sd card corruption. are you exfat or fat32?
So ive been dealing with this issue for the past few hours and asked a few people and no one can pointt in the right direction. For a little background context, i wanted to update to 13.0.2 since everything is patched and so i went through the normal rigamaroll of updating all the important stuff and now i get this error every time no matter what i do. Now i did talk to a few people who said its a contents issue, except i have no contents folder, and i tried bit archiver fix and that didn't work, so im basically stuck. Ive tried a few guides and clean installed MULTPLE times and just can't seem to make any progress.
If you dont have an atmosphere/contents folder, either your card is dying/fake/whatever, or you need to just reinstall atmosphere.
Just go download the latest version from github and copy the files over to your SD card.
If it is the card itself, you can try formatting it (fat32) or get a new card.
The error itself is a generalized error, you're missing atmosphere files. Its up to you to find out if you're just missing files or your card is corrupted/dying.
sd card corruption. are you exfat or fat32?
yea exfat driver on switch is known to corrupt sd cards, a matter of when not if. fat32 is the way to go, but besure to format it using guiformat or something on exfat, i REALLY didnt wanna switch because i have to copy 200+ gigs of shit over but i guess i dont have a choice.
yea exfat driver on switch is known to corrupt sd cards, a matter of when not if. fat32 is the way to go, but besure to format it using guiformat or something similar.
like downgrade fw? not safely no. you could restore a backed up nand but that should only be done as a last resort as it can lead to brick and or ban if not careful. though the latest method uses hekate to restore the nand. not cfw itself but familiar with rufus and guiformatter, but in regard to my previous question, is that somethings that possible? can i downgrade without accessing cfw
like downgrade fw? not safely no. you could restore a backed up nand but that should only be done as a last resort as it can lead to brick and or ban if not careful. though the latest method uses hekate to restore the nand. not cfw itself but still.
can I ask why you are trying to downgrade fw? should be no need unless your tryna ride sx os forever loli dont have a backed up nand, so basically if this doesnt work, im fucked.
can I ask why you are trying to downgrade fw? should be no need unless your tryna ride sx os forever lol
oh nah thats fine. you should update in stock ofw to burn your fuses and gc fuses. you can update in syscfw and preserve the fuses aswell, thats not recommended but also wouldnt be causing your issueno no, that ship has sailed a long time ago. So i had a bad feeling when i did it,but when i updated to 13.0.2, i did so via stock firmware, and im wondering if that is what messed me up, i know that im grasping at straws, but its all ive got.
oh nah thats fine. you should update in stock ofw to burn your fuses and gc fuses. you can update in syscfw and preserve the fuses aswell, thats not recommended but also wouldnt be causing your issue