Transferring VPK's to and from your psvita with FTP or pop save
VPK to PsVita Without FTP or psp save
What you need:
Computer with Content Manager assistant
VPK of your choice
Psvita and usb to vita cable
Step 1: Take example.vpk and change it to example.mp3. locate the default music folder that your psvita will be able to recognize mp3s and put your example.mp3 (formerly vpk) into that music folder on your pc or mac.
(go to your Content Manager Assistant's preferences to find out your default music folder)
Step 2: Get your psvita and launch the music app, tap your computers name/Songs/example.mp3 and copy it.
Step 3: Now open molecularShell locate ux0:/music/0d(this will change via file) after that you should see "example.mp3", highlight it and press triangle and rename it to example.vpk then install it and it should work!
I've only tested this with vitamin and shovel knights, i do not condone piracy, modify your psvita at your own risk.
What you need:
psvita and usb
computer with at least one mp3 file
Step 1: Put a song on your psvita, any song (rename the song to something easy to remember)
Ex. VPKexport.mp3
Step 2: locate your newly made vpk back up in molecular shell (ux0:/Vitamin/random 2digits/randomname.vpk)
Step 3: press triangle and rename you vpk to the name of your mp3 (mine would be "VPKexport.mp3")
Step 4: press triangle and copy the vpk to (ux0:/music/random 2digits/VPKexport.mp3)
and replace the song with the vpk with the same name.
Step 5: open your music app on the psvita, while connected to your computer via usb and copy the song "VPKexport.mp3" to you computers music folder, that'll actually be your vpk and you can rename it on your computer to what the actual game is called.
At the end of the transfer, on your computer your "VPKexport.mp3" should be as big as the game vpk you are exporting if done successfully. If it is not, then you just transferred the song back to your computer!
What you need:
Computer with Content Manager assistant
VPK of your choice
Psvita and usb to vita cable
Step 1: Take example.vpk and change it to example.mp3. locate the default music folder that your psvita will be able to recognize mp3s and put your example.mp3 (formerly vpk) into that music folder on your pc or mac.
(go to your Content Manager Assistant's preferences to find out your default music folder)
Step 2: Get your psvita and launch the music app, tap your computers name/Songs/example.mp3 and copy it.
Step 3: Now open molecularShell locate ux0:/music/0d(this will change via file) after that you should see "example.mp3", highlight it and press triangle and rename it to example.vpk then install it and it should work!
I've only tested this with vitamin and shovel knights, i do not condone piracy, modify your psvita at your own risk.
What you need:
psvita and usb
computer with at least one mp3 file
Step 1: Put a song on your psvita, any song (rename the song to something easy to remember)
Ex. VPKexport.mp3
Step 2: locate your newly made vpk back up in molecular shell (ux0:/Vitamin/random 2digits/randomname.vpk)
Step 3: press triangle and rename you vpk to the name of your mp3 (mine would be "VPKexport.mp3")
Step 4: press triangle and copy the vpk to (ux0:/music/random 2digits/VPKexport.mp3)
and replace the song with the vpk with the same name.
Step 5: open your music app on the psvita, while connected to your computer via usb and copy the song "VPKexport.mp3" to you computers music folder, that'll actually be your vpk and you can rename it on your computer to what the actual game is called.
At the end of the transfer, on your computer your "VPKexport.mp3" should be as big as the game vpk you are exporting if done successfully. If it is not, then you just transferred the song back to your computer!
Last edited by DeeHow,