhone 12
Favorite game: The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Discord: zeusdeegoose/Blad#2469, Alt: bladthebroker
I also do some reviews on the site Backloggd under the same name (can't link it here yet tho).
Hope I can be of assistance/joy in some way!