Softmodding was not without its risks/downsides so two methods of negating some issues with devised
Shadow C
Virtual EEPROM.
Shadow C meant the original xbox dash was left on it and some space was taken for a new "C drive" to have the hacked/alternative dashes put on it.
Virtual EEPROM is much along the same concept but for EEPROM (a chip that holds a small amount of data, data needed for the xbox to boot if you have just got a softmod on it). Here some hacks would make a virtual one that other programs could trash but you would still be left with a somewhat bootable xbox to fix it.
You can grab the other if you like but if the serials match then you have a copy of a good one -- to liveinfo virtual eeprom is basically random garbage.
You might have one, the other, none or both. I do not suggest changing whatever setup you presently have really.