Probably about a year ago i installed all sorts of different loaders and games onto my wii and got it to a point where i was relatively satisfied with the amount of content on it. I stopped tinkering with it altogether, and only recently loaded it back up to play a few different games. My gamecube games and games for all other emulators load just fine. However, for some reason USB loader GX no longer shows the wii games i had downloaded. Again, i had everything working right a year ago and did not change anything. Just out of nowhere i can't access my wii games. Wiiflow seems to recognize that i have them, but shows no image and freezes up when i try to load them. USB loader GX ignores them altogether, but still shows GC games. Does anyone know how i can fix this? I don't even have a computer right now, but hopefully i shouldn't need one considering the problem happened without the use of one